HIT Holon Institute of Technology, is a well-established unique and multidisciplinary academic institution, which manages to maintain its young spirit as well as its dynamic and contemporary nature.
HIT promotes the "Hi-Tech Nation" concept through its groundbreaking creativity, research and development. It is on the cutting-edge of innovation and entrepreneurship.
HIT represents the combination of academy and industry, advancing towards the integration of science, engineering, design and management.
This unique integration is evident in its state-of-the-art research centers and labs as well as in joint academia-industry initiatives.
To remain an outstanding and multidisciplinary academic institution with a scientific, technological and design orientation
To remain a leading academic institution, thriving towards the development and advancement of the hi-tech industry
To invest in Israel's future applied scientists, engineers, designers, technology experts and managers; Providing them withup-to-date knowledge, good civic values, social and environmental responsibilities
To influence the academia in Israel and abroad
To preserve HIT's unique character - combining dynamic academic education alongside applied research and development, increased collaborations with academic and research institutions, the industry and the society as a whole
To remain a leading, innovative and state-of-the-art academic institution
To develop and establish applied research infrastructures for the benefit of groundbreaking technological developments
To play a significant role in making academic education, associate degree studies, training and enrichment courses tailored to the needs of the Israeli industry and community

- News & Events
International Week of Interdisciplinary Studies and Academic Collaborations in Crete
A substantial delegation of 16 students and four faculty members from HIT Holon Institute of Technology participated in week-long international activities and events at HMU-Hellenic Mediterranean University in Crete. ...