Faculty & staff
Fields marked with (*) are mandatory
Prof. Boris Fainberg

Faculty of Sciences | Professor
Tel: 03-502-6576
Building 8, 2nd. floor, room 202

- (1969) from the Leningrad Institute of Precise Mechanics and Optics, (St.-Petersburg, Russia).
Title of Master’s Thesis: "Q-switch modulator for investigations of pulse ruby laser
Names of Supervisors: Prof. S.F. Sharlay
Ph.D. degree (1977) from the State Optical Institute named for S.I.Vavilov (St.-Petersburg, Russia).
Thesis Title: "Theoretical study of the relaxation interaction effects on absorption and emission of quantum systems in strong electromagnetic field." Supervisor: Professor Pallady Pavinsky
Names of Supervisors: Prof. P.P. Pavinsky
Research Interests

Non-Markovian effects in four-photon spectroscopy
Coherent optical control
Molecular electronics
Research Summary

Non-Markovian theory of four-photon spectroscopy, theory of the optical control of complex molecules in solutions and semiconductors with chirped pulses, new methods of the optical control of current in molecular conduction nanojunctions, new types of molecular conduction nanojunctions with semiconductor and grapheme electrodes.
Membership in professional Societies

Physical Society, Russia, 1989-1991
Israel Chemical Society, 1992-present
The Optical Society of America (OSA), USA, 2005-present
Academic and Professional Experience

Rank/Function |
Department |
Name of Institution (city, country) |
Period (dates) |
Research-probationer |
Spectrometry |
S.I. Vavilov State Optical Institute, Leningrad, USSR |
1969-71 |
Junior Research Associate |
Spectrometry |
S.I. Vavilov State Optical Institute, Leningrad, USSR |
1971-87 |
Senior Research Associate |
Spectrometry |
S.I. Vavilov State Optical Institute, Leningrad, USSR |
1987-90 |
Associate Professor |
Spectrometry |
S.I. Vavilov State Optical Institute, Leningrad, USSR |
1989-90 |
Senior Scientist |
Chemistry |
Tel-Aviv University, Tel-Aviv, Israel |
1991-98 |
1994-97 Adjunct Lecturer
1998-10.2003 Associate Professor
1999-2001 Dean of Research
10.2003 Full Professor (with tenure) |
Dept. of Sciences |
H.I.T. - Holon Institute of Technology, Holon, Israel |
1994-present |
Visiting Professor |
Chemistry |
Tel-Aviv University |
2000-present |

Invited Lecture, The All-Union Symposium "Physics and Chemistry of Polymethin Dyes”, Kiev, USSR, 1982
Invited Lecture and Member of Organizing Committee, The II USSR-USA Workshop "Linear and Nonlinear Laser Interactions and Molecular Dynamics”, Moscow-Leningrad, USSR, 1990
Invited Lecture, The 2nd French-Israeli Symposium on Nonlinear Optics, Port Barcares, France, 1992
Invited Lecture, The Czech-Israeli-German Symposium "Dynamical Processes in Condensed Molecular Systems”, Prague, Czech Republic, 1997
Short-term Visiting Professor on invitation with financial support, Institute of Physics and Chemistry of Materials, CNRS, Strasbourg, France,1997
Invited Lecture, International Research Workshop on Diffusion Assisted Reactions, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel, 1999
Invited Lecture, The Polish-Israeli-German Symposium "Dynamical Processes in Condensed Molecular Systems”, Cracow, Poland, 1999
Short-term Visiting Professor on invitation with financial support, Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Nara, Japan, 1999
Short-term Visiting Professor on invitation with financial support, Department of Chemistry, University of Illinois, Urbana, USA, 2000
Visiting Professor on invitation with financial support (September-October), Institute of Atomic and Molecular Science, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China, 2000
Visiting Professor on invitation with financial support (September-October), Institute of Physics and Chemistry of Materials, CNRS, Strasbourg, France, 2001
Visiting Professor on invitation with financial support (September-October), Institute of Physics and Chemistry of Materials, CNRS, Strasbourg, France, 2002
Member of Organizing Committee (postponed due to the situation in Israel), International Symposium "Dynamical Processes in Condensed Molecular Systems”, Israel, 2002
