Selected Items Exhibition
Opening 10.3.16 |13:00 | Building 6 | Close 31.3.16
Opening Hours : 10:00 - 17:00

The Exhibition "Selected Items" presents unique items and details taken from projects in the making. These allow the visitors to experience them as independent objects without the need to read and understand the entire project, and thus transmit the department's atmosphere in its entirety and the professional level of its first semester's projects.
In this exhibition objects were selected from the various students' projects' submissions , such as material models, head and body covers , drawings, sketches and details , which present the various activities that take place in the department such as: working on a small scale, using workshops, maximizing the use of materials and creating environments and objects on a 1:1 scale.

This year and for the first time, the exhibition takes place at the renovated Vitrina Gallery that will become the center stage for the students' works and will strengthen the ties between the interior design department and the Design Faculty enabling the exposure of these selected works to the audience at large and to those who are interested in Design studies.
Architects Nissan Warschawski (Nini) and Gal Gaon curated this exhibition and have chosen the selected items.

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