Faculty & staff

Tel: 03-5026830
Building 8,1st. floor, room 108

1991-1994 Technion, Haifa, B.A. in Chemistry 06/1994
1996-1999 Technion, Haifa, M.Sc. in Physical Chemistry 10/1999
1999-2003 Technion, Haifa, PhD in Physical Chemistry of Surfaces 05/2003

2007-present Senior Lecturer in Physics, HIT
1997-2003 Adjunct teacher, laboratory instructor in physical and analytical chemistry, Technion

03.2007-present H.I.T. Senior Lecturer and Head of Atomic Force Laboratory
12.2004-1.2007 Soreq NRC, Yavne, Israel Space Environment Laboratory, Research Scientist
5.2003-11.2004 Molecular Photophysics Laboratory, CNRS, Orsay, France, Marie Curie Postdoctoral Scientist

Soreq NRC, Israel, Organization of the open day/seminar for the Israeli Space Research Institute Management |
9.2004 |
EuroCVD Society (nominated by Israel Vacuum Society) Board Member |
10.2009-present |
EuroCVD 18, Cork, Ireland, 4-9 September 2011 International Advisory Board Member |
2011 |
Diamond and Related Materials, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Scientific Reviewer |
2011-present |
EuroCVD 19, Varna, Bulgaria, 1-6 September 2013 International Advisory Board Member |
2013 |
The International Union for Vacuum Science Technique and Applications (IUVSTA) Division of Biointerfaces Israel Vacuum Society (IVS) Board Member |
02.2013-present |
COST Action MP1103 : Nanostructured Materials for Solid-State Hydrogen Storage (nominated by the Ministry of Science & Technology – Division for International Relations) Nominated as a second Israeli Member of the Management Committee |
2012-2015 |
COST Action CM 1301: Chemistry for Electron-Induced Nanofabrication (CELINA) (nominated by the Ministry of Science & Technology – Division for International Relations) Nominated as a first Israeli Member of the Management Committee |
2013-2017 |

10.1993 - Chemistry Department, Technion, Haifa, Israel HIAS Excellence Scholarship
12.1993 - Chemistry Department, Technion, Haifa, Israel Dean List of Excellence
6.1994 - Chemistry Department, Technion, Haifa, Israel B.A. Cum Laude
5.1997 - Chemistry Department, Technion, Haifa, Israel Salim and Rachel Benin Excellence Scholarship for M.Sc. Students
2.1998 - Wolf Foundation and Technion, Haifa, Israel Wolf Foundation Scholarship for Outstanding M.Sc. Students
3.2000 - French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Laboratory of Atomic and Molecular Collisions, CNRS (Orsay, France) Chateaubriand Research Scholarship
8.2002 - EU and Laboratory of Atomic and Molecular Collisions, CNRS (Orsay, France) Marie Curie Training Site Scholarship for Ph.D. students
5.2003 - Technion, Haifa, Israel Graduate Students Dean Acknowledgement for an Outstanding PhD Thesis
2011/12 - H.I.T. – Holon Institute of Technology, Holon, Israel Award for excellence in teaching endeavours
12.2012 - present Ministry of Science & Technology in the framework of Israel-Korea cooperation Grant in Renewable Energy for two years – 200,000 NIS Principal Investigator

8-10.01.2014 - International Workshop on Energy Storage in the grid: Low, medium and large Scale requirements, Barcelona (Spain)
26-27.10.2005 - 23rd Israel Vacuum Society Annual Conference, Tel Aviv, Israel

- 23.05-30.05.2013 - Visiting Professor, School of Green Chemistry, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology, Ulsan (Korea)
07-09.2002 - Visiting Researcher, City University of Hong Kong
10.1998, 09-10.1999, 03-04.2000 - Visiting Master/PhD Student, Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory, Université Paris Sud, Orsay (France)