Visiting Professor (February-May), Humboldt University of Berlin, Institute of Physics, Berlin, Germany, 2003
Invited Lecture: "Theory of coherent population transfer in dissipative systems”, Sfb 450 Workshop "Analysis and Control of Ultrafast Photoinduced Reactions”, Berlin, Germany, 2003
Invited Lecture, 4th Workshop on Diffusion Assisted Reactions, Leibnitz, Austria, 2004
Conference Organizer, Holon Workshop on Radiationless and Laser-controlled Transitions, Israel, 2004
Session Chairman, 9th French-Israeli Symposium on Nonlinear and Quantum Optics (FRISNO 9), Les Houches, France, 11-16 February 2007
Visiting Professor – Sabbatical (November-December), University of Augsburg, Institute for Physics, Augsburg, Germany, 2007
Invited Lecture: "Exciton- and light-induced current in molecular nanojunctions", International Conference on Transport and Optical Properties of Nanomaterials, Allahabad, India, 5-8 January 2009
Invited Lecture: "Coherent charge transport through molecular nanojunctions: 'exciton blocking' and interplay between 'exciton' and Coulomb blocking in the wire", International Conference on Frontier Topics in Nanostructures and Condensed Matter Theory, London, Ontario, Canada, 9-11 March 2011
Invited Lecture: "Local field optical control of charge transport in molecular tunneling nanojunctions", 12th International Conference Electronic and Related Properties of Organic Systems (ERPOS-12), Vilnius, Lithuania, 11-13 -July 2011
Visiting Professor – Sabbatical (September), Northwestern University, Chemistry Department, Evanston, IL, USA, 2011
Visiting Professor (July-August), Northwestern University, Chemistry, Department, Evanston, IL, USA, 2012
Invited Lecture: "Plasmon-exciton excitations and Coulomb blocking in nanojunctions”, the member of the Organizing Committee and the Session Chairman, International Conference and Exhibition on Lasers, Optics & Photonics, San Antonio, Texas, USA, 2013
Invited Lecture: "Photon assisted tunneling in molecular nanojunctions with semiconductor and graphene contacts”, International Symposium "Fundamentals of Laser Assisted Micro- and Nanotechnologies” (FLAMN-13), St. Petersburg, Russia, 2013
Invited Lecture: "Photon Assisted Current in Molecular Nanojunctions with Novel Types of Contacts” and the Session Chairman, International Conference on Nanomaterials (ICN 2013), London, Ontario, Canada, 2013
Active Participation in Scientific Conferences

Name of Meeting (city, country) |
Year |
The XVII All-Union Congress on Spectroscopy, Minsk, USSR |
1971 |
The VII Ural Conference on Spectroscopy, Sverdlovsk, USSR |
1971 |
The VI All-Union Conference on Nonlinear Optics, Minsk, USSR |
1972 |
The X Scientific and Technical Conference of Young Specialists, Leningrad, USSR |
1974 |
The I All-Union Conference on Raman Scattering Spectroscopy, Kiev, USSR |
1975 |
The All-Union Conference "Lasers on the Basis of Complex Organic Compounds”, Minsk, USSR |
1975 |
The XXVI All-Union Conference on Luminescence, Samarkand, USSR |
1979 |
The III All-Union Conference "Lasers on the Basis of Complex Organic Compounds”, Uzhgorod, USSR |
1980 |
The All-Union Conference on Luminescence devoted to the 90th Anniversary of Academician S.I. Vavilov, Leningrad, USSR |
1981 |
The All-Union Symposium, "Dynamics of Elementary Atomic-Molecular Processes”, Chernogolovka, USSR (Poster Presentation) |
1981 |
The VI Symposium on Intermolecular Interaction and Molecular Conformations, Vilnius, USSR |
1982 |
The All-Union Conference on Molecular Luminescence and its Applications, Kharkov, USSR |
1982 |
The XI All-Union Conference on Coherent and Nonlinear Optics, Yerevan, USSR |
1982 |
The Conference on Raman Scattering Spectroscopy, Krasnoyarsk, USSR |
1983 |
The III International Symposium "Ultrafast Phenomena in Spectroscopy”, Minsk, USSR |
1983 |
The All-Union Conference on Photochemistry, Suzdal, USSR |
1985 |
The XII All-Union Conference on Coherent and Nonlinear Optics, Moscow, USSR |
1985 |
The V International Symposium "Ultrafast Phenomena in Spectroscopy”, Vilnius, USSR |
1987 |
The All-Union Conference "Luminescence of Molecules and Crystals”, Tallinn, USSR |
1987 |
