Faculty & staff

Tel: 03-5026844 | 03-5026647
Building 5, 2nd. floor, room 224

Dr. Alexander Axelevitch has a wide experience in experimental and applied scientific research in the field of thin films technology, semiconductors and renewable energy sources. Also, Dr. Axelevitch is the recognized Expert Evaluator for evaluations of projects submitted to the Program HORIZON 2020.

- Programmer-technician – Professional school of Leningrad State University, Russia (1965)
- Electrical and electronic engineer (B.Sc. and M.Sc.) – Electrical Engineering Institute of Leningrad, Russia (1971)
- Ph.D. of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Physical Electronics, Tel-Aviv University, Israel (2002)
Ph.D degree on the Physical Electronics was awarded on the Doctoral Dissertation “Developing of Advanced Sputtering Methods”.

- Nanotechnology with various applications, plasmonics.
- Semiconductors, their properties and applications.
- Physics of thin films and deposition methods.
- The systems for production of renewable energy, particularly solar cells, piezoelectric systems at al.

Occasion | Name of Institution (city, country) | Year |
The diploma of IV Degree – scientific competition |
Science Technical Society "PRIORPROM”, Leningrad, USSR | 1974 |
The best presentation prize for excellence for "Novel magnetic controlled plasma sputtering method” together with Dr. G. Golan and Dr. E. Rabinovitch. | 1st AGIL-96 Congress, Netanya, Israel | 1996 |
Grant – "Investigation of Transparent Photovoltaic Multilayer Thin Films for the visible range" together with Dr. G. Golan and Dr. E. Rabinovitch. | Israel Ministry of Science and Arts, Office of Chief scientist |
1996-1999 |
The best presentation prize for excellence for "Thin film semiconductor treatment by vacuum photothermal processing” together with Miss R.Margolin, Dr. G. Golan and Dr. E. Rabinovitch. | 2nd AGIL-98 Congress, Ramat-Gan, Israel | 1998 |
Grant - Tnufa program: "Pixlar – novel solar cell technology in silicon single crystal together with Prof. G. Golan (starting 22 February 2009) | Israel Ministry of Industry and Trade, Office of Chief Scientist | 2009-2011 |
Excellence in research/creativity, teaching, and contribution to the community | HIT – Holon Institute of Technology, Holon, Israel | 2013/2014 |
Excellence in academic activities | HIT – Holon Institute of Technology, Holon, Israel | 2014/2015 |
Excellence in contribution to the community | HIT – Holon Institute of Technology, Holon, Israel | 2016/2017 |

Year | Organization | Grant |
1996-1999 | Israel Ministry of Science and Arts, Office of Chief scientist | Grant – "Investigation of Transparent Photovoltaic Multilayer Thin Films for the visible range" together with Dr. G. Golan and Dr. E. Rabinovitch. |
2009-2011 | Israel Ministry of Industry and Trade, Office of | Grant - Tnufa program: "Pixlar – novel solar cell technology in silicon single crystal. |
Chief Scientist | Together with Prof. G. Golan (starting 22 February 2009) |

Year | Name of Institution (city, country) | Award |
1974 | Science Technical Society "PRIORPROM”, Leningrad, USSR | The diploma of IV Degree – scientific competition. |
1996 | 1st AGIL-96 Congress, Netanya, Israel | The best presentation prize for excellence for "Novel magnetic controlled plasma sputtering method” together with Dr. G. Golan and Dr. E. Rabinovitch |
1998 | 2nd AGIL-98 Congress, Ramat-Gan, Israel | The best presentation prize for excellence for "Thin film semiconductor treatment by vacuum photothermal processing” together with Miss R.Margolin, Dr. G. Golan and Dr. E. Rabinovitch |

