עוד בפרק זה:
Tribology and Interfaces
Head of the Laboratory: Prof. Lev Rapoport
Email: rapoport@hit.ac.il
Tel: (972)3-5026616 / (972)3-5026636
Fax: (972)3-5026619
Email: rapoport@hit.ac.il
Tel: (972)3-5026616 / (972)3-5026636
Fax: (972)3-5026619
We deal with the interdisciplinary research and developments in the field of the tribology design. The mainstream of the laboratory activity lies currently in the study of friction and wear behavior of nano-materials, coatings and thin films. Deformation and fracture of surface layers under friction is analyzed. New and standard experimental-research methods are used in the study of deformation and fracture of surface layers in different contact conditions.
We deal with the interdisciplinary research and developments in the field of the tribology design. The mainstream of the laboratory activity lies currently in the study of friction and wear behavior of nano-materials, coatings and thin films. Deformation and fracture of surface layers under friction is analyzed. New and standard experimental-research methods are used in the study of deformation and fracture of surface layers in different contact conditions.
Current Research Themes
- Friction and Wear of Hard Coatings
- Friction and Wear of Solid Lubricants (Nanomaterials)
- Friction and Wear of Sintered Materials
- Surface texturing
- Deformation and Fracture of Single Crystals
- Development of the models of deformation and fracture under friction
- Development of Wear Maps for Prediction of Wear Rate
- Stick-slip phenomenon
- Interaction between structure and friction and wear
Laboratory Facilities o Different Friction and Wear Testers
- Scratch Tester
- Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM)
- Scanning Probe Microscopy (SPM)
- Transmitting Electron Microscopy (TEM)
- X-Ray Difractometer
- Optical Microscopy
- Hardness and Microhardness Testers
- Computer Aided Acoustic Emission System
- Computerized System for Roughness Measuring
Prof. Lev Rapoport - Head of Laboratory
Dr. Alexey Moshkovich – Friction and wear of solid lubricant
Dr. Vladislav Perfilyev – Development of solid lubricant films
Dr. Klara Yutudjan – Chemistry of friction surfaces
Dr. Igor Lapsker - Scanning Microscopy
Eng. Oleg Foigel – Design of mechanical parts
Prof. Lev Rapoport - Head of Laboratory
Dr. Alexey Moshkovich – Friction and wear of solid lubricant
Dr. Vladislav Perfilyev – Development of solid lubricant films
Dr. Klara Yutudjan – Chemistry of friction surfaces
Dr. Igor Lapsker - Scanning Microscopy
Eng. Oleg Foigel – Design of mechanical parts
Friction and Wear of Ceramics and Hard Coatings
Friction and Wear of Solid Lubricants
Choosing the Friction Pairs for Different Contact Applications
Friction and Wear of Ceramics and Hard Coatings
- Analysis of Adhesion between Coating and Substrate.
- Analysis of Load, Sliding Velocity and Environmental Conditions.
- Analysis of Transition from Mild to Severe Wear.
- Analysis of Wear Mechanisms on Real Tools.
- Study of Stick-Slip Phenomena.Effect of temperature
Friction and Wear of Solid Lubricants
- Estimation of Stability of Solid Lubricant Particles in Oil under Different Contact Conditions.
- Analysis of Wear Mechanisms.
- Analysis of friction of nanoparticles at different length scales.
- Analysis of Damage Development.
- Application of the nanoparticles at different contact conditions.
Choosing the Friction Pairs for Different Contact Applications
- Comparison of Friction and Wear Behavior of the Materials under Definite Contact Conditions.
- Development of Recommendations for Application of Friction Pairs in the Definite Contact Conditions.
- Analysis of Damage Development in Real Contact Conditions.
- Study of lubricants for different contact conditions.
AFM image of fullerene-like WS2, nanoparticles.
Inorganic fullerene-like materials (IF) have been identified as being of potentially utmost importance for many industrial applications, as a consequence of their unique mechanical and electronic properties. In analogy to carbon fullerenes (C60, etc), fullerene-like materials are made of two-dimensional lamellar structure, like BN, CNx, MoS2, CdCl2, etc, with closed and curved morphologies, grown into three-dimensional networks or architectures and displaying a wide range of shapes. As a consequence of their atomic-scale structure involving strong covalent bonds and non-compact space filling, these materials have been identified as strong candidates for tribological applications such as solid lubricants. The analysis of the IF nanoparticles showed that most of all pristine nanoparticles were closed and hollow, having nearly spherical shape. The average size of the IF-WS2 particles was close to 120 nm.
