E. Hetzroni, H. Friman, H. Dahan, M. Nisnevitch, Y. Nitzan, R. Cahan
Purification and characterization of aminopeptidase produced by Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis
Conf. of Israel Institute of Chemical Engineers (IIChE2005)
Tel-Aviv, Israel, 9 June 2005 [poster]
H. Friman, R. Cahan, Y. Nitzan
Effect of Cyt1Aa toxin from Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis
and the conjugate Cyt1Aa-siderophore on bacterial cells
34th Federation of Biochemical Societies Congress (FEBS) Life's Molecular Interactions Prague, Czech Republic, 4-9 July 2009
The FEBS J., 276(1), 2009 (page 309) [poster]
H. Friman, R. Cahan, Y. Nitzan, A. Schechter
Effect of external voltage on Cupriavidus basilensis in bio electrochemical cell using phenol as a sole carbon and energy source
Annual Meeting of the Israel Society for Microbiology (ISM 2011)
Ramat Gan, Israel, 12 April 2011 (p.54) [poster]
(also appeared at the 8th Conf. on Active Research by Environmental Sciences Student (CARESS 2011), Rehovot, Israel, 15 June 2011 [poster])
H. Friman, A. Schechter, Y. Nitzan, R. Cahan
Effect of external voltage on Pseudomonas putida F1 in bio electrochemical cell using toluene as a sole carbon source
4th Congress of European Microbiologists (FEMS 2011)
Geneva, Switzerland, 26-30 June 2011 [poster]
H. Friman, A. Schechter, Y. Nitzan, R. Cahan
Toluene biodegradation in Bio Electrochemical Cells (BEC)
simulating Microbial Fuel Cell (MFC)
15th Int'l. Biodeterioration & Biodegradation Sym. (IBBS-15)
Vienna, Austria, 19-24 September 2011
H. Friman, A. Schechter, Y. Nitzan, R. Cahan
Phenol biodegradation using Cupriavidus basilensis in microbial fuel cell
Annual Meeting of the Israel Society for Microbiology (ISM 2012)
Ramat Gan, Israel, 2012 (p.99) [poster]
H. Friman, A. Schechter, Y. Nitzan, R. Cahan
Energy generation from phenol degrading using Cupriavidus basilensis
The 1st Conf. of the Israel Society for Biotechnology Engineering (ISBE)
Ramat Gan, Israel, 25 December 2011 (p.122) [poster]
H. Friman, A. Schechter, Y. Nitzan, R. Cahan
Phenol biodegradation in bio electrochemical cells using Cupriavidus basilensis
Meeting of the Israel Institute of Chemical Engineers
Tel-Aviv, Israel, 20 June 2012
[Best Research Poster Award]
R. Cahan, H. Friman, A. Schechter, Y. Ioffe, Y. Nitzan
Electricity formation and phenol degradation in microbial fuel cell using Cupriavidus basilensis bacterial cells
5th Int'l. Sym. on Biosorption and Bioremediation
Prague, Czech Republic, 24-28 June 2012 (p.110) [poster]
R. Cahan, H. Friman, A. Schechter, Y. Nitzan
Energy generation and phenol degradation in microbial fuel cell using Cupriavidus basilensis bacterial cells 5th Int'l. Sym. on Biosorption and Bioremediation
Prague, Czech Republic, 24-28 June 2012 (p.111) [poster]
H. Friman, A. Schechter, Y. Nitzan, R. Cahan
Phenol biodegradation in Bio Electrochemical Cells (BEC)
simulating Microbial Fuel Cell (MFC)
5th Int'l. Sym. on Biosorption and Bioremediation
Prague, Czech Republic, 24-28 June 2012 (p.126) [poster]
R. Cahan, A. Schechter, H. Friman, Y. Nitzan
Effect of external voltage on proteins appearance in Pseudomonas putida grown in bio electrochemical cell
The FEBS J. Special Issue: 22nd IUBMB & 37th FEBS Congress
Seville, Spain, 4-9 September 2012
279(1), 2012 (p.542) [poster]
H. Friman, Y. Back, N. Matsliah
Renewable Energy a new experimental teaching at multidisciplinary field
50th Meeting of the Israel Institute of Chemical Engineers, Tel-Aviv, Israel, 26 February 2015.