Faculty & staff

Head of the Masters Department with a thesis
Tel: 03-5026768
Building 5, 2nd. floor, room 229

Prof. Yosef Ben-Ezra (male), received his Ph.D. from the Tel-Aviv University (TAU) in 1999. During 1998-2000 he was a senior researcher in TAU. He has co-authored over 95 papers in international journals, chapters in books and conferences, in fields of semiconductor physics and nonlinear effects, and optical communication. He is the author of 10 patents in fields of all-optical signal processing and communication, speech recognition and speech synthesis. Prof. Ben-Ezra current research fields of interest include optical communication, microwave photonics, semiconductor and photonic devices, non-linear optics, all-optical signal processing, speech processing and machine learning.

1999: | Ph.D. Physics, Tel-Aviv University, School of Physics and Astronomy |
1989: | Post Graduate Physics, Tbilisi State University, Physics Department, USSR |

- optical communication
- microwave photonics
- semiconductor and photonic devices
- non-linear optics
- all-optical signal processing
- speech processing and machine learning

- Signals and systems
- Digital signal processing
- Introduction to communication systems
- Advance topics in digital signal processing
- Advance optical communication

2009 |
Award for distinction in research and creativity Holon Institute of Technology, Holon, Israel |
2010 |
Award for distinction in research and creativity Holon Institute of Technology, Holon, Israel |

2003-2005 |
Scientific grant: Transmor (Magneton – 2,400,000 NIS) Principle Researcher in joint industry-academy (HIT-ECI) project Israel Ministry of Science |
2006-2008 |
Scientific grant: UROOF – work package leader in FP6 European STREP project UROOF (3,800,000 Euro) European Union 6th Program: Specific Targeted Research Project |
2007-2009 |
Scientific grant: "Diamond" (Magneton – 2,500,000 NIS) Principle Researcher in joint industry-academy (ECI-HIT) project Israel Ministry of Industry and Commerce |

