Registration & Refreshments
Chair: Reshef Tenne
Chair: Alla Zak
Queensland University of Technology, Australia Nanomaterial properties and functions as revealed by in situ and operando TEM
Chair: Amir Handelman
Bar Ilan University, Israel One-step CVD synthesis of single atom catalysts on nanocarbons using thermal delamination: a new paradigm for high performance, binder-free, electrodes for water splitting
Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel Layered materials as versatile electrocatalysts
Chair: Janice Musfeldt
Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel Solution-processed materials based on carbon nanotubes
Tel Aviv University, Israel The unexpected advantages of nanocomposites extrusionbased 3D printing
Chair: Refael Barkan
Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel The plant age; materials for the future
Israel Institute for Biological Research, Israel mRNA vaccines: a game-changer in the fight against infectious diseases
Technion, Israel Porous silicon-based photonic biosensors for accelerated detection of pathogenic infections and resistant microorganisms
Chair: Dmitri Golberg
Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel New materials and approaches for 2,3,4D printing
SolarEdge Technologies Inc. Energy storage: academic research vs. industrial needs
Spacetek Technology AG, Switzerland Novel time-of-flight residual gas analyzer (TOF-RGA) for in situ real-time process monitoring
Chair: Alex Laikhtman
* Each participant of the poster competition is required to give a short Power Point presentation (max. 3 min., 2 slides)
Gathering & Refreshments
Chair: Yosef Ben Ezra
Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel The chiral induced spin selectivity (CISS) effect - from electron transfer in biology to spintronics
Chair: Yao Guo
Bar Ilan University, Israel From enhanced responsivity to deep sensing:
advances in light detection
Reykjavik University, Iceland Electronic properties of semiconductor tubular nanowires
Chair: Andrei Manolescu
University of Tennessee, Knoxville, USA Insulator-metal transition in CrSiTe3 triggered by structural distortion under pressure
Beijing Institute of Technology, China Multifield coupling of van der Waals interface: properties, devices, and systems
Chair: Reshef Tenne
* Each participant of the poster competition is required to give a short Power Point presentation (max. 3 min., 2 slides)
Chair: Boris Fainberg
North Carolina State University, USA Room temperature superfluorescence and quantum analog of vibration isolation
Holon and Harbin Institutes of Technology (HITs), Israel/China Polariton luminescence under electron-vibrational interaction
Chair: Kenan Gundogdu
Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel Polarity and non-linear optics of guided nanowires
Holon Institute of Technology (HIT), Israel Amino-acid-based microstructures as versatile organic photonic platforms
Tel Aviv University, Israel Optics behind vaterite-based drug delivery
Chair: Organizing Committee