


HIT – Holon Institute of Technology

Since 1969, when HIT was first established, our focus has always been on academic excellence amongst our faculty professionals, students and industry partners.  We continuously strive to promote industry collaboration, applied research knowledge and infusion of technology into the High Tech industry. Our staff, alumni and students are contributing to the State of Israel as a technology startup nation whose innovation is influencing global technological change. Together we have the power to forge an everlasting relationship between our students and the future of technological advancement. At HIT, these links of knowledge and support will serve as the pillars of success, reflecting concepts of innovative creativity, applied research and the future development of emerging technologies.


We believe that the combination of academic, industrial and social recognition will continue to advance knowledge in the areas of exact sciences, engineering, design, management and educational technologies throughout the broad academic spectrum. We also focus on ethical decision-making and social aspects of cyber-security and health technologies in the global exchange of educators and students.



Eye from Zion – Medical humanitarian mission

Eye from Zion is an Israeli based nonprofit organization that carries out medical humanitarian mission throughout the developing world.  
The first mission of Eye from Zion in Uzbekistan will be in cooperation with HIT Holon Institute of technology.

The mission will include 4 top Israeli Ophthalmologists in various specialties:

  • Prof. Eytan Blumenthal, Glaucoma specialist, head of Ophthalmology department in Rambam hospital, Haifa.
  • Prof. Arie Nemet, Oculoplastic specialist, head of Oculoplastic unit in Meir hospital, Kfar Saba 
  • Dr. Eyal Aloni, Neuro-Ophthalmology specialist, head on Ophthalmology department in Barzilay hospital, Ashkelon
  • Dr. Victoria Vishnevskia Dai, Director of Ocular Oncology and Autoimmune Disease Center at Sheba hospital, Ramat Gan 



NUUz – National University of Uzbekistan, Tashkent

NUUz - National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek is the first and the principal higher educational institution not only in Uzbekistan but also in Central Asia. The University has been contributing the society by preparing highly qualified specialists in various spheres of economy, as well as being on the top of success in science for a century.

The graduates of the University are working successfully at foreign higher institutions. One bright example is that Eduard Yakubov, the president of HIT Holon Institute of Technology (Israel), Doctor Amir Makhmudov, Ministry of Health (USA), Zair Ibragimov, Full Professor, California State University(USA), and more.


For the time being more than 30 students got Presidential scholarship, also 25 students got Mirzo Ulugbek scholarship and 30 students Alisher Navoi scholarship. A dozen of University students won in International Olympiads and sport competitions worldwide.

At present, 29 academicians, more than 150 Doctors of Science and professors, more than 400 Candidates of Science, PhD, associate professors, more than 200 young scientists and more than 500 gifted students conduct their research works in different spheres of science in NUUz.


Having a great scientific potential, the National University of Uzbekistan is regarded as the basic higher educational institute in the Republic. State Educational Standards, Educational Plans and Curricula are designed and implemented in the educational process for other higher institutions.

NUUz have been cooperating with more than 100 higher educational institutions of developed countries. Among them Moscow State University named after M.V.Lomonosov, Seoul National University, California State University, HIT and more.

There are 14 faculties, 74 departments, Scientific research institute of semiconductors physics and microelectronics, Institute of biophysics and biochemistry, Centre for nanotechnologies development,5 museums, academic base “Botany”, scientific library, house of culture, 9 dormitories, sports fields and water sports Hall.



SSU – Samarkand State University

SSU - Samarkand State University is a famous and classical higher educational institution. The SSU has been preparing thousands of specialists and highly qualified personnel for the national economy of Uzbekistan for a long time.

Currently, about 13000 students are studying at 34 directions (BS) and 40 specialized MS degree, 63 chairs at 14 faculties of Samarkand State University. They have being taught about 850 professor-teachers, including 4 academicians of Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, 81 doctors of science and 311 candidates of science. There are more than 40 professions in the field of philosophy (PhD) and Doctor of Sciences (DсS) and a series of scientific councils are working. There are 3 mln. including more than 15,000 rare books and Oriental manuscripts and as well as 3 academic lyceums, 4 museums, one green house and 2 unique devices are activating at the university.


During the years of independence, 19 university students have awarded with “President” stipend, 98 students are awarded with state stipends and 9 students have been awarded with “Zulfiya” State Prize. 7 students were world champions, 57 students were champions of Asia, and more than 170 students champion of Uzbekistan, more than 300 students became universiade champions and winners.


Samarkand State University is an active participant of reforms in education and science in Uzbekistan, combining teaching and learning processes, raising the competitiveness of trained personnel, introducing advanced pedagogical technologies, maintaining and prioritizing scientific researches.   



BSU - Bukhara State University

BSU named after "Fayzulla Khodjayev", is a higher educational institution in Bukhara, Uzbeikstan that trains scientific and pedagogical personnel. The BSU was founded on the basis of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on March 15, 1992 based on Bukhara Pedagogical Institute (1930).

There are 9 faculties (physics, economics, chemistry, agriculture, art graphics and folk applied art, history, foreign philology, pedagogy and physical culture, Uzbek philology), a social learning center , 50 specialized departments, regional language center, specialized academic lyceum, gymnasium, preparation courses, library (with rare manuscripts and lithographs), botanical garden, planetarium, computing center, test center, university history Archaeological sites,museums, trainings, sports training, sports complexes, educational and educational work clubs (2001).


BSU has scientific cooperation with Russia, Italy, Ireland, France, MAP, Poland, Germany and the United States.

Since its inception, the University has trained more than 25,000 professionals (2001). 



BETI - Bukhara Engineering Technological Institute

Bukhara engineering-technical institute of high technologies has been transformed by the decision number 214 of the Cabinet of Republic Uzbekistan from July, 25th, 2011, on basis of Bukhara technological institute food and light industry with a aim of further perfection of preparation experts meeting modern requirements of market economy, and also strengthening of personnel resource base in the field of high technologies of industrial and processing branches of Republic.


There are 4 faculties at the institute: Light and textile industry; Technique and technology of oil and gas; Automation of technological processes; Food technology.

25 chairs are engaged in preparation of highly skilled engineers of undergraduate and postgraduate. The contingent of students makes 5165 bachelors and 104 masters. Institute stuff consists of 332 teachers. Whole scientific potential of institute makes 50% from total of teachers.

The institute has 4 educational cases, the information-resource center, the test center, 2 hostels, 2 sports complexes.

Relevant information on previous or on-going international cooperation 1996, Grant of Eurasian fund for the sum of 14291 dollars for Organisation of information-consulting centre.