Registration & Refreshments
Chair: Prof. Reshef Tenne - Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
Chair: Boris Fainberg
Politecnico di Milano, Italy. Ultrafast Dynamics of Two-Dimensional Materials
Chair: Lena Yadgarov
Tel-Aviv University, Israel. Molecules in a Quantum-Optical Flask
Ariel University, Israel. Topological Effects in Plasmonic Metasurfaces
Chair: Yuri Gorodetski
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel. Enabling Efficient Green Energy and Pure Drugs by Manipulating the Electron Spin
Ariel University, Israel. Dynamical Nature of Exciton-Polariton Coupling in WS2 Nanoparticles
Chair: Alex Laikhtman
University of Salerno, Italy. 2D Materials in Back-Gate Field-Effect Devices
Technion, Israel. Transient Infrared Spectroscopy as a Tool for Studying Photoactive Materials
NT-MDT Spectrum Instruments. Novel AFM-Based Methods for Complex Analysis of Nanomaterials
Chair: Zdenek Sofer
Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel. Remarkable Properties of Pb-Based Halide Perovskites Revealed by Nanotools
Holon Institute of Technology (HIT), Israel. Characterization of Wide Bandgap Semiconductor Thin Films by the Dynamical Hot-Probe Method
Registration & Refreshments
Chair: Julio A. Alonso
Technion, Israel. DNA Origami & Single-Molecule Techniques for Biomedical Applications
Chair: Amos Bardea
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel. Nanomedicine and Smart Materials for Drug Delivery and Cancer Diagnostics
Precise Bio, Israel. 4D Bio Printing - from Theory to the Clinic
Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel. In-Situ NMR Reveals Inorganic Nanocrystal Growth Mechanisms towards their Development as Functional Materials
Chair: Alla Zak Flash (3 minutes / 2 slides) Power Point presentations
Chair: Ofra Benny
University of Valladolid, Spain. Adsorption and Storage of Hydrogen in Porous and Layered Materials
Ministry of Defense, Israel. 3D Printing from Nano to Advanced Manufacturing
University of Chemistry and Technology of Prague, Czech Republic. 2D Materials in Electrocatalysis and Photo-Electrocatalysis
Chair: Prof. Reshef Tenne
Poster Prize Awards
Conference Closing