The III All-Union School on Picosecond Technique, Yerevan, USSR |
1988 |
The XX All-Union Congress on Spectroscopy, Kiev, USSR |
1988 |
The III All-Union Conference "Theoretical and Applied Optics”, Leningrad, USSR |
1988 |
The VI Internal Symposium "Ultrafast Phenomena in Spectroscopy”, Neubrandenburg, Germany |
1989 |
The X International Symposium on the Jahn-Teller Effect, Kishinev, USSR |
1989 |
The VI All-Union Conference "Optics of Lasers”, Leningrad, USSR |
1990 |
The X International Vavilov Conference on Nonlinear Optics, Novosibirsk, USSR (Oral Presentation; Poster Presentation) |
1990 |
The 57th Congress of Israel Chemical Society, Haifa, Israel |
1992 |
The 2nd Israeli International Conference on "High Tc Superconductivity”, Eilat, Israel |
1993 |
International Conference on Luminescence and Optical Spectroscopy of Condensed Matter, Storrs, USA |
1993 |
The 3rd French-Israeli Symposium on Nonlinear Optics, Dead Sea, Israel |
1994 |
The European Molecular Liquids Group Annual Meeting "Ultrafast Phenomena in Liquids and Glasses”, Zakopane, Poland |
1994 |
The Austrian-Israeli-German Symposium "Dynamical Processes in Condensed Molecular Systems”, Baden, Austria |
1995 |
The 54th International Meeting "Fast Elementary Processes in Chemical and Biological Systems”, Lille, France |
1995 |
The 2nd International Conference on Photo-Excited Processes and Applications, Jerusalem, Israel |
1995 |
The 4th French-Israeli Symposium on Nonlinear Optics, Les Arcs, France |
1996 |
The European Quantum Electronics Conference (EQEC '96), Hamburg, Germany |
1996 |
The 25th International Conference on Solution Chemistry, Vichy, France |
1997 |
The Symposium on "Coherent Chemistry and Physics: Prospects for the Present and Future”, Rehovot, Israel (Poster Presentation) |
1997 |
The 5th French-Israeli Symposium on Nonlinear and Quantum Optics, Eilat, Israel |
1998 |
Bat Sheva Seminar on Light Induced Reactions in Condensed Phases, Dead Sea, Israe l- Poster Presentation – "Populations of molecules in solution on high-power chirped ultrashort pulses excitation” |
1998 |
The 11th International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany |
1998 |
The European Quantum Electronics Conference (EQEC '98), Glasgow, Scotland, UK |
1998 |
International Conference on Luminescence and Optical Spectroscopy of Condensed Matter, Osaka, Japan |
1999 |
XI International Symposium "Ultrafast Phenomena in Spectroscopy”, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC |
1999 |
The 6th French-Israeli Symposium on Nonlinear and Quantum Optics, Les Houches, France |
2000 |
The XIIth International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena, Charleston, South Carolina, USA |
2000 |
The 2001 Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference, Baltimore, USA |
2001 |
International Conference on Luminescence and Optical Spectroscopy of Condensed Matter (ICL'02), Budapest, Hungary |
2002 |
The 7th European/French-Israeli Symposium on Nonlinear and Quantum Optics, Les Houches, France |
2003 |
6th International Conference on Femtochemistry (FEMTOCHEMISTRY VI), Paris, France |
2003 |
Conference of European Science Foundation Femtochemistry & Femtobiology (ULTRA) Program, Pécs, Hungary |
2004 |
The 14th International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena, Niigata, Japan |
2004 |
The 8th European/French-Israeli Symposium on Nonlinear and Quantum Optics, Ein-Bokek, Israel |
2005 |
7th International Conference on Femtochemistry (FEMTOCHEMISTRY VII), Washington, DC, USA |
2005 |
Gordon Research Conference on Quantum Control of Light and Matter, Waterville, ME, USA |
2005 |
Frontiers in Optics 2005, The 89th Annual Meeting of the Optical Society of America, Tucson, Arizona, USA |
2005 |
European Conference of Nonlinear Optical Spectroscopy (ECONOS 2006), Smolenice, Slovak Republic, 9-11 April 2006 - Oral Presentation – "Ultrafast chirped pulse control of many-body systems in semiconductors: Theory versus experiment” (B.D. Fainberg, B. Levinsky, V.A. Gorbunov) |
2006 |
