Board of Trustees

Mr. Cohen Pinchas (Pini)
Chairman of the Board of Trustees
Holon Institute of Technology
Holon Institute of Technology
Mr. Cohen holds a Bachelor's degree in Industrial Management from the Tel Aviv University School of Engineering.
Mr. Cohen is the Chairman and Partner of the NOY Infrastructure and Energy Investments Fund, the largest Israeli fund for infrastructure-related investments. Concurrently he is also Chairman and Partner of America Israel Investments Ltd. In addition Mr. Cohen serves as Chairman of the Friends of the Rabin Medical Center and the Chairman of the Israeli Board of Trustees of the Institute for National Security Studies (INSS).
Over the years, Mr. Cohen served in a number of leading executive positions and has been chairman and member of numerous Boards of Directors mainly of the subsidiaries of the corporations he led and leads.
Mr. Cohen is the Chairman and Partner of the NOY Infrastructure and Energy Investments Fund, the largest Israeli fund for infrastructure-related investments. Concurrently he is also Chairman and Partner of America Israel Investments Ltd. In addition Mr. Cohen serves as Chairman of the Friends of the Rabin Medical Center and the Chairman of the Israeli Board of Trustees of the Institute for National Security Studies (INSS).
Over the years, Mr. Cohen served in a number of leading executive positions and has been chairman and member of numerous Boards of Directors mainly of the subsidiaries of the corporations he led and leads.

Prof. Pridor Adir
Chairman of the Executive Committee
Holon Institute of Technology
Holon Institute of Technology
Expert in operations research, system analysis, applied mathematics, large-scale complex systems, algorithm design, optimization, industrial modeling, manufacturing theory, telecommunications, logistic systems, numerical analysis, hydrodynamics, network analysis, transport equations, image and signal processing, learning systems, data mining, defense & security.
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Prof. Yakubov-Eduard
Holon Institute of Technology
Holon Institute of Technology
Professor of mathematics since 1981. At the Institute since 1994. Research interests: complex analysis and applied mathematics. Founded, led and managed several undergraduate and graduate academic programs in collaboration with the business world and academic institutions in Israel and abroad. Served in various academic management positions, including department head, vice dean, dean, and research vice president.

Mr. Malach Itzhak
Vice Chairman of the Executive Committee
Chairman of the Construction Committee, Member of the Investments Committee
Chairman of the Construction Committee, Member of the Investments Committee
Mr. Malach, a Holon native, finished his IDF service as the commander of Mamram (the Center of Computing and Information Systems), and in 2013 completed twenty years of work at Bank Leumi as the bank's vice CEO, and head of the division of technology, computerization and operations. Currently, he serves as a director of Bank Leumi Group: Leumi Switzerland, Leumi Card, and Arab-Israeli Bank. Mr. Malach holds undergraduate and graduate degrees from the University of Tel Aviv.

Mr. Besser Moti
Consultant and Senior Manager

Prof. Bshouty Daoud
Mr. Goldstein Zvi

Mr. Hameiri Yehuda

Dr. Harel Ronen

Mrs. Harary Dafna

Mr. Wiesner Udi

Yossefi Ran, CPA

Mrs. Lifshitz Hana

Mr. Fouzailov Ben-Zion

Mrs. Rozenzweig Ora

Adv. Kopolovich (Bar-Ness) Orna

Mr. Koren Tom

Mr. Dick Shimon

Dr. Leiba Moshe

Ms. Licht Dorit

Ms. Lifshitz Nitza

Mr. Feldschuh Joel

Mr. Friedchai Natan

Prof. Shaul Bar-Levl

Dr. Barkan-Refael

Lawyer, Dr. Rhahan Har-Zahav

- News & Events
International Week of Interdisciplinary Studies and Academic Collaborations in Crete
A substantial delegation of 16 students and four faculty members from HIT Holon Institute of Technology participated in week-long international activities and events at HMU-Hellenic Mediterranean University in Crete. ...