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The Ethiopian Ambassador to Israel visits HIT

HIT's management hosted the Ethiopian Ambassador to Israel for an official visit.


ביקור שגריר אתיופיה בישראל ב-HIT


The President of  HIT Holon Institute of Technology, Prof. Eduard Yakubov, hosted the Ethiopian Ambassador to Israel, Ambassador Tesfaye Yetayeh, and his staff on their first official visit to the Institute. 
This visit marks the beginning of a promising collaboration between HIT and Ethiopia, setting the stage for future fruitful engagements.

At the beginning of the visit, Prof. Yakubov presented the Institute's academic activities and the different and unique faculties, departments, and study programs, including the Digital Medical Technologies program and the Instructional Technologies Faculty. "Our study programs are of the highest level. Along with extensive social activities, we provide our students, who come from all over Israel and the world, with the best learning environment and give them tools that will ease their ability to find good positions in the industry," said Prof. Yakubov.

The Ambassador and his team visited the MADE research and development laboratory. This multidisciplinary laboratory deals with the development and design of assistive medical technologies, where a process of characterization, planning, research, and development takes place with clinical partners, to create technological medical solutions to various issues. These solutions enable research in different disciplines and provide recommendations for treatment while keeping the information in a classified personal medical file. In addition, the Embassy delegation visited the LIVING LAB. This "smart home" laboratory enables a functional home for elderly patients monitored through intelligent technologies to track the patient's function. The collected information is analyzed and transferred to their medical file, and the attending physician is provided with treatment recommendations.

"My visit to Israel has been a dream come true," said the Ethiopian Ambassador. I am equally thrilled about the prospect of Ethiopian students fulfilling their dreams of studying at HIT. I am committed to making this dream a reality," he concluded, reflecting his high regard for HIT and its academic possibilities.

HIT Holon Institute of Technology is proud to participate in the international effort with various academic and research institutions worldwide. The Institute collaborates with about 140 academic institutions in about 35 countries, including student exchange programs, joint research, and mutual visits as part of international conferences.

The Ethiopian Embassy delegation to HIT:
Ambassador Tesfaye Yetayeh - Ambassador of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia to the State of Israel 
Bekuma Merdasa- Embassy of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia to the State of Israel
Ambassador Nega Tsegaye- Embassy of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia to the State of Israel
Bethlehem Tilahun - Embassy of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia to the State of Israel


HIT's team:
Prof. Eduard Yakubov - President
Dr. Israel Ochanov - Head of the HIT Certificate Studies School
Ms. Mala Braslavsky - Director, Research, Innovation and International Ventures Authority
Ms. Ira Ivshin Guetta - International Programs and Partnerships Manager