15th International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena, Pacific Grove, CA, USA, 31 July-4 August 2006 - Poster Presentation – "Adiabatic passage in the presence of excited-state absorption and two- exciton processes” (B.D. Fainberg, V.A. Gorbunov) |
2006 |
9th French-Israeli Symposium on Nonlinear and Quantum Optics (FRISNO 9), Les Houches, France, 11-16 February 2007 - Poster Presentation – "Chirped pulse control of many-body systems in semiconductors: Theory, experiment and prospects” (B.D. Fainberg, B. Levinsky, V.A. Gorbunov) |
2007 |
The OSA Topical Conference on Nanophotonics (NANO), Hangzhou, P.R. China, 18-21 June 2007 - Oral Presentation – "Optical control of current in molecular nanojunctions” (B.D. Fainberg, B. Levinsky, V.A. Gorbunov) |
2007 |
Gordon Research Conference on Quantum Control of Light & Matter, Newport, RI, USA, 12-17 August 2007 |
2007 |
International Conference Laser Optics 2008, St. Petersburg, Russia, 23-28 June 2008 - Oral Presentation – "Optical control of charge transport through quantum-dot and molecular tunneling nanojunctions” (B.D. Fainberg, A. Nitzan) |
2008 |
Third International Conference on Optical, Optoelectronic and Photonic Materials and Applications (ICOOPMA08), Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, 20-25 July 2008 - Oral Presentation – "Optical control of current in quantum-dot and molecular tunneling nanojunctions” (B.D. Fainberg, A. Nitzan) |
2008 |
The 6th International Conference on Photonics, Devices and Systems, Prague, Czech Republic, 27-28 August 2008 - Oral Presentation – "Light-induced charge transport through quantum-dot and molecular- tunneling nanojunctions” (B.D. Fainberg, A. Nitzan) |
2008 |
Gordon Research Conference on Quantum Control of Light & Matter, South Hadley, MA, USA, 2-7 August 2009 |
2009 |
International Conference on Molecular Electronics, Emmetten, Switzerland, 5-9 January 2010 - Oral Presentation – "Effects of energy transfer in molecular bridge on current through molecular nanojunctions” (B. Fainberg, G. Li, A. Nitzan, P. Hanggi, S. Kohler) |
2010 |
International Conference on Excitonic and Photonic Processes in Condensed and Nano Materials (9th EXCON), Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, 11-16 July 2010 - Oral Presentation – "Exiton effects in molecular bridge on current through molecular nanojunctions” (B.D. Fainberg, G. Li, A. Nitzan) |
2010 |
SPIE Conference – Plasmonics: Metallic Nanostructures and Their Optical Properties IX, San Diego, CA, USA, 21-25 August 2011 - Oral Presentation – "Theory of energy transfer interactions near sphere and nanoshells based plasmonic nanostructures” (M.S. Shishodia, B.D. Fainberg, A. Nitzan) |
2011 |
77th Annual Meeting of the Israel Chemical Society, Ramat Ramat Gan, Israel, 7-8 February 2012 - Poster Presentation – "Exciton effects on current through molecular nanojunctions: Compensation of coulomb blocking” (B.D. Fainberg, G. Li, M.S. Shishodia, A. Nitzan, M.A.Ratner) |
2012 |
Fifth International Conference on Optical, Optoelectronic and Photonic Materials and Applications (ICOOPMA12), Nara, Japan, 3-7 June 2012 - Oral Presentation – "Photoinduced Current in Molecular Conduction Junctions with Semiconductor Contacts” (B.D. Fainberg, T. Seideman) |
2012 |
Dwek School on Nanoplasmonics, Rehovot, Israel, 9-13 December 2012 |
2012 |
4th International Topical Meeting on Nanophotonics and Metamaterials (NANOMETA), Seefeld, Tirol, Austria, 3-6 January 2013 - Oral Presentation –"Coulomb Blocking and Exciton-Plasmon Effects in Nanojunctions” (A. White, M. Galperin, B.D. Fainberg), Poster Presentation – "Photon Assisted Current in Molecular Conduction Nanojunctions with Novel Types of Contacts Made of Semiconductor and Graphene” (B.D. Fainberg, T. Seideman) |
2013 |
Academic and professional awards

Grant – principal investigator "Laser induced grating spectroscopy of high-temperature superconductors”
Ministry of Science and Technology, Israel
Grant of the Wolfson Foundation "Ultrafast solvation dynamics”
Inter University Commission, Israel), Tel-Aviv University
"GILEADI” Program
Ministry of Absorption, Inter University Commission, Israel
"KAMEA” Program
Ministry of Absorption, Inter University Commission, Israel
