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R&D and External Affairs Authority's heads at Innsbruck University

Heads of HIT's R&D and External Affairs Authority, Dr. Refael Barkan (head) and Dr.Guy Yoskovitz (vice head) went to Austria as guests of the University of Innsbruck.
Dr. Barkan and Dr.Yoskovitz with University of Innsbruck delegateDr. Refael Barkan and Dr.Guy Yoskovitz with University of Innsbruck hosts
This visit was part of a comprehensive international process which started a few years ago and was accelerated this year. As part of it, HIT takes an active part in various R&D programs including ERASMUS+. KA1(International Credit mobility) aims at promoting and financially supporting staff and students exchange for the purpose of teaching and training.

This trip was done with cooperation from the EU and the presentation of the mutual work plan for HIT and the University of Innsbruck was prepared by Mrs. Marion Weiser through the AIANI -Austria-Israel Academic Network which was established in 2013 by the university with the purpose of promoting academic and scientific collaborations with Israeli academic institutions.

The mutual grant winning, by both the University of Innsbruck and HIT was presented as a model of collaboration in a special conference on Academic Relations that was held in Israel last month.

During their visit to the university, Dr. Barkan and Dr, Yoskovitz have met with leading figures such as  Dr. Barbara Tasser (Head of the International Services, University of Innsbruck) and Dr. Mathias Schennach (Head of the International Relations Office),  Prof. Alexander Ostermann, (head of the Research Area Scientific Computing) , Prof. Ruth Breu, (head of the Institute of Computer Science and Scientific Head of the Quality Engineering Competence Centre), Prof. Matthias Harders, (head of the Research Area Interactive Graphics and Simulation) , Dr. Felix Piazolo, Department of Strategic Management and others who presented  to the guests new and innovative technologies and advanced research methods and various tech transfer methods.

Dr. Barkan and Dr. Yoskovitz have presented HIT with its faculties and labs and to their hosts, have discussed a number of options for academic research collaborations.
In a meeting with the university's rector, Prof. Tilmann D. Märk, it was agreed that The university of Innsbruck will issue a call for proposal for Third Degree studies to HIT students as well as look at the options of granting scholarships for German studies in Austria during the summer as well as enlarging the number of staff members and students who will be exchanged between both institutions.
 (פורסם: 1.12.16)