Z. Kachlishvili, Y. Ben-Ezra (formerly Kezerashvili)
Low-temperature breakdown in a two-level partially compensated semiconductor
Izvestia Vuzov., (4), 1988 (71-75) -
Z. Kachlishvili, Y. Ben-Ezra (formerly Kezerashvili)
Influence of illumination on the electrical breakdown of two-level semiconductors
Izvestia Vuzov., (7), 1990 (97-100) -
Y. Ben-Ezra, (formerly Kezerashvili)
Dynamic chaos in semiconductors
Soviet Physics Semiconductors, 24(6), 1990 (697-702) -
Y. Ben-Ezra, V. Fleurov
Anomalous rapprochement of atoms in A -Rich metallic glasses
Solid State Communication, 89, 1994 (591-594) -
Y. Ben-Ezra, V. Fleurov, A. Frenkel, E.A. Stern, A. Voronel, A. Rubinstein
Redistribution of La-A nearest-neighbor distances in the metallic glass
Physical Review B., 54(2), 1996 (884-892) -
Y. Ben-Ezra, V. Fleurov
The role of rare-earth atomic collapse in the formation of A -rich metallic glasses
J. of Physics: Condensed Matter, 11, 1999 (135-146) -
Y. Ben-Ezra, Yu. V. Pershin, Yu. A. Kaplunovsky, I.D. Vagner, P. Wyder
Modeling of the dielectric breakdown under strong magnetic fields
J. of Statistical Physics, 106(3/4), 2002 (653-662) -
M. Haridim, H. Matzner, Y. Ben-Ezra, J. Gavan
Cooperative targets detection and tracking range maximization
using multimode LADAR/RADAR and transponders
Progress in Electromagnetics Research, PIER 44, 2004 (217-229)
[also appears as Refereed Abstract in J. of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications (JEWA) 18(3), 2004 (363-366)] -
M. Kopeetsky, Y. Ben-Ezra, B.I. Lembrikov
Influence of ATM/IP traffic on power transients in optical networks
J. of Optical Networking, 4(2), 2005 (82-91) -
Y. Ben-Ezra, M. Haridim, B.I. Lembrikov
Theoretical analysis of gain-recovery time and chirp in QD-SOA
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 17(9), 2005 (1803-1805) -
Y. Ben-Ezra, B. I. Lembrikov, M. Haridim
Acceleration of gain recovery and dynamics of electrons in QD-SOA
IEEE J. of Quantum Electronics, 41(10), 2005 (1268-1273) -
M. Haridim, Y.Z. Hachamo, B.I. Lembrikov, O. Mechani, Y. Ben-Ezra, F. Podevin
Direct optical-to-microwave domain conversion
Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 48(2), 2006 (320-322) -
Y. Ben-Ezra, U. Mahlab, B.I. Lembrikov, E. Dolev
Automatic detection and classification of power transients
in optical communication networks
J. of Optical Networking, 5(7), 2006 (568-574) -
Y. Ben-Ezra, M. Haridim, B.I. Lembrikov
All-optical AGC of EDFA based on SOA
IEEE J. of Quantum Electronics, 42(12), 2006 (1209-1214) -
Y. Ben Ezra, B.I. Lembrikov, M. Haridim
Special features of XGM in QD-SOA
IEEE J. of Quantum Electronics, 43(8), 2007 (730-737) -
Y. Ben Ezra, M. Haridim, B.I. Lembrikov, M. Ran
Proposal for all-optical generation of Ultra-Wideband impulse radio signals in
Mach-Zehnder Interferometer with Quantum-Dot optical amplifier
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 20(7), 2008 (484-486) -
Y. Ben-Ezra, B.I. Lembrikov, M. Haridim
Ultrafast all-optical processor based on Quantum-Dot Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers
IEEE J. of Quantum Electronics, 45(1), 2009 (34-41) -
M.P. Thakur, T.J. Quinlan, C. Bock, S.D. Walker, M. Toycan, S.E.M. Dudley, D.W. Smith, A.
Borghesani, D. Moodie, M. Ran, Y. Ben-Ezra
480-Mbps, Bi-directional, ultra-wideband radio-over-fibre transmission using a 1308/1564-nm reflective electro-absorption transducer and commercially-available VCSELs
J. of Lightwave Technology, 27(3), 2009 (266-272) -
Y. Ben Ezra, M. Ran, B.I. Lembrikov, B. Cabon, A. Leibowitch, M. Haridim
Up-conversion of triple-band OFDM UWB signals by a multimode VCSEL
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 21(13), 2009 (869-871) -
Y. Ben-Ezra, M. Ran, B.I. Lembrikov, U. Mahlab, M. Haridim, A. Leibovich
Optimal transmission of OFDM ultra-wideband signals beyond 40 Gb/s
Special Issue on Transparent Optical Networking
J. of Networks, 5(2), 2010 (140-151) [invited] -
M. Ran, B.I. Lembrikov,Y. Ben-Ezra
Ultra-wideband radio-over-optical fiber concepts, technologies and applications
IEEE Photonics J., 2(1), 2010 (36-48) [invited] -
I. Bakish, V. Artel, T. Ilovitsh, M. Shubely, Y. Ben-Ezra, A. Zadok, C.N. Sukenik
Self-assembled monolayer assisted bonding of Si and InP
Optical Materials Express, 2(8), 2012 (1141-1148) -
Y. Ben-Ezra, B.I. Lembrikov
Synchronized carrier dynamics in Quantum Dot-in-a-Well (QDWELL) laser
under an optical injection
IEEE J. of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 19(5), 2013 (1901508) -
Y. Stern, K. Zhong, T. Schneider, Y. Ben-Ezra, R. Zhang, M. Tur, A. Zadok
Brillouin optical spectrum analyzer monitoring of subcarrier-multiplexed fiber-optic signals
Applied Optics, 52(25), 2013 (6179-6184) -
Y. Ben-Ezra, B.I. Lembrikov
Semiconductor optical amplifier based on a Quantum Dot-in-a-Well (QDWELL) structure
under optical pumping
IEEE J. of Quantum Electronics, 50(5), 2014 (340-347) -
Y. Stern, K. Zhong, T. Schneider, R. Zhang, Y. Ben-Ezra, M. Tur, A. Zadok
Tunable sharp and highly selective microwave-photonic band-pass filters
based on stimulated Brillouin scattering
Photonics Research, 2(4), 2014 (B18-B25) -
Y. Ben-Ezra, B.I. Lembrikov