Grant of the French-Israeli Scientific and Technical Cooperation Program Arc-EN-Ciel-Keshet - principal investigator
"Study of wave packet motion in molecules coupled with a dissipative environment: Experimental and theoretical investigation with ultrashort laser pulses”
French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Israel Ministry of Science
Grant – principal investigator (4 years)
"Theoretical and experimental study of the interaction of intense ultrashort chirped pulses with molecules in solution”
The Israel Science Foundation (Academy of Science)
The German Excellence Initiative
The Cluster "Nanosystems Initiative Munich (NIM)", Germany
Grant – principal investigator
"Nanosolitons in molecular J-aggregates offering promise for information recording and processing"
Russian Foundation for Basic Research and Israel Ministry of Science, Culture and Sport
Award for distinction in research and creativity
HIT – Holon Institute of Technology, Holon, Israel
Grant – principal investigator
"Optical response of current carrying molecular junctions based on many-body description"
United States-Israel Binational Science Foundation (BSF)
Award for distinction in research and creativity
HIT – Holon Institute of Technology, Holon, Israel
Award for distinction in research and creativity
HIT – Holon Institute of Technology, Holon, Israel
Northwestern Travel Grant
Northwestern-Tel Aviv University Exchange Program
Award for distinction in research and creativity
HIT – Holon Institute of Technology, Holon, Israel

Refereed Articles
B.D. Fainberg
"Transient spectroscopy of vibrational coherence induced by relaxation”
J. of Luminescence, 87-89, 2000 (874-876)
B.D. Fainberg, V. Narbaev
"Interaction of intense chirped pulses with molecules in condensed phase
as electron transfer between "moving” potentials”
J. of Molecular Liquids, 86(1-3), 2000 (201-214)
B.D. Fainberg
"Diagram technique for nonlinear optical spectroscopy in the fast electronic dephasing limit”
J. of Chinese Chemical Society, 47(4A), 2000 (579-582)
B.D. Fainberg, V. Narbaev
"Chirped pulse excitation in condensed phase involving intramolecular modes
studied by double-sided Feynman diagrams for fast optical dephasing”
J. of Chemical Physics, 113(18), 2000 (8113-8124)
B.D. Fainberg
"Absorption spectrum of intense chirped pulse by molecules in solution
and the time evolution of vibrationally non-equilibrium populations”
Chemical Physics Letters 332, 2000 (181-189)
B.D. Fainberg, V. Narbaev
"Solvent-controlled theory analysis of chirped pulse excitation of molecules in solutions”
J. of Physical Chemistry B., 105(26), 2001 (6085-6091)
B.D. Fainberg, V. Narbaev
"Chirped pulse excitation in condensed phase involving
intramolecular modes. II Absorption spectrum”
J. of Chemical Physics, 116(11), 2002 (4530-4541)
B.D. Fainberg, V.A. Gorbunov
"Coherent population transfer in molecules coupled with a dissipative environment
by an intense ultrashort chirped pulse”
J. of Chemical Physics, 117(15), 2002 (7222-7232)
(Selected for the October 2002 issue of the Virtual J. of Ultrafast Science)
J. Segal, D. Huppert, B. Fainberg
"Resonance heterodyne optical Kerr effect spectroscopy of population wave packets
with intense chirped pulses”
J. of Luminescence, 102-103, 2003 (669-675)
B.D. Fainberg, B. Levinsky, V.A. Gorbunov
"Femtosecond chirped pulse control of photoluminescence and generating
electron-hole pairs in broadband semiconductors”
J. of Luminescence, 102-103, 2003 (125-130)
B.D. Fainberg, V.A. Gorbunov
"Controlling long range electron transfer by intense ultrashort chirped pulses”
J. of Luminescence, 102-103, 2003 (131-137)
J. Segal, D. Huppert, B. D. Fainberg
"Pump-probe spectroscopy of population wave packets with intense chirped pulses”
Israel J. of Chemistry (special Jortner issue), 44, 2004 (41-52) (invited)
B.D. Fainberg, V.A. Gorbunov
"Coherent population transfer in molecules coupled with a dissipative environment
by intense ultrashort chirped pulse. II. A simple model”
J. of Chemical Physics, 121(18), 2004 (8748-8754)
(Selected for the November 2004 issue of the Virtual J. of Ultrafast Science)
B.D. Fainberg, V.A. Gorbunov, S.H. Lin
"Chirped pulse control of long range electron transfer”