א. אקסלביץ'
"מעבדה לרכיבים לוגיים"
חוברת ניסויים לקורס "מיתוג ותכנון לוגי" (קוד 50023)
בהוצאת המכון אקדמי טכנולוגי חולון, 58 עמודים, 2000. -
א. אקסלביץ'
"מעבדה לאלקטרוניקה א'"
חוברת ניסויים לקורס "התקני למוליכים למחצה א" (קוד 50007)
בהוצאת המכון אקדמי טכנולוגי חולון, 37 עמודים, 2000. -
א. אקסלביץ'
"מעבדה לאלקטרוניקה (מל''מ ב')"
חוברת ניסויים לקורס "התקני למוליכים למחצה ב" (קוד 50010)
בהוצאת המכון אקדמי טכנולוגי חולון, 50 עמודים, 2000 -
א. אקסלביץ'
"מעבדה למיקרואקלטרוניקה ושכבות דקות"
חוברת הקורס (קוד 50082)
בהוצאת המכון אקדמי טכנולוגי חולון, 117 עמודים, 2003 -
A. Axelevich, “Digital Electronic Circuits – The Comprehensive View” World Scientific Pub. Co. Inc., November 2018 (200 pages) [ISBN-13: 978-813270725]
G. Golan, A. Axelevich, E. Rabinovich, "Modified magnetic controlled plasma sputtering method” , Vacuum, 47(9), 1996 (1081-1083)
G. Golan, A. Axelevich, E. Rabinovich, "Bilayer structure of Pd-Al2O3 for UV vidicon applications”, Thin Solid Films, 283, 1996 (235-238)
G. Golan, A. Axelevitch, "Ring etching zones on magnetron sputtering targets”
Thin Solid Films, 300, 1997 (72–77) -
G. Golan, E. Rabinovitch, A. Axelevitch, L. Klibanov, A. Seidman, N. Kroitoru
"Microhardness analysis of diamond-like carbon films”, Diamond Films and Technology, 7(4), MYU Tokyo, 1997 (257-266) -
G. Golan, A. Axelevitch, E. Rabinovitch, "A linear model application for the design of transparent conductive In2O3 coatings”, Microelectronics J., 29, 1998 (689-694)
G. Golan, A. Axelevitch, E. Rabinovitch, "General technological modeling method for the design of transparent conductive In2O3 electrodes” J. of Vacuum Science and Technology (JVST-A), 16(4), 1998 (2614-2618)
G. Golan, E. Rabinovich, A. Inberg, A. Axelevitch, M. Oksman, Y. Rosenwaks,
A. Kozlovsky, P.G. Rancoita, M. Rattaggi, A. Seidman, N. Croitoru, "Dislocations structure investigation in neutron irradiated silicon detectors using AFM and microhardness measurements” Microelectronics Reliability, 39, 1999 (1497-1504) -
G. Golan, A. Axelevitch, E. Rabinovitch, R. Margolin, "Vacuum Photothermal Processing (VPP) for curing of the complex thin film systems” J. of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 1(4), 1999 (69-80)
G. Golan, A. Axelevitch, "Novel sputtering method for Pd-Al2O3 UV transparent conductive coatings” Microelectronics J., 31(6), 2000 (469-473)
G. Golan, E. Rabinovich, A. Axelevitch, A. Seidman, N. Croitoru, "Thin films indentation size effects in microhardness measurements”, J. of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 2(4), 2000 (317-325)
G. Golan, E. Rabinovich, A. Inberg, A. Axelevitch, G. Lubarsky, P.G. Rancoita,
M. Demarchi, A. Seidman, N. Croitoru, "Inversion phenomenon as a result of junction damages in neutron irradiated silicon detectors” Microelectronics Reliability, 41(1), 2001 (67-72) -
G. Golan, A. Axelevitch, R. Margolin, E. Rabinovitch, "Novel approach to sputtered tantalum film resistors with controlled pre-defined resistance” Microelectronics J., 32(1), 2001 (61-67)
G. Golan, A. Axelevitch, E. Rabinovitch, "Effects of electron beam generated in vacuum photo-thermal processing on metal-silicon contacts” Microelectronics Reliability, 41(6), 2001 (871-879)
G. Golan, A. Axelevitch, "Novel method of low-vacuum plasma triode sputtering” Microelectronics J., 33(8), 2002 (651-657)
G. Golan, A. Axelevitch, B. Sigalov, B. Gorenstein, "Investigation of low-pressure plane plasma discharge” Plasma Devices and Operations, 10(4), 2002 (251-261)
G. Golan, A. Axelevitch, B. Sigalov, B. Gorenstein, "Integrated thin film heater-thermocouple systems” Microelectronics Reliability, 43(3), 2003 (509-512)
G. Golan, A. Axelevitch, B. Sigalov, B. Gorenstein, "Thermal effects in low-pressure plane plasma apparatus for thin films applications” J. of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 71, 2003 (893-903)
G. Golan, A. Axelevitch, B. Sigalov, B. Gorenstein, "Metal-insulator phase transition in vanadium oxides films” Microelectronics J., 34(4), 2003 (255-258)
G. Golan, A. Axelevitch, "Active thermoelectric probing” J. of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 5(5), 2003 (1417-1422)
