B.A. in Instructional Technologies
Dr. Dan R. Kohen-Vacs, Head of B.A program
Our 3-year undergraduate program, the only one of its kind in Israel, provides students with both theoretical and practical expertise in the conceptualization, design, and development of Technology Enhanced-Learning (TEL) methodologies.
Our 3-year undergraduate program provides students with both theoretical and practical expertise in the conceptualization, design, and development of Technology Enhanced-Learning (TEL) methodologies.
Learning and Training – psychology and learning theories, effective presentations, measuring and evaluating performance, current learning technologies, training solutions in practice, training and learning technologies in organizations, design and development of instructional aids, design and production of instructional videos.
Interactive Multimedia Design – UI/UX design, computer graphics, visual communication, knowledge organization and presentation, interactive learning environments.
Technology – technologies in new media, computational thinking, procedural programming, full-stack programming.
During the third and last year of studies students work on their final project - consolidating the knowledge and skills they have acquired by designing and developing an original artifact. In these projects students address practical, real-world challenges posed by real clients from various institutions and organizations.

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