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HIT’s School of Multidisciplinary Studies partners with institutions in Israel, Greece, Slovenia, Italy and Morocco to promote high-quality virtual exchanges between youth.



One of the most significant international achievements of this year at HIT is the launch of the multinational and multicultural project IMPACT (International-Mediterranean Peace and Collaboration).

IMPACT is a consortium of Higher Educational Institutions, organizations, youth associations and technology companies from Israel, Morocco and Europe which was successfully selected within the framework of ERASMUS Virtual Exchange Program. 

The project was granted 500,000 Euro funding for a period of three years. The aim of this collaboration is to promote virtual dialogue, activities, and programs between different cultures and religious groups by using online people-to-people interactions and integrating youth-friendly technologies and innovative pedagogies. The goal: to promote the quality of virtual exchanges, so that more young people will benefit from intercultural and international experiences.

In addition to the Israeli partners (HIT-Holon Institute of Technology, School of Multidisciplinary Studies, Gordon Academic College of Education, Western Galilee College, NICAT and IUCC), there are several HEIs from Greece (HMU), Slovenia (UM), Italy (UTIU) and Morocco (TF, UMP, AUI,).

All the IMPACT partners have the expertise, experience, and tools to collaborate, plan, develop and test the projects' activities ultimately leading to successful intercultural communication and the development of soft and digital skills via Virtual Exchange collaboration.