G. Golan, A. Axelevitch, "Active thermoelectric probe for plasma investigation”
Plasma Devices and Operations, 11(4), 2003 (287-296) -
G. Golan, A. Axelevitch, B. Sigalov, B. Gorenstein, "Investigation of phase transition mechanism in vanadium oxide thin films” J. of Optotelectronics and Advanced Materials, 6(1), 2004 (189-195)
G. Golan, A. Axelevitch, N. Croitoru, A. Inberg, B. Gorenstein, "In situ evaluation of plane plasma" Plasma Devices and Operations, 13(1), 2005 (9-18)
G. Golan, A. Axelevitch, "Progress in Vacuum Photothermal Processing (VVP)"
Microelectronics J., 37, 2006 (459-473) -
G. Golan, V. Manevych, A. Axelevitch, A. Jartovsky, V. Chigarev, "Investigation of diffusion process activation in pinched surfaces" J. of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 8(2), 2006 (835-842)
G. Golan, A. Axelevitch, B. Gorenstein, V. Manevich, "Hot-probe method for evaluation of impurities concentration in semiconductors" Microelectronics J., 37, 2006 (910-915)
G. Golan, A. Axelevitch, B. Gorenstein, "Si-C multilayer quasi crystals preparation by DC magnetron sputtering” Microelectronics J., 37, 2006 (1538-1542)
G. Golan, A. Axelevitch, B. Gorenstein, A. Peled, "Novel type of indium oxide thin films sputtering for opto-electronic applications" Applied Surface Science, 253, 2007 (6608-6611)
A. Axelevitch, G. Golan, "Modeling and optimization of film deposition by magnetron sputtering” Journal of Uncertain Systems, 1(4), 2007 (244-257)
A. Axelevitch, B. Gorenstein, G. Golan, "Preparation and investigation of VOx thin films of n- and p-types" Thin Solid Films 515, 2007 (8446-8449)
A. Axelevitch, G. Golan, "Novel silicon high sensitive photonic sensor"
Microelectronics J., 40, 2009 (435-438)
Available online:
(also appeared in Abstract Booklet, Int'l. Workshop on Recent Advances of Low Dimensional Structures and Devices, Nottingham, UK, 7-9 April 2008 (page 104) [poster]) -
.A. Axelevitch, B. Gorenstein, H. Darawshe, G. Golan, "Investigation of thin solid ZnO films prepared by sputtering" Thin Solid Films, 518, 2010 (4520-4524)
[also appeared as poster at The European Materials Conf. E-MRS 2009 Spring Meeting, Strasbourg, France, 8-12 June 2009] -
A. Axelevitch, G. Golan, "Efficiency analysis for multi-junction PV hetero-structures" Materials Science Research J., 4(1-2), 2010 (93-127)
A. Axelevitch, B. Gorenstein, G. Golan, "Investigation of the electrical transport mechanism in VOx thin films" Microelectronics Reliability, 51, 2011 (2119-2123)
E. Haikin, A. Axelevitch, G. Golan, "Investigation of influence of magnetic nanoparticles on the quality-factor of the oscillatory circuit" J. of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, 6, 2012 (979-983) [Impact Factor: 4]
A. Axelevitch, B. Apter, G. Golan, "Simulation and experimental investigation of optical transparency in gold island films" Optics Express, 21(4), 2013 (4126-4138) [Impact Factor: 3.587]
- A. Axelevitch, G. Golan, "Solar cells efficiency increase using thin metal island films" J. of Solar Energy, Hindawi Publishing Corporation, 2013 (5 pages)
- A. Axelevitch, V. Eidin, B. Gorenstein, "Effect of photothermal treatment on properties of Ge thin films", J. of Materials Science and Engineering A 3(7), 2013 (475-480)
- A. Axelevitch, G. Golan, "Hot-probe method for evaluation of majority charged carriers concentration in semiconductor thin films”, Facta Universitatis: Series Electronics and Energetics 27(3), 2013 (187-195)] [invited]
- A. Axelevitch, B. Apter, "Optical emission spectroscopy of the sputtering process in the triode system", Radiation Effects & Defects in Solids: Incorporating Plasma Science and Plasma Technology, 169(9), 2014 (759-766)
- A. Axelevitch, B. Gorenstein, G. Golan, "Application of gold nano-particles for silicon solar cells efficiency increase", Applied Surface Science, 315, 2014 (523-526)
- G. Golan, A. Axelevitch, J. Azoulay, "Properties investigation of thin films photovoltaic hetero-structures", World J. of Engineering, 11(3), 2014 (233-238)
- A. Axelevitch, V. Palankovski, S. Selberherr, G. Golan, "Investigation of novel silicon PV cells of a lateral type", Silicon, 7, 2015 (283-291)