Fig.1. IF- WS2 nanoparticles with close to roll shape show excellent tribological properties
Damage of WS2 nanoparticles under compression.
The hydrostatic powder compression experiments were carried out using quasi-hydrostatic polyurethane bag tooling. It was found that these nanoparticles are capable of withstanding a severe hydrostatic pressure, caused by compression. Detailed structural studies revealed a deformation of the IF nanoparticles and breakage of their outer shells under compression. The exfoliation of only the external layers of the IF nanoparticles, preservation of their shape and their lattice parameter allude to the very high stiffness of fullerene-like nanoparticles. Mainly, only the outermost layers of the IF-WS2 medium are damaged, which affect on the tribological behavior of this material.
Fig. 2. HR-TEM image of delamination of external thin sheets of fullerene-like WS2 nanoparticles under compression.
MoS2 particles in the dimples of laser textured surfaces.
Incorporation of solid lubricant into micro-reservoirs produced by Laser Surface Texturing (LST) and its effect on the tribological properties of surfaces under dry friction is studied. The density of the dimple reservoirs and the height of the bulges around them are investigated in terms of the longevity of solid lubricant films burnished on LST steel surfaces. Friction tests were performed using a ball-on-flat device. Optimum density (40-50%) of the dimples is revealed (Fig. 3). It is shown that the adhesion of solid lubricant in the space between the dimples is provided by mechanical engagement of particles in the rough surface and by smearing the solid lubricant around the dimples. Best results are obtained with surfaces that were lapped to half of the height of bulges. Long wear life of burnished film on LST steel surfaces is apparently provided by preservation of thin MoS2 film around the bulges and by supply of solid lubricant from the dimple
Fig. 3. MoS2 particles burnished into the dimples of laser textured surface (a). Single dimple burnished with MoS2 particles (b)
Nanoscratching of hard thin films.
The nanoindentation and nanoscratching procedures were used for measuring mechanical characteristics of the thin coatings. Both procedures were performed with DI Dimension 3100 equipped with a diamond tip mounted to the end of the metal cantilever. This test was performed in order to evaluate the relative wearability of thin films in comparison to polymer substrates. Fig. 4 shows the scratches on the surface of SnO2 at different loads. Good adhesion is observed for all thin films studied. The cracks or delamination were not observed around the scratch tracks of films from the substrate. The wearability of SnO2 films is 50-80 times higher than for the polymer substrates.
Fig. 4. Nanoscratching of SnO2 thin film on the surface of polymer
Adhesion of glass surfaces.
Some micro-electro-mechanical systems have to provide very precise translation during motion after pauses. Increasing a time of the pauses (waiting time) usually raises the static friction overshoot, limiting thus the precision of these systems. The goal of this work was to study the effect of testing and waiting time; loading and unloading on static and kinetic friction for real contact microsystems.The testing rig is shown in Fig. 5.
Fig. 5. Set-up of glass samples in the friction device.
Fig. 6 Overshoot of the static friction force during first half of the cycle after stopping the test. Waiting time is 16 hours.
Stick-slip phenomenon in high-temperature coatings.
The effect of some types of silicone fluids on static friction was studied. The stick-slip phenomena with silicone fluids between glass surfaces was evaluated. The silicone fluids with viscosity of 100 cSt; 450 cSt, and 5000 cSt were studied. The effect of waiting time on the static friction was analyzed. The value of the static force overshoot increased with a waiting time. The change of the friction force in the first half of the cycle after long waiting time (16 hours) is shown in Fig. 6. The minimal value of the critical shear force observed for silicone fluid with viscosity of 450 cSt can be attributed to small number of the molecular "bonds" and little interdigitation of the chains in comparison to PDMS and DPSDMS liquids.
Fig. 7. Stick-slip curve under friction of CrV(0)N coating at room temperature during half of the cycle.
Fig. 8. The Magneli structure of CrV(35%)N coating after friction at 5000C decreases significantly the friction coefficirnt and the sticks during friction.
Our Investigations in the field of the Tribological Properties of inorganic fullerene like nanomaterials has been approved for support by the Binational Science Foundation (BSF) in 1998 year and by the Israeli Ministry of Science (1999). The investigation in the field of improvement of tribological properties of laser textured surfaces by filling the dimples with solid lubricant nanoparticles has been supported by the Israeli Ministry of Science (2005).
