The goal: To bring senior representatives from academy, industry and society from Israel, the UAE and Central Asian countries together with senior Uzbek representatives in Innovation, Academy, Industry, Health and Tourist-Heritage's eco- systems.
The event is scheduled for 05-11.09.2022 in the cities of Tashkent-Bukhara-Samarkand in the Republic of Uzbekistan. Due to rapidly changing regulations regarding the Covid-19 pandemic, the Organizing Committee has decided that the (STEM)^2 conference will be held in a hybrid format which will enhance its outreach. (See attached Program).
The Conference is co-chaired by Prof. Eduard Yakubov, President of HIT and Prof. Adir Pridor, Chairman of the Executive Committee of HIT.
Within this framework, the aim is to bring together scientists and experts from diverse fields to discuss innovations and future frontiers in the (STEM)^2 disciplines. Conference participants will strive to promote collaboration and practical advancement, as well as to share emerging trends in areas of Science and Technology; Spoken Language Processing; Artificial Intelligence; Machine Learning and Big Data Analytics; as well as other Deep Learning disciplines based on Applied Mathematics, Digital Medical Technologies, Culture Heritage and Tourism Technologies, Agriculture and Water Technologies, Education e-learning Technologies, Image Processing and more.
An HIT cooperative initiative with the Ministry of Innovative Development, Ministry of Health and National University of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Israel-Uzbekistan Society; UAE - United Arab Emirates University; and Baku State University in Azerbaijan.
The program will focus on the First Israel-Uzbekistan Academic Forum and in the (STEM) ^2 disciplines: New Innovative e-learning Technologies; Digital Medical Technologies and the Innovation Challenge "How to build a bridge Academic Young Entrepreneurs with Innovative-Hungry Companies to Solve Real-Academy-Industry-Society Problems Together"
The Innovation Challenge will be launched at the Opening of the conference and will conclude on 09.09.2022, the last day of conference.
Participating teams are requested to submit their innovative idea and concept together with a short 5 min. presentation, which should be in the form of a mock-up, screenplay, or interface prototype. All teams must upload their proposals as a video-recorded pitch by 07.09.2022 on the (STEM)^2 website (Registration).
A jury comprised of representatives from the Steering Committee, experts in e-tourism and smart cities, universities, government and industry partners from Israel and Uzbekistan, will select the most compelling ideas.
The top 5 candidates will be invited to present their ideas at the official closing session of (STEM)^2 on 09.09.2022 in the facilities of the Ministry of Innovative Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan, where we will invite two Israeli speakers to present the important innovation goals for our respective countries.
Committee members will provide a position paper at the conclusion of the Innovation challenge, to be sent to the Cabinet of Ministries of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The position paper will include the results and vision of how to build the innovative academy-industry bridge.
HIT collaboration with the Ministry of Innovative Development, Ministry of Health and National University of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Israel-Uzbekistan Society, UAE - United Arab Emirates University; Azerbaijan - Baku State University.
The Program will focus on (STEM) ^2 disciplines: Digital Medical Technologies, Applied Mathematics and Computer Technologies, Education e-learning Technologies and accreditation of academic systems, Women’s Leadership in the Academy of the 21st Century.
Innovative Challenge official closing session and announcement of winner.
HIT’s cooperative interaction with The Committee of Inter-ethnic Relations and Friendly Cooperation with Foreign Countries Under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan and “Israel-Uzbekistan Friendship Society
The Program will focus on the Israel-Uzbekistan Days of Science & Technology including a visit to the Holocaust Memorial and opening of the Israel section in Uzbekistan History Museum.
An HIT cooperative endeavor with Bukhara State University and the Municipality, Israel-Uzbekistan Friendship Society and Israeli Institutions of Higher Education: Ariel University, TAU - Tel Aviv University, BGU - Ben Gurion University, Open University, Bar-Ilan University, Haifa University, Ashkelon Academic College, Institutions of Higher Education from other countries: UAE - United Arab Emirates University; Azerbaijan - Baku State University, Baku Engineering University, Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences; Kazakhstan - Astana Medicine University and School of Medical Genetics in the Republic of Kazakhstan; Turkey - Ataturk University; Istanbul Ticaret University; Finland - Karelian University of Applied Science.
The Program will focus on the First Israel-Uzbekistan Academic Forum, First Israel-Uzbekistan International Summit of Academic Leaders and (STEM) ^2 disciplines: Digital Medical Technologies, Culture Heritage and Tourism Technologies, Architecture and Urban Innovative Technologies, Agriculture and Water Technologies, Education e-learning Technologies, Women’s Leadership in the Academy of the 21st Century.
HIT, working together with Samarkand State University and Silk Road Tourism International University, Samarkand Municipality and UAE - United Arab Emirates University, Azerbaijan - Baku State University.
The Program will focus on the First Israel-Uzbekistan Academic Forum and in the (STEM)^2 disciplines: Culture Heritage and Tourism Innovative Technologies, Information, Computer and Museum Technologies.