- A. Axelevitch, B. Apter, "In-situ investigation of optical transmittance in metal thin films", Thin Solid Films, 591 (Part B), 2015 (261-266)
- A. Axelevitch, "Application of embedded metal nanostructures for solar cells" Int'l. J. of Renewable Energy Sources, 1, 2016 (32-37)
- A. Axelevitch, V. Akselevich, "Optical characterization of Oxytocin and Arginine-vasopressin dissolved in saline", Biointerface Research in Applied Chemistry, 6(6), 2016 (1808-1813)
- A. Axelevitch, B. Apter, "Preparation and study of doped ZnS thin films", Microelectronics Engineering, 170, 2017 (39-43)
- A. Axelevitch, "Plasmonic sensor for evaluation of the neuropeptides level in the human fluids", Advanced Materials Letters, 9(2), 2018 (306-310)
- A. Axelevitch, “Photovoltaic efficiency improvement: Limits and possibilities”, Scientific Reviews and Chemical Communications, 8(1), 2018 (115; 22 pages)
- A. Axelevitch, I. Lapsker,” Investigation of nanogenerators composed of zinc oxide nanostructures prepared by thermal oxidation of metal zinc”, Frontiers in Nanotechnology, 1(1), 2019 (9 pages)
A. Axelevitch, G. Golan, "Efficiency analysis for multi-junction PV hetero-structures" in: Photovoltaics: Developments, Applications and Impact
H. Tanaka, K. Yamashita (eds.), Nova Science Publishers, Inc. 400 Oser Ave., Suite 1600, Hauppauge, NY 11788, USA, 2010 [invited] [ISBN: 978-1-60876-022-0]
G. Golan, A. Axelevitch, E. Rabinovitch, "A linear model application for the design of transparent conductive In2O3 coatings” Proc. 21st Int'l. Conf. on Microelectronics (MIEL '97) Nis, Yugoslavia, 14-17 Sept. 1997, Vol.1 (83-86)
G. Golan, E. Rabinovich, A. Inberg, A. Axelevitch, M. Oksman, Y. Rosenwaks, A. Kozlovsky, P. G. Rancoita, M. Rattagi, A. Seidman, N. Croitoru, "Atomic force microscopy investigation of dislocation structures and deformation characteristics in neutron irradiated silicon detectors” Proc. 22nd Int'l. Conf. on Microelectronics (MIEL 2000) Nish, Yugoslavia, 1, 14-17 May 2000 (363-366)
G. Golan, A. Chorny, L. Kranovich, and A. Axelevitch, "Investigation of metal-silicon interface influenced by Vacuum Photothermal Processing VPP" Proc. 24th Int'l Conf. on Microelectronics (MIEL 2004) Nish, Serbia and Montegro, 16-19 May 2004 (425-428)
A. Axelevitch, B. Gorenstein, V. Manevich, G. Golan, "Hot-probe method for evaluation of major charged carriers concentration in semiconductor thin films"
E-MRS 2006 Spring Meeting (E-MRS – IUMRS – ICEM 06) Nice, France, 29 May-2 June 2006 -
G. Golan, V. Manevych, I. Lapsker, B. Gorenstein, A. Axelevitch, "Investigation of metal-polycrystalline silicon carbide bonding while metallization" Proc. 25th IEEE Int'l. Conf. on Microelectronics (MIEL 2006) 14-17 May 2006, Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro, 2, 2006 (361-364)
A. Axelevitch, G. Golan, B. Gorenstein, "Optimization in Vacuum Photothermal Processing (VPP)" Proc. 13th IEEE Int'l. Conf. on Advanced Thermal Processing of Semiconductors (RTP '2005) 4-7 Oct. 2005, Santa Barbara, CA, USA (219-223)
A. Axelevitch, G. Golan, J. Azoulay, "Properties investigation of thin films photovoltaic hetero-structures” Proc. 3rd Int'l. Conf. on Cybernetics and Information Technologies Systems and Applications (CITSA 2006), Vol. 1
20-23 July 2006, Orlando, USA (28-33) -
G. Golan, A. Axelevitch, "Semiconducting vanadium oxide films for low cost silicon photovoltaics" Electricity 2006, The Joint Convention of the Society of Electrical and Electronics Engineers in Israel, IEEE Israel & MedPower '06
Eilat, Israel, 15-17 November 2006 (1-14) -
G. Golan, A. Axelevitch, "Efficiency evaluation of thin-film hetero-junction solar cells" 26th Int'l. Conf. on Microelectronics (MIEL 2008) Niš, Serbia, 11-14 May 2008 (211-216)
G. Golan, A. Axelevitch, "Low cost silicon solar cells using metallic oxide films"
6th Mediterranean Conf. and Exhibition on Power Generation, Transmission,
Distribution and Energy Conversion (Med Power 2008) Thessaloniki, Greece, 2-5 November 2008 (MED08/174, 1-6) -
G. Golan, A. Axelevitch, "Electrical transport mechanism in VO2 thin films"
