For Sail! - Faculty of Design's Graduate exhibition
The Faculty of Design's graduate exhibition had sailed away with projects that explore a wide range of feelings, desires, fears, dreams and novelties which serve as an exciting mirror to what is going on in Israel and abroad.
4 exciting years of studies come to a festive end in a large and conclusive graduate exhibition which includes the faculty's three departments: Interior Design, headed by Arch. Warschawski, Industrial Design, headed by Prof. David Raved and Visual Communications Design, headed by Tamir Shefer.
The exhibition reveals the students' interest and involvement in personal and emotional topics such as memories, depression, loss and phobias alongside social issues, such as social networks, housing problems, censorship etc.

Lee ben Moshe- Interior design- Lumium- chaise longue ,which was done in an aluminum pipe weaving technique. The textile which comes out is very strong and allows it to stand independently.
Prof. Dana Arieli, Dean of the Faculty of Design: "the faculty had made a huge progress in the last year: no less than 5 exhibitions were presented abroad, all led by the faculty's students and staff.
2016 Graduate Exhibition-For Sail- reflects both the fact that our students will sail away shortly on their independent route as well as the faculty's tribute to the late Prof. Ami Drach, a great industrial designer who passed away before his time.
As in every year, the faculty's 'vintage' is quite outstanding: design for the community, sustainable design, reuse of structures and existing materials etc. These will be presented alongside contemporary interactive design and ground breaking technological innovations. There are only few design schools in the world that have such an impressive crop as we do, and I feel really proud to serve as head of the design faculty.

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