Quantum Dot-in-a-Well (QDWELL) laser dynamics under optical injection
Optical and Quantum Electronics, 46, 2014 (1239-1245)
[published online: DOI 10.107/s11082-013-9829-3] -
Y. Ben-Ezra, B.I. Lembrikov
Investigation of a Cross-Gain modulation (XGM) in a Semiconductor Optical Amplifier (SOA) based on a Quantum Dot-in-a-Well (QDWELL) structure
IET Optoelectronics, 9(2), 2015 (43-51) [IF=0.966] -
Y. Ben-Ezra, B.I. Lembrikov
UWB system optical link based on a Quantum-Dot-in-a-Well (QDWELL) laser
Optical and Quantum Electronics, 47, 2015 (1527-1533) [IF=1.078] -
Y. Ben Ezra, A. Zadok, R. Califa, D. Munk, B.I. Lembrikov
All-optical wavelet-based orthogonal frequency division multiplexing system
based on silicon photonic integrated components
IET Optoelectronics, 10(2), 2016 (44-50)
[selected papers from Semiconductor and Integrated Optoelectronics Conf.,
Cardiff, Wales, 31 March-2 April 2015] -
B.I. Lembrikov, D. Ianetz, Y. Ben-Ezra
Nonlinear optical phenomena in a Silicon-Smectic A Liquid Crystal (SALC) waveguide
Materials, 12(13), 2019 (2086 – 17 pages)
[This article belongs to the Special Issue: Photoactive Materials: Synthesis, Applications and Technology]
B.I. Lembrikov, D. Ianetz, Y. Ben Ezra
Stimulated scattering of surface plasmon polaritons in a plasmonic waveguide
with a Smectic A liquid crystalline core
In: Nanoplasmonics, Carlos J. Bueno-Alejo (ed.)
InTechOpen, London, UK, 3 September 2019
- M. Ran, Y. Ben Ezra, B. Lembrikov
"Ultra wideband radio over optical fibre"
in: Technologies for the Wireless Future: Wireless World Research Forum
Klaus David (ed.)
Vol. 3, Ch. 7, 2008 (272-313)
[ISBN: 978-0-470-99387-3, 506 pages] - M. Ran, Y. Ben Ezra, B. Lembrikov
"Ultra-wideband radio-over-optical fibre"
in: Short-Range Wireless Communications: Emerging Technologies and Applications
Rolf Kraemer, Marcos Katz (eds.)
Part IV: Emerging Concepts in Short-Range Communications
Ch. 24, 2008 (271-330)
[ISBN: 978-0-470-69995-9, 368 pages] - Y. Ben Ezra, B.I. Lembrikov, M. Ran, M. Haridim
"All optical generation and processing in IR UWB signals"
in: Optical Fibre, New Developments
Christophe Lethien (ed.)
In-Tech, Croatia, 2009, Ch. 18 (425-444)
[ISBN: 978-953-7619-50-3] - B.I. Lembrikov, Y. Ben Ezra, M. Ran, M. Haridim
"High spectral efficiency optical transmission of OFDM ultra-wideband signals beyond 40 Gb/s"
in: Optical Fibre, New Developments
Christophe Lethien (ed.)
In-Tech, Croatia, 2009, Ch. 19 (445-465)
[ISBN: 978-953-7619-50-3] - Y. Ben Ezra, B.I. Lembrikov
"New approach to ultra-fast all-optical signal processing based on quantum dot devices"
in: Semiconductor Technologies, Jan Grym (ed.)
In-Tech, Croatia, 2010 (419-436) - M. Ran, Y. Ben Ezra, B.I. Lembrikov
"High performance analog optical links based on quantum dot devices
for UWB signal transmission"
in: Ultra Wideband, Boris Lembrikov (ed.)
Sciyo, Croatia, 2010 (75-96)
[ISBN: 978-953-307-139-8] - M. Haridim, B.I. Lembrikov, Y. Ben-Ezra
"Semiconductor optical amplifiers"
in: Advances in Optical Amplifiers, Paul Urquhart (ed.)
In-Tech, Croatia, Ch. 1, 2011 (3-26)
[ISBN: 978-953-307-186-2, 436 pages] - M. Ran, Y. Ben-Ezra
"Green femtocell based on UWB technologies"
in: Novel Applications of the UWB Technologies
B. Lembrikov (ed.)
In-Tech, Croatia, Ch.9, 2011 (175-194)
[ISBN: 978-953-307-324-8, 440 pages] - Y. Ben-Ezra, B.I. Lembrikov, A. Zadok, R. Halifa, D. Brodeski
"All-optical signal processing for high Spectral Efficiency (SE) optical communication"
in: Optical Communication, Narottam Das (ed.)
In-Tech, Croatia, 2012, Chapter 14, 2012 (343-366)
[ISBN: 978-953-51-0784-2] - B.I. Lembrikov, Y. Ben-Ezra
"Application of Complex Wavelet Packet Transform (DT-CWPT) in Coherent Optical
(CO-OFDM) communication systems"
in: Advances in Optical Communication, Narottam Das (ed.)
In-Tech, Croatia, Ch.6, 2014 (145-168)
[ISBN: 978-953-51-1730-8] - Y. Ben-Ezra, B.I. Lembrikov
Ultra-fast all-optical memory based on Quantum Dot Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers (QD-SOA)
in: Optical Fiber and Wireless Communications, Rastislav Roka (ed.)
InTech, Chapter 14 (279-293)
[ISBN: 978-953-51-3275-2] - Y. Ben-Ezra, B.I. Lembrikov
Improvement of the Quantum Dot-in-a-Well (QDWELL) laser and amplifier performance
under the optical injection
in: Optical Communication Technology, Pedro Pinho (ed.)
InTech, Chapter 4 (75-99)
[ISBN: 978-953-51-3417-6] - B.I. Lembrikov, D. Ianetz, Y. Ben Ezra
Nonlinear optical phenomena in Smectic A Liquid Crystals
In: Liquid Crystals – Recent Advancements in Fundamental and Device Technologies
Pankaj Kumar Choudhury (ed.)
InTech, Chapter 7, 2018 (131-157)
[ISBN: 978-953-51-3872-3] - Y. Ben-Ezra, B.I. Lembrikov
Quantum Dot-Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers (QD-SOA): Dynamics and applications
In: Optical Amplifiers – A Few Different Dimensions
Pankaj Kumar Choudhury (ed.)
InTech, Chapter 2, 2018 (11-38)
[ISBN: 978-1-78923-499-2] - Y. Ben Ezra, B.I. Lembrikov, M. Schwartz, S. Zarkovsky
Applications of wavelet transforms to the analysis of superoscillations
In: Wavelet Theory and Its Applications
Sudhakar Radhakrishnan (ed.)
InTechOpen, London, UK, Chapter 10, 2018 (195-214)
[ISBN: 978-1-78923-432-90]