Proc. 27th Int'l. Conf. on Microelectronics (MIEL 2010) Niš, Serbia, 16-19 May 2010 (141-144) -
A. Axelevitch, B. Gorenstein, G. Golan, "Preparation of high efficient solar absorbers by low pressure sputtering" Proc. Int'l. Conf. on Solar Heating, Cooling and Buildings (EuroSun 2010) Graz, Austria, 28 September-1 October 2010
[also published at the Conf. Abstracts under the same title, p.101) -
G. Golan, A. Axelevitch, "Advantages of P-I-N photovoltaic structures
Medpower 2010 – 7th Mediterranean Conf. and Exhibition on Power Generation,
Transmission, Distribution and Energy Conversion, Agia Napa, Cyprus, 7-10 November 2010 -
G. Golan, A. Axelevitch, "Trends in Si solar cells" Electricity 2010 - The Annual Conv. of the Society of Electrical and Electronics Engineers in Israel Eilat, Israel, 17-20 November 2010 (page 34)
A. Axelevitch, G. Golan, "Novel mono-crystalline solar cells with improved efficiency" Proc. Int'l. Conf. on ISES Solar World Congress 2011, Kassel, Germany, 28 August-2 September 2011 [also published at the Conf. Abstracts under the same title, f.34399]
A. Axelevitch, V. Palankovski, S. Selberherr, G. Golan "Large silicon solar cells of a lateral type" Energy Procedia, 2012 [available online at] (also appeared as poster at the 2nd Int'l. Conf. on Crystalline Silicon Photovoltaics Leuven, Belgium, 3-5 April 2012)
A. Axelevitch, B. Gorenstein, G. Golan, "Investigation of optical transmission in thin metal films" Physics Procedia, 32, 2012 (1-13)
- G. Golan, A. Axelevitch, J. Azoulay, "Properties investigation of thin films photovoltaic heterostructures", 21st Annual Int'l. Conf. on Composites or Nano Engineering (ICCE-21), Tenerife, Spain, 21-27 July 2013 [oral presentation]
- A. Axelevitch, G. Golan, "Improvement of PV cell efficiency by rectifying antenna" Proc. SiliconPV 2013 – 3rd Int'l. Conf. on Crystalline Silicon Photovoltaics, Hamelin, Germany, 25-27 March 2013, Elsevier - Energy Procedia, 38, 2013 (404-409)
- A. Axelevitch, B. Gorenstein, "Sputtering gold nano-structure for photovoltaic applications", Proc. IEEE 34th Int'l. Scientific Conf. on Electronics and Nanotechnology (Elnano), Kiev, Ukraine, 15-18 April 2014 (183-187)
- A. Axelevitch, V. Akselevich, "Evaluation of the neuropeptides level using a surface enhanced mobile spectroscopy system", 2015 IEEE Int'l. Conf. on Multisensor Fusion and Integration for Intelligent Systems (MFI), San Diego, CA, USA, 14-16 September 2015 (334-338)
- A. Axelevitch, "Aluminum based nanostructures for biosensing", J. of Materials Science & Engineering, 5(3-suppl), 2016 (page 23), Proc. 5th World Congress on Materials Science & Engineering, Alicante, Spain, 13-15 June 2016
- A. Axelevitch, "Application of embedded metal nanostructures for solar cells" Int'l. Conf. of APSAC/WSEAS – EEETE '16: Energy and Environment Models, Technologies and Equipment, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 28-30 September 2016 (Invited)
- A. Laikhtman, D. Harea, A. Axelevitch, A. Meshalkin, "Photodarkening effect and optical properties of nanocomposite material, polymer/Fe304 magnetic nanoparticles", Proc. SPIE, Vol.10036 4th Conf. on Sensors, MEMS and Electro-Optical Systems (SMEOS 2016), Skukuza, Kruger National Park, South Africa, 12-14 September 2016
A. Axelevitch "The method of production of signal plate for vidicon”
Certificate of invention USSR N 616,944; Intl. Cl. H01 j 9/20, 1978 -
A. Axelevitch, V. Gurianov "The Vidicon's target with marks”
Certificate of invention USSR N 630675, Intl. Cl. H 01j 31/38, 1978 -
A. Axelevitch, S. Domogirov, I. Evlanova "Vidicon's target”
Certificate of invention USSR N 672668, Intl. Cl. H 01j 29/36, H 01j 31/38, 1979 -
A. Axelevitch "The device for deposition of coatings in vacuum”
Certificate of invention USSR N 713,181; Intl. Cl. C23c 15/00, 1979 -
A. Axelevitch, V. Egorov, E. Tentler, E. Anchevsky "Densimeter”
Certificate of invention USSR N 1,116,358; Intl. Cl. G 01n 9/22, 1983 -
G. Golan, A. Axelevitch, R. Shavit "Photoelectric structure and method of manufacturing thereof" Patent EP 2335290 (A2); H01L31/0224; H01L31/075 , 2010

