Z. Kachlishvili, Y. Ben-Ezra (formerly Kezerashvili)
Low-temperature breakdown in a two-level partially compensated semiconductor
Izvestia Vuzov., (4), 1988 (71-75)
Z. Kachlishvili, Y. Ben-Ezra (formerly Kezerashvili)
Influence of illumination on the electrical breakdown of two-level semiconductors
Izvestia Vuzov., (7), 1990 (97-100)
Y. Ben-Ezra, (formerly Kezerashvili)
Dynamic chaos in semiconductors
Soviet Physics Semiconductors, 24(6), 1990 (697-702)
Y. Ben-Ezra, V. Fleurov
Anomalous rapprochement of atoms in A -Rich metallic glasses
Solid State Communication, 89, 1994 (591-594)
Y. Ben-Ezra, V. Fleurov, A. Frenkel, E.A. Stern, A. Voronel, A. Rubinstein
Redistribution of La-A nearest-neighbor distances in the metallic glass
Physical Review B., 54(2), 1996 (884-892)
Y. Ben-Ezra, V. Fleurov
The role of rare-earth atomic collapse in the formation of A -rich metallic glasses
J. of Physics: Condensed Matter, 11, 1999 (135-146)
Y. Ben-Ezra, Yu. V. Pershin, Yu. A. Kaplunovsky, I.D. Vagner, P. Wyder
Modeling of the dielectric breakdown under strong magnetic fields
J. of Statistical Physics, 106(3/4), 2002 (653-662)
M. Haridim, H. Matzner, Y. Ben-Ezra, J. Gavan
Cooperative targets detection and tracking range maximization
using multimode LADAR/RADAR and transponders
Progress in Electromagnetics Research, PIER 44, 2004 (217-229)
[also appears as Refereed Abstract in J. of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications (JEWA) 18(3), 2004 (363-366)]
M. Kopeetsky, Y. Ben-Ezra, B.I. Lembrikov
Influence of ATM/IP traffic on power transients in optical networks
J. of Optical Networking, 4(2), 2005 (82-91)
Y. Ben-Ezra, M. Haridim, B.I. Lembrikov
Theoretical analysis of gain-recovery time and chirp in QD-SOA
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 17(9), 2005 (1803-1805)
Y. Ben-Ezra, B. I. Lembrikov, M. Haridim
Acceleration of gain recovery and dynamics of electrons in QD-SOA
IEEE J. of Quantum Electronics, 41(10), 2005 (1268-1273)
M. Haridim, Y.Z. Hachamo, B.I. Lembrikov, O. Mechani, Y. Ben-Ezra, F. Podevin
Direct optical-to-microwave domain conversion
Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 48(2), 2006 (320-322)
Y. Ben-Ezra, U. Mahlab, B.I. Lembrikov, E. Dolev
Automatic detection and classification of power transients
in optical communication networks
J. of Optical Networking, 5(7), 2006 (568-574)
Y. Ben-Ezra, M. Haridim, B.I. Lembrikov
All-optical AGC of EDFA based on SOA
IEEE J. of Quantum Electronics, 42(12), 2006 (1209-1214)
Y. Ben Ezra, B.I. Lembrikov, M. Haridim
Special features of XGM in QD-SOA
IEEE J. of Quantum Electronics, 43(8), 2007 (730-737)
Y. Ben Ezra, M. Haridim, B.I. Lembrikov, M. Ran
Proposal for all-optical generation of Ultra-Wideband impulse radio signals in
Mach-Zehnder Interferometer with Quantum-Dot optical amplifier
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 20(7), 2008 (484-486)
Y. Ben-Ezra, B.I. Lembrikov, M. Haridim
Ultrafast all-optical processor based on Quantum-Dot Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers
IEEE J. of Quantum Electronics, 45(1), 2009 (34-41)
M.P. Thakur, T.J. Quinlan, C. Bock, S.D. Walker, M. Toycan, S.E.M. Dudley, D.W. Smith, A.
