Pushkin IBC. Uzbekistan
Museum Technologies Session:
Head of Research, Innovation and International Ventures Authority, HIT Holon Institute of Technology
Medicine Session
Department of Physics and Optical Engineering, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, Terre Haute, Indiana, USA
Data Science Session:
Director of the Afrasiyab Museum, Uzbekistan
Museum Technologies Session:
Museum Technologies Session:
Lecturer at NUUz National University of Uzbekistan
Complex Analyses Session:
Director of the Institute of Mathematics of the Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences, Tashkent
Complex Analyses Session:
External Relations, R&I Support, President office
Chief Coordinator, Balkan & Euro-Asia countries
Lecturer, Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Technology Management
Design Technologies Session & Museum Technologies Session:
Prof. Utkir Abdulloyevich Rozikov
Leading scientific fellow & Professor of The National University of Uzbekistan, Institute of Mathematics, Tashkent
Complex Analyses Session:
Director of the ocular oncology and autoimmune service, The Goldschleger eye institute, Sheba Medical Center, Tel-Aviv University, Israel
Medicine Session:
Professor at the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, NUUz National University of Uzbekistan
Complex Analyses Session: