The Julia Mizrahi Vitrina Gallery and the Faculty of Design, Holon Institute of Technology are proud to present Collaborators, a two person exhibition of recent paintings and works on paper by Hanan Shlonsky and Eyal Danieli.
Opening date :June 1st ,2017
Closing Date : July 6th,2017
While having a long and extensive personal friendship and professional exchange, this is the first time the two artists will be exhibiting their work together, not in the context of a broader group show.
The exhibition does not represent a singular collaborative narrative, or the outcome of a defined artistic collaboration, rather, it is an opportunity for both artists and their audiences to consider their individual dispositions in light of their intensive and long-standing exchange.

The exhibition considers the mutual influence they have had on each other as painters, be it theoretical, formal, or practical, and also, the effects distance, proximity and placement have on their various subject matter, and the way their practices address these subjects.
Over the years they have shared motifs, at times through discourse, and other times in unplanned synchronicity. Conversely, each has spent time individually on thematic concerns wherein their exchange focused on mutual criticism rather than shared objectives.
Together, they share a deep-seated interest in the relevance of painting in an age of image ubiquity and its electronic dissemination.
This exhibition sets out to give visual representation to the complexities of both artists and their intricate exchange. Not a summation to this process, but rather a current documentation of it.
Hanan Shlonsky is a lecturer at the HIT Design Faculty and has exhibited in Israel, the US and France. Eyal Danieli is based in New York and has exhibited there and in Germany.

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