Our Investigations in the field of the Tribological Properties of inorganic fullerene like nanomaterials has been approved for support by the Binational Science Foundation (BSF) in 1998 year and by the Israeli Ministry of Science (1999). The investigation in the field of improvement of tribological properties of laser textured surfaces by filling the dimples with solid lubricant nanoparticles has been supported by the Israeli Ministry of Science (2005).
Some of last important results (2008 - 2014) are published in :
L. Rapoport, A Moshkovich, V. Perfilyev, I. Lapsker, G. Halperin, Y. Itovich, I. Etsion
Friction and wear of MoS2 films on laswer textured steel surfaces
Surface and Coatings Technology”, 202, 2008 (3332-3340)
Friction and wear of MoS2 films on laswer textured steel surfaces
Surface and Coatings Technology”, 202, 2008 (3332-3340)
B. Späth, F. Kopnov, H. Cohen, A. Zak, A. Moshkovich, L. Rapoport,
W. Jägermann R. Tenne, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and tribology studies of
annealed fullerne-like WS2 nanoparticles, "Physica Status Solidi(b) ”, 245(9), 2008 (1779-1784)
W. Jägermann R. Tenne, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and tribology studies of
annealed fullerne-like WS2 nanoparticles, "Physica Status Solidi(b) ”, 245(9), 2008 (1779-1784)
L. Rapoport, A. Moshkovich, V. Perfilyev, A. Gedanken, Yu. Koltypin, E. Sominski, G. Halperin,
I. Etsion, Wear life and adhesion of solid lubricant films on laser-texture steel surfaces, Wear, 267,
2009 (1203-1207)
I. Etsion, Wear life and adhesion of solid lubricant films on laser-texture steel surfaces, Wear, 267,
2009 (1203-1207)
L. Rapoport, Steady friction state and contact models of asperity interaction, Wear, 267, 2009 (1305-1310)
A. Moshkovich, V. Perfilyev, I. Lapsker, L. Rapoport, Stribeck curve under friction of copper samples in the steady friction state, "Tribology Letters”, 37(3), 2010 (645-653)
C. Shahar, D. Zbaida, L. Rapoport, H. Cohen, T. Bendikov, J. Tannous, F. Dassenoy, R. Tenne,
Surface functionalization of WS2 fullerene-like nanoparticles, "Langmuir”, 26(6), 2009 (4409-4414)
Surface functionalization of WS2 fullerene-like nanoparticles, "Langmuir”, 26(6), 2009 (4409-4414)
V. Perfilyev, A. Moshkovich, I. Lapsker, L. Rapoport, Friction and wear of copper samples in the steady friction state, "Tribology Int'l.”, 43, 2010 (1449-1456)
A. Moshkovich, V. Perfilyev, T. Bendikov, I. Lapsker, H. Cohen, L. Rapoport, Structural evolution in copper layers during sliding under different lubricant conditions, "Acta Materialia”, 58, 2010 (4685-4692)
N. Parkansy, I.I. Beilis, D. Gindin, B. Alterkop, R.L. Boxman, A. Moshkovich, V. Perfilyev,
L. Rapoport, Yu. Rosenberg, Steel surface modification by pulsed air arc treatment, "Surface & Coatings Technology”, 205, 2010 (287-293)
L. Rapoport, Yu. Rosenberg, Steel surface modification by pulsed air arc treatment, "Surface & Coatings Technology”, 205, 2010 (287-293)
G. Samarodnitzky-Naveh, M. Redlich, A. Katz, A.R. Adini, A. Gorodnev, L. Rapoport,
A. Moshkovich, S.R. Cohen, R. Rozentsveig, J. Moshonov, B. Shay, R. Tenne, Towards medical applications of self-lubricating coatings with fullerene-like (IF) WS2 nanoparticles, "Int'l. J. of Nano and Biomaterials”, 3(2), 2010 (140-152)
A. Moshkovich, S.R. Cohen, R. Rozentsveig, J. Moshonov, B. Shay, R. Tenne, Towards medical applications of self-lubricating coatings with fullerene-like (IF) WS2 nanoparticles, "Int'l. J. of Nano and Biomaterials”, 3(2), 2010 (140-152)
L. Meshi, S. Samuha, S.R. Cohen, A. Laikhtman, A. Moshkovich, V. Perfilyev, I. Lapsker,
