Emergency Preparedness
When a siren is heard you need to enter a shelter or a safe space (within 90 seconds).
- Occupants of higher floors in buildings 1,3,6,8 will go down 2 floors and will stay in the stairway or in a secure space.
- People should not gather in the buildings' entrances because of debris danger.
- In case there are no broadcast instructions – it is allowed to leave the secure space after 10 minutes.
The use of elevators in case of emergency is strictly prohibited!
List of secure spaces according to
buildings' numbers
Choose a building to show info
- East side stairways.
- West side stairways not near the windows.
- East side stairways of Building #1 not near the windows.
- First floor- Computer Center.
- 2nd Floor – Hallways not near the windows.
- 3rd Floor- Hallways not near the windows.
- Building #3 First floor, Computer Center.
- First Floor –Shelter under the stairway- west side- Xerox Center.
- First Floor, room 119- Secure space, the Mensa storage.
- 2nd Floor, Room 219 – Secure space -General Storage.
- 3rd Floor, Library- Secure space in the library.
- Stairway East side not near the windows.
- First Floor- Western Shelter- Photography Studio.
- 2nd Floor- Emergency exit from the Auditorium.
- 3rd Floor –Western Stairway- not near the windows.
- 4th Floor- Western Stairway- not near the windows.
- First Floor- room 007 -secure space –sewing workshop.
- Frist Floor' room 104 – secure space- classroom.
- 2nd Floor, room 211- secure space –research lab.
- Western stairway- not near the windows.
- First Floor ' Room 105- Secure space computer classroom.
- 2nd floor, room 205, secure space. Physics Lab.
- 3rd floor Room 305, secure space, computer classroom.
- Western stairway- not near the windows.

Home Front Command Instructions
Emergency Preparedness
היערכות למצבי חירום
الاستعداد لحالات الطوارئ
For more information visit the Home Front Command website.
EN |
Dear Resident, |
HE |
תושב/ת יקר/ה, סכנות ומצבי חירום עלולים להתרחש בכל עת ובלי הודעה מוקדמת. מניסיון אירועי העבר, בארץ ובעולם, למדנו שאנשים שהתכוננו ידעו להתמודד עם מצבי חירום בצורה טובה יותר ובכך הצילו את עצמם ואת בני משפחתם. באגרת זו, נפרט את הנחיות ההתגוננות למצבי החירום השונים ומה ניתן לעשות כבר היום, כדי להיערך טוב יותר. |
AR |
أيها المواطن/ ة العزيز/ ة, |
RU |
Уважаемые граждане, Настоящая брошюра содержит руководство о правилах поведения при различных чрезвычайных ситуациях и информацию о том, что можно сделать уже сегодня для достижения более качественной подготовки. |
FR |
Cher(e) citoyen(ne), |