1988-1990 |
Head of Research Group Semiconducting Devices Institute of Semiconductors, and Microelectronics, Tbilisi, USSR |
1994-1997 |
Lecturer Physics Center for Science Education, Tel-Aviv, Israel |
1997-1999 |
Lecturer Electronic and Electrical Engineering Ruppin Institute, Israel |
1997-2000 |
Senior Research Scientist School of Physics and Astronomy Tel-Aviv University, Israel |
8-9.1999 | Invited Senior Research Scientist Max-Plank Institute, Grenoble, France |
9-10.2000 | Invited Senior Research Scientist Max-Plank Institute, Grenoble, France |
1.11.1998-present | HIT - Holon Institute of Technology, Holon, Israel Rank: 1.1.1998-30.6.2000 Adjunct Teacher 1.7.2000-31.3.2001 Visiting Lecturer 1.4.2001-1.10.2006 Lecturer 1.10.2006-1.1.2016 Senior Lecturer with tenure 1.1.2016-present Associate Professor Function: 2002-2007 Dean - Undergraduate Studies 1.7.2006-30.9.2007 Head of 2nd degree program for Electrical and Electronics Engineering 1.7.2006-30.9.2007 Assistant to the President for supervision and academic co- ordination 10/2011-present Dean - Faculty of Engineering |

Current Teaching
- Advance digital signal processing
- Selected topics in signal processing
- Information theory
- Modern optical communication
Teaching History
- Digital signal processing
- Signals and system
- Introduction to linear systems
- Semiconductor physics and devices
- Communication systems
- Mobile and cellular communication systems

- News & Events