10th International Conference on Materials in Space Environment, Collioure, France . |
19-23/6/2006 |
24th Space Simulation Conference, Annapolis, MD (USA) |
6-9/11/2006 |
53rd American Vacuum Society (AVS) Annual Symposium, San Francisco, CA (USA) |
12-17/11/2006 |
Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology AMN4 – The MacDiarmid Institute for Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology, Dunedin, New Zealand, |
8-12/2/2009 |
18th European Chemical Vapor Deposition Conference (EuroCVD 18), Kinsale, Ireland |
4-9/9/2011 |
141st Annual Meeting & Exhibition (TMS2012), Orlando, Florida, USA |
11-15/3/2012 |
15th Nordic Symposium on Tribology (NordTrib 2012), Trondheim, Norway |
12-15/6/2012 |
Association in Solution III - Self-Assembly: From Bio-Colloids to Nano-Engineering, Bifrőst University, Iceland |
23-27/7/2012 |
International School and Workshop "Advanced Computational and Experimental Techniques in Nonlinear Dynamics", Cusco, Peru |
6-17/5/2013 |
E-MRS Fall Meeting, Warsaw, Poland |
16-20/9/2013 |
Nanomechanical Testing in Materials Research and Development IV, Algarve, Portugal |
6-11/10/2013 |
International Workshop on Energy Storage in the grid: Low, medium and large Scale requirements, Barcelona, Spain |
8-10/01/2014 |
Towards Reality in Nanoscale Materials 2014, Levi, Finland |
10-12/02/2014 |