Chemical Physics, 307, 2004 (77-90)
B.D. Fainberg, B. Levinsky, V.A. Gorbunov
"Chirped-pulse control of carriers in semiconductors: The role of many-body effects”
J. of the Optical Soc. of America B, 22(12), 2005 (2715-2727)
(Selected for the January 2006 issue of the Virtual J. of Ultrafast Science)
B.D. Fainberg, V.A. Gorbunov
"Adiabatic passage in a three-state system with non-markovian relaxation:
The role of exicted-state absorption and two-exciton processes"
J. of Physical Chemistry A, 111(38), 2007 (9560-9569)
B.D. Fainberg, M. Jouravlev, A. Nitzan
"Light-induced current in molecular tunneling junctions excited with intense shaped pulses"
Physical Review B 76, 2007 (245329-1–245329-12)
[also appeared in the Virtual J. of Ultrafast Science, 7(1), 2008; and
Virtual J. of Nanoscale Science & Technology, 17(2), 2008]
B. Fainberg, A. Nitzan
"Rabi oscillations and photocurrent in quantum-dot tunneling junctions"
Physica Status Solidi A 206(5), 2009 (948-951)
G. Li, B.D. Fainberg, A. Nitzan, S. Kohler, P. Hänggi
"Coherent charge transport through molecular wires: Exciton blocking and
current from electronic excitations in the wire"
Physical Review B, 81, 2010 (16510 – 14 pages)
B.D. Fainberg, B. Levinsky
Stimulated Raman adiabatic passage in a dense medium"
Advances in Physical Chemistry, 2010 (798419 – 8 pages)
O.V. Farberovich, B.D. Fainberg, V.G. Maslov, V. Fleurov
"Green's function method for calculation of adsorption of organic molecules on
noble metal nanoparticles"
Physical Review B 83, 2011 (085420 - 9 pages)
B.D. Fainberg, M. Sukharev, T-H Park, M. Galperin
"Light-induced current in molecular junctions: Local field and non-Markov effects"
Physical Review B 83, 2011 (205425 – 9 pages)
G.M. Ermolaeva, V.G. Maslov, A.O. Orlova, A.S. Panfutova, N.N. Rosanov, B.D. Fainberg,
T.A. Shakhverdov, V.B. Shilov
"Dynamics of optical response of solutions of pseudoisocyanine J aggregates
upon pico- and subnanosecond excitation"
Optics and Spectroscopy, 110(6), 2011 (871-879)
B.D. Fainberg and T. Seideman
"Photoinduced current in molecular conduction junctions with semiconductor contacts”,
Physica Status Solidi A, 209(12), 2012 (2433-2436) [ arXiv:1201.4682 (cond-mat., mes-hall)]
G. Li, M. Shishodia, B. Fainberg, B. Apter, M. Oren, A. Nitzan, M. Ratner
"Compensation of Coulomb blocking and energy transfer in the current voltage
characteristic of molecular conduction junctions",
Nano Letters, 12, 2012 (2228-2232)
A. White, B. Fainberg, and M. Galperin,
"Collective Plasmon-Molecule Excitations in Nanojunctions: Quantum Consideration”,
J. Phys. Chem. Letters, 3, 2012 (2738-2243)
B. Fainberg and T. Seideman,
"Optically induced current in molecular conduction nanojunctions with semiconductor contacts”,
Chem. Phys. Lett. Frontiers series, 576, 2013 (1-9) (invited).
B. N. Levinsky, L.A. Nesterov, B.D. Fainberg , N.N. Rosanov,
"Derivation of the equations of motion for resonantly excited molecular J-aggregates taking into account multi-particle effects ",
Optics and Spectroscopy, 115 (3), 2013 (464-479)
L.A. Nesterov, S.V. Fedorov , N.N. Rosanov, B.N. Levinsky, B.D. Fainberg,
"Analysis of bistability in molecular J-aggregates under their resonant optical excitation taking into account multiparticle effects",
Optics and Spectroscopy, 115 (4), 2013 (572-580)
Submitted for publication
B.D. Fainberg,
"Photon-Assisted Tunneling through Molecular Conduction Junctions with Graphene Electrodes",
Physical Review B, submitted [ arXiv:1309.3424 (cond-mat., mes-hall)]
Chapters in Books
B.D. Fainberg, D. Huppert
"Theoretical and experimental study of ultrafast solvation dynamics
by transient four-photon spectroscopy”
in: "Electron Transfer: From Isolated Molecules to Biomolecules” Part 2
J. Jortner, M. Bixon, eds., Advances in Chemical Physics Series
107, Chapter 3, Series Editors I. Prigogine, S.A. Rice
John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1999 (191-261) (invited)
B.D. Fainberg
"Ultrafast dynamics and non-Markovian processes in four-photon spectroscopy”
in: "Advances in Multi-Photon Processes and Spectroscopy” (Part 3)
S.H. Lin, A.A. Villaeys, Y. Fujimura, eds.
