Gender Equality
Women at HIT Holon Institute of Technology

Gender Equality Plan (GEP) - Statement of Commitment
The Holon Institute of Technology (hereinafter: the Institute or H.I.T) is committed to gender equality, recognizing its human capital as the truest and most significant asset.
As an academic institution that trains engineers, designers, scientists, and technologists, who successfully integrate into the knowledge-abundant industry in Israel and around the world, the Institute perceives gender equality as one of its main goals, as reflected in the Institute's Strategic Plan, which was presented to the Council for Higher Education and budgeted by the Institute.
In accordance with the directives of the Council for Higher Education, President's Advisor for Gender Equality (hereinafter, the Advisor) in the academy works at the Institute, coordinates all aspects related to its female students and faculty members, and manages the Unit for Gender Equality. In addition, the Advisor coordinates the collection and control of gender data according to the indicators set by the Council for Higher Education and reports to the Council for Higher Education as per their directive annually.
As part of the GEP goals, the Institute developed unique leadership programs for its female students, including designated programs for STEM subjects. In addition, the Institute holds training for members of the academic and administrative staff on various gender issues, and is a leader and partner in programs and projects designated to promote the GEP issues in academia and society.
The activity of the Gender Equality Unit undergoes regular control and evaluation processes that are reported to the management of the Institute.
The Holon Institute of Technology considers the personal and professional fulfillment of women’s potential not only as a moral obligation but as a real need. Resulting in a significant contribution to higher education, industry and society.
Head of Gender Equality Unit &
Advisor to the President for Gender Equality

True Gender Equality – In Practice
HIT's Gender Equality Unit sees itself as committed to achieving True Gender Equality (TGE), through actions, stemming from acknowledgement that our human capital is a real asset and very significant. Realization of the personal and professional potential of women as part of the academic staff, the administrative staff and as students, is our aim. It is not only a moral obligation rather an actual need, being that attainment of this goal will contribute considerably to HIT and the advancement of higher education in Israel. As part of its goals, the Council for Higher Education (CHE) stated that advancement of women was one of its major goals and HIT declared to act accordingly within the framework of its general additional goals.
Herein is an update of activities, proposals, scholarships and more.
Both women and men are invited to read, to join in, to comment and to elucidate so we can together elevate HIT to a status of an educational institution acting within excellency and commitment to social responsibility.
'The Chosen’ is a leadership program for female students at the Holon Institute of Technology - HIT, which serves as a bridge between academia and industry. The program provides practical tools for career development, inspiration and a social envelope for creating connections among group members.
As part of a concept of gender equality and reducing gender gaps in the world market place, the program provides tools and skills, aimed at maximizing the abilities and leadership potential of the female participants and to prepare them for optimal integration into various technological industries.
The program seeks 2nd year or higher female students of all faculties and degrees, with social awareness who are interested in personal development and growth and strive for personal excellence and are looking to be inspired by leading female role models.
Program Structure
The program consists of weekly meetings, which will include professional workshops in a variety of important management skills and inspirational meetings with leading female leaders, designed to prepare the members for the New Job Market in the best way possible.
A unique leadership program designed for outstanding female students in the technological professions - STEM (Sciences, Technology, Engineering, Math), which accompanies them during the first year of studies and prepares them for trends in the new jobs marketplace.
In this dynamic and fast-paced world, we need to acquire varied skills that allow us to remain updated and viable to compete in this new job market in general and for High-tech in specific. Advanced technological knowledge is not enough to ensure success. Today more than ever, employees need a new mindset, quick learning curve and acclimation to changes. In addition, there is a continual need to obtain skills that will assist you in initiating and advancing your ideas.
Understanding these needs prompted HIT to create unique dedicated programs for STEM female students, that will provide them with practical tools and skills of the 21st century professional marketplace, as outlined by educational, business and academic professionals, as well as the government.
These female students will undergo training in a variety of skills, (strategies for effective studying, public speaking, preparing a presentation, networking, storytelling, personal branding, advanced use of social networks, and more). In addition, they will be exposed to diverse management styles of leading women in the industry and will attend inspirational lectures.
The program is part of the HIT vision regarding gender equality and increasing the proportion of female students enrolled in STEM subjects.
The "Alice code" program trains young girls in the field of software, starting from the 4th grade of elementary school.
HIT is proud to take part in such an important program that aims to qualify girls and young women in the technological fields,
The program curriculum is based on a cyclic-learning model, which gives the participants a short-term and a long-term perspective, enabling the program graduates to smoothly integrate into the world of high-technology employment.
The participants of the program are exposed to diverse content worlds as part of the study program, with the aim of developing their creativity, technological ability, analytical and algorithmic abilities, alongside personal development and leadership skills. In addition, the program creates a professional community in the field of software and entrepreneurship, while developing and polishing personal abilities such as: presenting in front of an audience, teamwork, training and management.
Past participants in the program enjoyed great success in technological events and competitions, alongside software engineers working in the field, and are evaluated as ‘their equal’, without premise of age or gender. In addition to professionalism and the acquisition of knowledge in leading programming languages, the program as a whole is a mental, emotional and practical empowering experience.
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- News & Events
International Week of Interdisciplinary Studies and Academic Collaborations in Crete
A substantial delegation of 16 students and four faculty members from HIT Holon Institute of Technology participated in week-long international activities and events at HMU-Hellenic Mediterranean University in Crete. ...