A. Hoffman, A. Fayer, A. Laikhtman, R. Brener
Aspects of nucleation and growth of diamond films on ordered and disordered sp2-bonded carbon substrates
J. Applied Physics, 77(7), 1995 (3126-3133)
A. Hoffman, R. Brener, A. Laikhtman, Y. Avigal, P.J. Evans
Enhancement of diamond CVD nucleation on quartz by high dose titanium implantation
Diamond and Related Materials, 4, 1995 (765-769)
A. Laikhtman, A. Hoffman
Laser power effects on the Raman spectrum of isolated diamond chemical vapor deposition particles
J. Applied Physics, 82(1), 1997 (243-248)
A. Laikhtman, A. Hoffman, R. Kalish, Y. Avigal, A. Breskin, R. Chechik, E. Shefer, Y. Lifshitz
Absolute quantum photoyield of diamond thin films: Dependence on surface preparation and stability under ambient conditions
Applied Physics Letters, 73(10), 1998 (1433-1435)
A. Laikhtman, Y. Avigal, R. Kalish, A. Breskin, R. Chechik, E. Shefer, Y. Lifshitz, A. Hoffman
Surface quality and composition dependence of absolute quantum photoyield of CVD diamond films
Diamond and Related Materials, 8, 1999 (725-731)
A. Laikhtman, I. Gouzman, A. Hoffman, G. Comtet, L. Hellner, G. Dujardin
Sensitivity of near-edge X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy to ion beam damage in diamond films
J. Applied Physics, 86(8), 1999 (4192-4198)
A. Laikhtman, A. Hoffman, R. Kalish, A. Breskin, R. Chechik
Absolute quantum photoyield of ion damaged diamond surfaces
J. Applied Physics, 88(5), 2000 (2451-2455)
A. Laikhtman, A. Hoffman
Quantum photoyield of hydrogenated single crystal, polycrystalline and defective diamond surfaces
New Diamond and Frontier Carbon Technology, 10(6), 2000 (339-361)
[invited review]
A. Laikhtman, I. Gouzman, A. Hoffman
NEXAFS spectroscopy of crystalline and ion beam irradiated diamond surfaces
Diamond and Related Materials, 9, 2000 (1026-1031)
A. Hoffman, A. Laikhtman, G. Comtet, L. Hellner, G. Dujardin
H+ photodesorption processes induced by inner-shell excitation from defective hydrogenated diamond films surfaces studied by synchrotron radiation
Physical Review B, 62(12), 2000 (8446-8451)
A. Laikhtman, A. Hoffman
The influence of ion irradiation on the absolute quantum photoyield of diamond films studied by electron spectroscopy and H+ photodesorption
Surface Review and Letters, 7(4), 2000 (455-462)
A. Laikhtman, A. Hoffman
Effect of annealing and microwave hydrogen plasma treatment on structural and electronic properties of ion irradiated diamond films
Proc. Materials Research Society Symp., 650, R3.31 Massachusetts, USA, 27 Nov.-1 Dec. 2000
A. Hoffman, A. Laikhtman, S. Ustaze, M. Hadj Hamou, M.N. Hedhili, J.-P. Guillotin, Y. Le Coat, D. Teillet Billy, R. Azria, M. Tronc
Dissociative electron attachment and dipolar dissociation of H- electron stimulated desorption from hydrogenated diamond films
Physical Review B, 63, 2001 (045401-1―045401-7)
G. Piantanida, A. Breskin, R. Chechik, O. Katz, A. Laikhtman, A. Hoffman, C. Coluzza
Effect of moderate heating on the negative electron affinity and photoyield of air-exposed hydrogen-terminated chemical vapor deposited diamond
J. Applied Physics, 89(12), 2001 (8259-8264)
A. Laikhtman, A. Hoffman, C. Cytermann
Bulk diffusion of microwave plasma deuterium into undoped natural diamond
Applied Physics Letters, 79(8), 2001 (1115-1117)
A. Laikhtman, A. Hoffman
Enhancement of secondary electron emission by annealing and microwave hydrogen plasma treatment of ion-beam-damaged diamond films
J. Applied Physics, 91(4), 2002 (2481-2486)
A. Hoffman, A. Laikhtman, S. Ustaze, M. Hadj Hamou, M.N. Hedhili, J.-P. Guillotin, Y. Le Coat, R. Azria
Decay of secondary electron emission and charging of hydrogenated and hydrogen-free diamond film surfaces induced by low energy electrons
J. Applied Physics, 91(7), 2002 (4726-4732)
A. Laikhtman, A. Hoffman
Synchrotron radiation study of surface versus sub-surface deuterium in diamond films produced by exposure to deuterium activated by hot filament-high vacuum and ex situ microwave plasma
Diamond and Related Materials, 11, 2002 (371-377)
A. Hoffman, A. Laikhtman, R. Azria, Y. Le Coat. M. Hadj Hamou, M. Tronc
Stimulated desorption of D- from diamond: Surface versus sub-surface processes via resonance dissociative electron attachment
Diamond and Related Materials, 11, 2002 (867-871)
A. Laikhtman, Y. Le Coat, M. Hadj Hamou, R. Azria, A. Hoffman
Mechanism of low-energy electron stimulated desorption of O- from hydrogenated and hydrogen-free diamond surfaces exposed to activated oxygen
J. Chemical Physics, 117(1), 2002 (346-352)
A. Laikhtman, A. Hoffman
Interaction of thermally activated and molecular oxygen with hydrogenated and hydrogen-free diamond film surfaces: Chemical reactivity and electron emission properties