World Scientific, New Jersey, London, Singapore, Hongkong, 15, 2003 (215-374) (invited)
Papers Presented at Scientific Meetings Published in Proceedings
B.D. Fainberg, D. Huppert, J. Segal
"Experimental and theoretical study of chirped pulse excitation”
in: "Ultrafast Phenomena XII”
T. Elsaesser, S. Mukamel, M.M. Murnane, N.F. Scherer, eds.
Springer Series in Chemical Physics
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 66, 2001 (621-623)
B.D. Fainberg, V.A. Gorbunov
"Effects of electronic coherence on intense ultrashort chirped pulse excitation
of molecules coupled with a dissipative environment”
in: "Femtochemistry and Femtobiology: Ultrafast Dynamics in Molecular Science”
A. Douhal and J. Santamaria, eds.
World Scientific Publishing Co., Singapore, 2002 (550-558)
D. Huppert, J. Segal and B.D. Fainberg
"Experimental and theoretical study of quantum control by chirped pulse excitation”
in: "Femtochemistry and Femtobiology: Ultrafast Dynamics in Molecular Science”
A. Douhal and J. Santamaria, eds.
World Scientific Publishing Co., Singapore, 2002 (494-504)
B.D. Fainberg, V.A. Gorbunov
"Adiabatic rapid passage in molecules in solution excited by an intense ultrashort chirped pulse”
in: "Femtochemistry and Femtobiology. Ultrafast Events in Molecular Science”
M.M. Martin, J.T. Hynes (eds.)
7th Int'l. Conf. on Femtochemistry, Paris, France, 6-10 July 2003
Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2004 (131-134)
B.D. Fainberg, V.A. Gorbunov, S.H. Lin
"Coherent control of non-radiative transitions: long-range electron transfer”
in: "Ultrafast Phenomena XIV”
T. Kobayashi, T. Okada, T. Kobayashi, K.A. Nelson, S. De Silvestri (eds.)
Proc. 14th Int'l. Conf. on Ultrafast Phenomena
Niigata, Japan, 25-30 July 2004
Springer Series in Chemical Physics
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 2005 (502-504)
B.D. Fainberg
"Radiationless" photon echo
in: "Femtochemistry VII: Fundamental Ultrafast Processes in Chemistry, Physics, and Biology"
M. Kimble (author), W.A.W. Castleman, Jr. (ed.)
Elsevier Science, 2006 (514-517)
B.D. Fainberg, V.A. Gorbunov
Adiabatic passage in the presence of excited-state absorption and two-exciton processes
in: "Ultrafast Phenomena XV"
P. Corkum, D.M. Jonas, D.R. Miller, A.M. Weiner (eds.)
Springer Series in Chemical Physics, 88, 2007(288-290)
[presented at the 15th Int'l. Conf. on Ultrafast Phenomena,
Pacific Grove, USA, 30 July-4 August 2006]
B. Fainberg, M. Jouravlev, A. Nitzan
Optical control of current in molecular nanojunctions
Proc. of the OSA Topical Conf. on Nanophotonics (NANO)
Hangzhou, P. R. China, 18-21 June 2007
B.D. Fainberg, P. Hanggi, S. Kohler, A. Nitzan
Exciton- and light-induced current in molecular nanojunctions
Proc. Int'l. Conf. Transport and optical Properties of Nanomaterials (ICTOPON-2009)
M.R. Singh, R.H. Lipson (eds.)
American Institute of Physics, 1147, 2009 (78-86) [invited lecture]
M.S. Shishodia, B.D. Fainberg, A. Nitzan
Theory of energy transfer interactions near sphere and nanoshell based plasmonic nanostructures
in: "Plasmonics: Metallic Nanostructures and Their Optical Properties IX"
Proc. of SPIE, M.I. Stockman (ed.)
Volume 8096, 2011 (80961G-1–80961G-16)
A. White, M. Galperin, B. Apter, B.D. Fainberg,
Non-Markovian theory of collective plasmon-molecule excitations in nanojunctions combined with classical
electrodynamic simulations
Proc. SPIE 8827, Optical Processes in Organic Materials and Nanostructures II, 88270C (September 10, 2013);
doi: 10.1117/12.2023581
B.D. Fainberg,
Coherent control of photocurrent in molecular nanojunctions with graphene contacts
Proc. SPIE 8814, Carbon Nanotubes, Graphene, and Associated Devices VI, 88140U (September 24, 2013);
doi: 10.1117/12.2023607
Submitted for publication
B.D. Fainberg,
Photon Assisted Current in Molecular Nanojunctions with Novel Types of Contacts
Proc. Int'l. Conf. on Nanomaterials (ICN-2013)
M.R. Singh, G. Gumbs (eds.)