L. Rapoport, Dislocation structure and hardness of surface layers under friction of copper in different lubricant conditions, "Acta Materialia”, 59, 2011 (342-348)
A. Moshkovich, V. Perfilyev, I. Lapsker, D. Gorni, L. Rapoport, The effect of grain size on Stribeck curve and microstructure of copper under friction in the steady friction state, "Tribology Letters”, 42(1), 2011 (89-98)
A.R. Adini, Y. Feldman, S.R. Cohen, L. Rapoport, A. Moshkovich, M. Redlich, J. Moshonov, B. Shay, R. Tenne Alleviating fatigue and failure of NiTi endodontic files by a coating containing
Inorganic fullerene-like WS2 nanoparticles, "J. of Materials Research”, 2011 (1-9)
Inorganic fullerene-like WS2 nanoparticles, "J. of Materials Research”, 2011 (1-9)
Y. Bilik, D. Bilik, A. Moshkovich, V. Perfilyev, L. Rapoport, Roughness measurement parameters by the eddy current technique, "Materials Evaluation”, 2011 (794-802)
O. Eidelman, H. Friedman, R. Rosentsveig, A. Moshkovith, V. Perfiliev, S.R. Cohen,Y. Feldman, L. Rapoport, R. Tenne, Chrominum-rich coatings with WS2 nanoparticles containing fullerene-like structure, "NANO: Brief Reports and Reviews”, 6(5), 2011 (1-12)
A. Moshkovich, V. Perfilyev, D. Gorni, I. Lapsker, L. Rapoport, The effect of Cu grain size on transition from EHL to BL regime (Stribeck curve), "Wear” , 271, 2011 (1726-1732)
E. Zohar, S. Baruch, M. Shneider, H. Dodiuk, S. Kenig, H.D. Wagner, A. Zak,A. Moshkovith, L. Rapoport,R. Tenne, The mechanical and tribological properties of epoxy nanocomposites with WS2 nanotubes, "Sensors & Transducers", 12, 2011 (53-65) [Special Issue]
A. Moshkovich, V. Perfilyev, L. Meshi, S. Samuha, S. Cohen, H. Cohen, A. Laikhtman, L. Rapoport
Friction, wear and structure of Cu samples in the lubricated steady friction state, "Tribology Int'l.", 46, 2012 (154-160)
Friction, wear and structure of Cu samples in the lubricated steady friction state, "Tribology Int'l.", 46, 2012 (154-160)
A. Laikhtman, L. Rapoport, V. Perfilyev, A. Moshkovich, R. Akhvlediani, A. Hoffman, Optimization of chemical vapor deposition diamond films growth on steel: Correlation between mechanical properties, structure, and composition, "J. of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology", 11, 2011 (8251-8258)
L. Rapoport, A. Moshkovich, V. Perfilyev, A. Laikhtman, I. Lapsker, L. Yadgarov, R. Rosentsveig, R. Tenne
High lubricity of Re-doped fullerene-like MoS2 nanoparticles, "Tribology Letters", 45, 2012 (257-264)
High lubricity of Re-doped fullerene-like MoS2 nanoparticles, "Tribology Letters", 45, 2012 (257-264)
L. Yadgarov, R. Rosentsveig, G. Leitus, A. Albu-Yaron, A. Moshkovich, V. Perfilyev, R. Vasic,
A.I. Frenkiel, A.N. Enyashin, G. Seifert, L. Rapoport, R. Tenne, Controlled doping of MS2 (M=W,Mo) nanotubes and fullerene-like nanoparticles, "Angewandte Chemie Int'l. Edition", 51, 2012 (1148-1151)
A.I. Frenkiel, A.N. Enyashin, G. Seifert, L. Rapoport, R. Tenne, Controlled doping of MS2 (M=W,Mo) nanotubes and fullerene-like nanoparticles, "Angewandte Chemie Int'l. Edition", 51, 2012 (1148-1151)
A. Moshkovich, I. Lapsker, A. Laikhtman, V. Perfilyev, L. Rapoport, The failure and damage mechanisms under friction of copper in the EHL and mixed EHL regions, "Tribology Letters", 51(1), 2013 (57-64)
M. Shneider, L. Rapoport, A. Moshkovich, H. Dodiuk, S. Kenig, R. Tenne, A. Zak, Tribological performance of the epoxy-based composite reinforced by WS2 fullerene-like nanoparticles and nanotubes, "Physica Status Solidi A", 210(11), 2013 (2298-2306)
A. Moshkovich, I. Lapsker, L. Rapoport, Correlation between strengthening and damage of Cu refined by different SPD processing and friction in different lubricant regions, "Wear" 305, 2013 (45-50)
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