2014-today |
Expert-evaluator of European Commission on the “Horizon-2020” project |
1995-today |
Holon Academic Institute of Technology, Head of the Micro- and Nanotechnology department, Senior lecturer; Head of the Thin Film and Nanotechnology laboratory |
1995-1996 |
Privet firm, Tel-Aviv, consulting in the field of the refractory metal powder production |
1994-1995 |
Privet firm, Petah-Tikva, expert in the Data Bases of the thin films technologies; Data Bases editing, testing of final product. |
1992-1994 |
Different privet firm, Israel, electrical works (Electrician Chief) |
1991-1992 |
Privet firm, Apatity, Russia, General Manager, Electronics engineering and consulting in the computer, electronics, and automation fields. |
1978-1991 |
Engineering and consulting State firm, Apatity, Russia, Senior Engineer. Automation of great industrial enterprises, computerization of chemical and mining technologies, technological measurement, monitoring and control. |
1971-1978 |
Scientific-Research Institute, Leningrad, USSR, Research Engineer. |

- 1995-1999: Research Scientist (Ministry of Immigration)
- 1999-2003: Adjunct Lecturer
- 2003-2008: Instructor Dr.
- 2008-2012: Lecturer
- 1/10/2012: Senior Lecturer with tenure
- 1/10/2014: Head of the Micro- and Nanoelectronics Track
Teaching History
Microelectronics and Thin Films Lab.
Semiconductor and Electronics Devices A Lab.
Semiconductor and Electronics Devices B Lab.
Digital Electronics Circuits Lab.
Digital Electronics Circuits
Introduction to Electronics
Introduction to Electricity Lab.
Semiconductor Devices 1
Microelectronics Technologies
Switching and Logic Design
Digital Systems
VLSI Technology
Electronic and Optical Properties of Thin Films
Semiconductor Devices 2
Thin Films Technology
Electrooptic Semiconductor Devices
Solar Cells
Application to Thin Films in Nanotechnology
Semiconductors A

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