I'm pleased to present to you the Holon Institute of Technology's (HIT) strategic plan for the period of 2015-2025.
The State of Israel is recognized worldwide as a technology powerhouse, and in order to guarantee its continued existence and development, it is of the utmost importance for it to be a world leader also in science and engineering. Innovations in advanced technologies require on the one hand deep and extensive knowledge, but on the other hand also bold, creative thinking. Such technologies cut across different fields, serving vital functions in the business world and the economy, in fields such as security, health, infrastructure, agriculture, and more. Accordingly, the establishment of an experienced professional workforce, which could take part in the creation and development of advanced technologies for the Israeli business world and economy, is a vital national task.
The Holon Institute of Technology must take part in this national task, by training engineers, scientists, technology managers and designers to contribute to the economy and society at large. Alongside and in light of the fast changes taking place before our eyes in all walks of life, the Institute must present a strategic plan for the coming decade, tracing the new path the Institute will follow into a new era in higher education.
The Institute's strategic plan will lay out its vision, objectives, goals, critical factors for success, work plans and budgets. The strategic plan is not meant, naturally, to obviate the need for effective administration as part and parcel of daily activities, but rather to provide all those engaged in work at the Institute with a clearer sense of the Institute's objectives and goals, as well as the methods for regulating and controlling their implementation.
The strategic plan aims to lead the Institute:
- To continue pursuing academic development and growth
- To periodically reexamine and redefine its vision and objectives
- To redefine its short- and long-term academic priorities
The plan will offer a strategic sketch which will include, among else, the following core subjects:
- Developing academic programs that are attractive, up-to-date and relevant
- Securing an appropriate student mix for each faculty and degree
- Fostering the academic and administrative faculty
- Developing the physical infrastructure
- Improving relations with different types of business, as well as with academic and research institutions in Israel and abroad
The key to success in implementing the plan lies in making sure that all those participating in the plan are aware of its different aspects and understand the importance of their own contribution. This will allow us to accomplish the objectives delineated in the plan, and to contribute to its success. I wish us all good luck in implementing the plan.
Professor Eduard Yakubov
President of the Institute