Physica Status Solidi A, 193(3), 2002 (552-562)
A. Laikhtman, A. Hoffman
Interaction of thermally activated and molecular oxygen with hydrogenated polycrystalline diamond surfaces studied by synchrotron radiation techniques
Surface Science, 522, 2003 (L1-L8)
A. Laikhtman, A. Lafosse, Y. Le Coat, R. Azria, A. Hoffman
Clarification of oxygen bonding on diamond surfaces by low energy electron stimulated desorption and high resolution electron energy loss spectroscopy
J. Chemical Physics, 119(3), 2003 (1794-1799)
A. Lafosse, D. Teillet Billy, J.-P. Guillotin, Y. Le Coat, R. Azria, A. Laikhtman, A. Hoffman
Role of electronic band structure and resonances on electron reflectivity and vibrational excitation functions: The case of hydrogenated diamond
Physical Review B, 68, 2003 (235421-1―235432-4)
A. Hoffman, R. Akhvlediani, A. Laikhtman, A. Lafosse, J.-P. Guillotin, R. Azria
Effect of incident current and energy on surface charging and electron emission of hydrogenated diamond films induced by low energy electron irradiation
J. Applied Physics, 95(4), 2004 (1895-1899)
A. Laikhtman, A. Lafosse, Y. Le Coat, R. Azria, A. Hoffman
Interaction of water vapor with bare and hydrogenated diamond film surfaces
Surface Science, 551, 2004 (99-105)
A. Laikhtman, A. Hoffman
Some aspects of electron and ion NEXAFS Investigations of hydrogenated diamond film surfaces
New Diamond and Frontier Carbon Technology,14(1), 2004 (1-11)
[invited review]
A. Laikhtman, G. Baffou, A.J. Mayne, G. Dujardin
Scanning tunnelling microscopy imaging and spectroscopy of p-type degenerated 4H-SiC(0001)
J. of Physics: Condensed Matter, 17, 2005 (4015-4022)
M. Cranney, A.J. Mayne, A. Laikhtman, G. Comtet, G. Dujardin
STM excitation of individual biphenyl molecules on Si(100) surface: DIET or DIEF?
Surface Science, 593, 2005 (139-146)
A. Hoffman and A. Laikhtman
Photon stimulated desorption of hydrogen from diamond surfaces via core-level excitations: Fundamental processes and applications to surface studies
J. of Physics: Condensed Matter, 18, 2006 (S1517-S1546)
[invited review]
A. Laikhtman, I. Gouzman, R. Verker, E. Grossman, H.G. Pippin
Atomic oxygen and UV irradiation effects on Fluorosilicone rubber: Comparison of RF plasma and in-flight exposure
High Performance Polymers (HPP), 20, 2008 (447-460)
A. Laikhtman, I. Gouzman, R. Verker, E. Grossman
Contamination produced by vacuum outgassing of Kapton acrylic adhesive tape
J. of Spacecraft and Rockets (JSR), 46(2), 2009 (236-240)
A. Laikhtman, L. Rapoport, V. Perfilyev, A. Moshkovich, R. Akhvlediani, A. Hoffman
Tribological and adhesion properties of CVD diamond films grown on steel with a Cr-N interlayer
AIP Proceedings, 1151, 2009 (157-161)
L. Meshi, S. Samuha, S.R. Cohen, A. Laikhtman, A. Moshkovich, V. Perfilyev, I. Lapsker, L. Rapoport
Dislocation structure and hardness of surface layers under friction of copper in different lubricant conditions
Acta Materialia, 59(1), 2011 (342-348)
A. Laikhtman, L. Rapoport, V. Perfilyev, A. Moshkovich, R. Akhvlediani, A. Hoffman
Optimization of chemical vapor deposition diamond films growth on steel: Correlation between mechanical properties, structure and composition
J. of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 11(9), 2011 (8251-8258)
A. Moshkovich, V. Perfilyev, L. Meshi, S. Samuha, S. Cohen, H. Cohen, A. Laikhtman, L. Rapoport
Friction, wear and structure of Cu samples in the lubricated steady friction state
Tribology Int'l., 46(1), 2012 (154-160)
L. Rapoport, A. Moshkovich, V. Perfilyev, A. Laikhtman, I. Lapsker, L. Yadgarov, R. Rosentsveig, R. Tenne
High lubricity of Re-doped fullerene-like MoS2 nanoparticles
Tribology Letters, 45, 2012 (257-264)
A. Moshkovich, I. Lapsker, A. Laikhtman, V. Perfilyev, L. Rapoport
The failure and damage mechanisms under friction of copper in the EHL and mixed EHL regions
Tribology Letters, 51, 2013 (57-64)
V. Perfilyev, A. Moshkovich, I. Lapsker, A. Laikhtman, L. Rapoport
The effect of vanadium content and temperature on stick-slip phenomena under friction of CrV(x)N coatings
Wear - Int'l. J. on the Science and Technology of Friction, Lubrication and Wear 307, 2013 (44-51)
E. Harea, I. Lapsker, A. Laikhtman, L. Rapoport
Bauschinger's effect and dislocation structure under friction of LiF single crystals
Tribology Letters, 52, 2013 (205-212)
A. Laikhtman, A. Zak, S. Michaelson, A. Hoffman, Tae Kyung Kim, Hoi Ri Moon
Using Hydrogen Activated by Microwave Plasma vs. Molecular Hydrogen for Hydrogen Storage in Tungsten Sulfide Inorganic Nanotubes
Journal of Hydrogen Energy (accepted, December 2013)

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