Borghesani, D. Moodie, M. Ran, Y. Ben-Ezra
480-Mbps, Bi-directional, ultra-wideband radio-over-fibre transmission using a 1308/1564-nm reflective electro-absorption transducer and commercially-available VCSELs
J. of Lightwave Technology, 27(3), 2009 (266-272)
Y. Ben Ezra, M. Ran, B.I. Lembrikov, B. Cabon, A. Leibowitch, M. Haridim
Up-conversion of triple-band OFDM UWB signals by a multimode VCSEL
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 21(13), 2009 (869-871)
Y. Ben-Ezra, M. Ran, B.I. Lembrikov, U. Mahlab, M. Haridim, A. Leibovich
Optimal transmission of OFDM ultra-wideband signals beyond 40 Gb/s
Special Issue on Transparent Optical Networking
J. of Networks, 5(2), 2010 (140-151) [invited]
M. Ran, B.I. Lembrikov,Y. Ben-Ezra
Ultra-wideband radio-over-optical fiber concepts, technologies and applications
IEEE Photonics J., 2(1), 2010 (36-48) [invited]
I. Bakish, V. Artel, T. Ilovitsh, M. Shubely, Y. Ben-Ezra, A. Zadok, C.N. Sukenik
Self-assembled monolayer assisted bonding of Si and InP
Optical Materials Express, 2(8), 2012 (1141-1148)
Y. Ben-Ezra, B.I. Lembrikov
Synchronized carrier dynamics in Quantum Dot-in-a-Well (QDWELL) laser
under an optical injection
IEEE J. of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 19(5), 2013 (1901508)
Y. Stern, K. Zhong, T. Schneider, Y. Ben-Ezra, R. Zhang, M. Tur, A. Zadok
Brillouin optical spectrum analyzer monitoring of subcarrier-multiplexed fiber-optic signals
Applied Optics, 52(25), 2013 (6179-6184)
Y. Ben-Ezra, B.I. Lembrikov
Semiconductor optical amplifier based on a Quantum Dot-in-a-Well (QDWELL) structure
under optical pumping
IEEE J. of Quantum Electronics, 50(5), 2014 (340-347)
Y. Stern, K. Zhong, T. Schneider, R. Zhang, Y. Ben-Ezra, M. Tur, A. Zadok
Tunable sharp and highly selective microwave-photonic band-pass filters
based on stimulated Brillouin scattering
Photonics Research, 2(4), 2014 (B18-B25)
Y. Ben-Ezra, B.I. Lembrikov
Quantum Dot-in-a-Well (QDWELL) laser dynamics under optical injection
Optical and Quantum Electronics, 46, 2014 (1239-1245)
[published online: DOI 10.107/s11082-013-9829-3]
Y. Ben-Ezra, B.I. Lembrikov
Investigation of a Cross-Gain modulation (XGM) in a Semiconductor Optical Amplifier (SOA) based on a Quantum Dot-in-a-Well (QDWELL) structure
IET Optoelectronics, 9(2), 2015 (43-51)
Y. Ben-Ezra, B.I. Lembrikov
UWB system optical link based on a Quantum-Dot-in-a-Well (QDWELL) laser
Optical and Quantum Electronics, 47, 2015 (1527-1533) [IF=1.078]
Y. Ben Ezra, A. Zadok, R. Califa, D. Munk, B.I. Lembrikov
All-optical wavelet-based orthogonal frequency division multiplexing system
based on silicon photonic integrated components
IET Optoelectronics, 10(2), 2016 (44-50)
[selected papers from Semiconductor and Integrated Optoelectronics Conf.,
Cardiff, Wales, 31 March-2 April 2015]
B.I. Lembrikov, D. Ianetz, Y. Ben-Ezra
Nonlinear optical phenomena in a Silicon-Smectic A Liquid Crystal (SALC) waveguide
Materials, 12(13), 2019 (2086 – 17 pages)
[This article belongs to the Special Issue: Photoactive Materials: Synthesis, Applications and Technology]