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Digital innovation in the museum

An augmented reality App for upgrading the visitor's experience


The museum experience is enhanced with the help of an App developed by four students from the Department of Computer Science: Desi Marbkov, Noam Borger and Maria Arsky, second year students, and Lina Koz, 3rd year student, who developed the project as part of HIT's Project Center led by Mark Israel.



Desi Marbkov
Desi Marbkov

Noam Borger
Noam Borger

Maria Arsky
Maria Arsky

Lina Koz
Lina Koz



By downloading the app, the visitor gets a custom-made animation of abstract paintings that are displayed in the museum. The animated images offer a different and special experience in the exhibition. The user is asked to answer a short questionnaire that defines a number of personal characteristics, to which the animation is adapted, so that each visitor has a different experience which is tailored to him.


In psychology, a person's personality is divided into 5 main traits. The project decided to focus on two of them: extroversion and openness to new experiences, which were found to influence the way the viewer experiences an abstract work.


Desi Marvakov explains: The project deals with augmented reality and is done in collaboration with a team of students from the Kharkiv Aviation Institute (KhAI) in the Ukraine and with a painter that specializes in abstract art. The general idea of the project is to develop an application that will be able to integrate the world of abstract art with the digital world. The main idea is to develop an application in which the user can aim the camera at a specific abstract painting and in response receive on his mobile screen a custom animation that will enhance his experience by observing the abstract art.

This means that the user enters his own world and can experience the paintings in a whole new way.

We hope that in the future it will be possible to increasingly integrate art in museums with digital innovation so this project is one important step towards this achievement.


The main innovation in the App is the attempt to combine the user's experience with his psychological characteristics. We conduct a comprehensive study in order to find out whether there is a connection between certain psychological characteristics, the characteristics of abstract painting and what the user sees / experiences in painting. The more we respond to the survey and the higher the percentage of matches, the more we will be able to enhance the user's experience by knowing how to tailor –made the animation more accurately.


ARt / home page screenshot



Posted: 06/06/2021