American Institute of Physics, submitted [invited lecture]
Other Publications - Abstracts
D. Huppert, B.D. Fainberg, H.J. Segal
"Femtosecond high-power chirped pulse excitation of large molecules in solution”
Abstracts of the 6th French-Israeli Symp. on Nonlinear and Quantum Optics
Les Houches, France, 2000, Session Mo-P14
B.D. Fainberg
"Double-sided Feynman diagrams for nonlinear optical processes
in the fast optical dephasing limit”
Abstracts of the 6th French-Israeli Symp. on Nonlinear and Quantum Optics
Les Houches, France, 2000 Session We-P2
D. Huppert, J. Segal, B.D. Fainberg
"Experimental and theoretical study of chirped pulse excitation”
Technical Digest of the XII Int'l. Conf. on Ultrafast Phenomena
Charleston, South Carolina, USA, 2000 (368-370)
B.D. Fainberg, V. Narbaev
"Intense chirped pulse absorption by molecules in solution and
the time evolution of vibrationally nonequilibrium populations”
Technical Digest of the 2001 Quantum Electronic and Laser Science Conf.
Baltimore, USA, 2001 (page 216)
B.D. Fainberg, V.A. Gorbunov
"Interaction of intense ultrashort chirped pulses with molecules in solution:
Theory beyond the fast electronic dephasing limit”
Book of Abstracts of the Femtochemistry – V Conf.
Toledo, Spain, 2001, Session PII7
D. Huppert, J. Segal, B.D. Fainberg
"Experimental and theoretical study of chirped pulse excitation”
Book of Abstracts of the Femtochemistry – V Conf.
Toledo, Spain, 2001, Session PII24
B.D. Fainberg, V.A. Gorbunov
"Electronic coherence effects on population transfer by intense ultrashort
chirped pulses in molecules coupled with a dissipative environment"
Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conf. (QELS), 2002 TOPS
Optical Society of America, Long Beach, California, USA, 74, 2002 (page 216)
B.D. Fainberg, B. Levinsky and V.A. Gorbunov
"Femtosecond chirped pulse control of photoluminescence and generating electron-hole
pairs in broadband semiconductors"
Abstracts of Int'l. Conf. on Luminescence and Optical Spectroscopy of Condensed Matter (ICL '02)
Budapest, Hungary, 2002, (page 32)
B.D. Fainberg
"Controlling long range electron transfer by intense ultrashort chirped pulses"
Abstracts of Int'l. Conf. on Luminescence and Optical Spectroscopy of Condensed Matter (ICL '02)
Budapest, Hungary, 2002, (page 124)
D. Huppert, B. D. Fainberg, J. Segal
"Pump-probe spectroscopy of population wave packets with intense chirped pulses"
Abstracts of Int'l. Conf. On Luminescence and Optical Spectroscopy of Condensed Matter (ICL '02)
Budapest, Hungary, 2002 (page 33)
B.D. Fainberg, B. Levinsky, V.A. Gorbunov
"Femtosecond chirped pulse control of generating electron-hole pairs in broadband semiconductors”
Abstracts of the 7th European/French-Israeli Symp. on Nonlinear and Quantum Optics
Les Houches, France, 2003
B.D. Fainberg, V.A. Gorbunov
"Adiabatic rapid passage in molecules in solution excited by an intense ultrashort chirped pulse”
Book of Abstracts Femtochemistry VI Conf.
Paris, France, 6-10 July 2003 (P25)
B.D. Fainberg, V.A. Gorbunov
"Effective long range electron transfer controlled by intense short chirped pulse”
Book of Abstracts of Conf. of ESF Femtochemistry & Femtobiology (ULTRA) Program
Pécs, Hungary, 25-28 March 2004 (11)
B.D. Fainberg, V.A. Gorbunov, S.H. Lin
"Coherent control of non-radiative transitions: long range electron transfer”
14th Int'l. Conf. on Ultrafast Phenomena on CD-ROM
Niigata, Japan, 25-30 July 2004
The Optical Society of America, Washington, DC, USA, 2004 (TuE59)
B.D. Fainberg, V.A. Gorbunov
"Coherent and incoherent control of long-range electron transfer in solvent”
Book of Abstracts 4th Workshop on Diffusion Assisted Reactions
Leibnitz, Austria, 21-26 August 2004
B.D. Fainberg, V.A. Gorbunov
"Coherent control and spectroscopy of non-radiative transitions: long range electron transfer”
Abstracts of the 8th French-Israeli Symp. on Nonlinear and Quantum Optics
Ein Bokek, Israel, 20-25 February, 2005 (Poster – Mo-32)
B.D. Fainberg, V.A. Gorbunov
"Optical control of molecular dynamics in a liquid"
Book of Abstracts Femtochemistry VII Conf.
Washington (DC), USA, 17-22 July 2005 (Poster - T32)
B.D. Fainberg, V.A. Gorbunov
"Nonlinear spectr
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