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HIT’s Annual Job Fair 2024

HIT’s Job Fair is held yearly by the Career Management Unit in the Dean of Students’ office headed by Dr. Limor Sahar Inbar. 


Job fair 2024 | photographer: Ofer Amram

Job fair 2024 | photographer: Ofer Amram
The fair, intended for students and graduates of the Institute, offers a unique opportunity to meet and connect with representatives and recruiters from the leading organizations and companies in Israel’s industry to develop their careers and find suitable jobs.

 HIT Holon Institute of Technology is proud of its ability to combine higher education with the unique needs of the industry, and therefore is fulfilling its vision to be the "Academy of the Industry". 

In this framework, the annual fair is one of the main events that help in realizing this vision, by creating a platform for a direct connection between students and graduates and major companies in the country.

The event is a great meeting place for hundreds of students and graduates from all departments and faculties of the institute. The participants in this fair can meet with representatives from dozens of leading companies in various fields, including technology, engineering, cyber security, finance, med-tech, and more. 


Over 50 of the largest and most powerful companies in the Israeli economy took part in this year’s event. Among them are well-known names such as the Israeli Ministry of Communications, Israeli Electric Company ( IEC), Applied Materials, RAFAEL Advanced Defense Systems Ltd., Elbit Systems, Strauss, Infinity Labs, SAP Israel, and many others. These companies offer a wide range of positions for students and graduates, from student jobs to permanent jobs for graduates. 


Job fair 2024 | photographer: Ofer Amram

Job fair 2024 | photographer: Ofer Amram


"This is not the first time we come to the job fair at HIT," says Alexander Bitman, recruitment manager at AFCON, the smart infrastructure mogul. "This is my first year in the job and I've already heard from my predecessors that I should come to HIT if I'm looking for qualified candidates." 


The students and graduates who come to the fair gather information about employment options, while establishing personal connections with potential employers. 


HIT’s Career Management unit, led by Liat Balaban, offers workshops and tutorials for students, in preparation for the fair, aimed at helping them write impressive resumes and prepare them for job interviews. These services assist students in being fully prepared and thus get the most out of this fair.