Using Computer Mediated Communication (CMC) in Education
R & D of Embedded Microcontroller Systems
Evaluating the effectiveness of teaching students, from Elementary and Junior schools, Science and Technology Literacy, using Lego-Logo and RCX Environments.
Developing computerized learning packages in the following subjects:
Design and Analysis of Electric Circuits (for Junior and High schools)
Computer Structure and Assembly Language
Robotics (including Machine Vision)
Principals of Robotics and Machine Vision via the Internet
Developing, Imparting and Evaluating Modular Instructional Units (MIU) in advanced technological subjects for High schools. The following MIU were developed:
Fundamentals of Computer Vision
Computerized Process Control
Computer Simulation in Electricity and Electronics
Velocity and Angular Control of DC Motor
Interactive Visualization of Space Movement with Instructional Robot
M. Ronen, M. Eliahu, 2000, Simulation - A bridge between theory and reality: the case of electric circuits, Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 16 , 14-26
M. Ronen, M. Eliahu, 1999, Simulation as a home learning environment - students' views, Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 15 , 258-268
Ronen, M., Eliahu, M. 1997. "Addressing student's common difficulties in basic electricity by qualitative simulation-based activities." Journal of Physics Education, Vol. 32, No. 6: 392-399
Ronen, M., Eliahu, M. 1995. "Teaching and learning basic electronics with a professional circuit analyzer program." European Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 20, No. 4: 487-498
Eliahu, M., Ronen, M. 1995. "A spreadsheet macro as a teaching and learning aid for solving electrical networks." Int. Journal of Electrical Engineering Education, Vol. 32: 133-140