No Graphics
Graphic design and visual communications have become a common language in this era. The designer's role has become central and yet it carries with it stress, contradictions and compromises. He has to navigate gently between clients who have ordered the work and therefore feel that they have right to say the last word; the end users and himself- as an artist, creator and a person who seeks self-expression.
The close ties between the various forces that are active within the human society are expressed in the field of graphic design.

In order to expose a certain facet of the complicated nature of contemporary graphic design, we've decided to turn our work on the exhibition to a semi lab experiment: the artists were given a "brief" which included a set of strict rules which was our way to explore the limiting conditions under which graphic designers have to work today.

NO GRAOHICS deals with graphic design but without showing real graphic design.
In fact it deals with the rather dark side of graphic design, the one that is rarely talked about. The exhibition features an array of artists.
Closing date: July 1, 2016

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