Faculty & staff
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Prof. Arriel Benis

Department of Digital Medical Technologies | Head of Department
Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Technology Management | Head of the M.Sc.: specialization track ''Data and Technology Management in Health Systems''
Head of the Business Intelligence and Automation lab (BIA)
Department of Data Science
Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Technology Management | Head of the M.Sc.: specialization track ''Data and Technology Management in Health Systems''
Head of the Business Intelligence and Automation lab (BIA)
Department of Data Science
Tel: 03-5026892
Building 1, 6th Floor, Room 603

M.Tech. Computer Science – Information Systems, France (2002)
M.Sc. Medical Informatics & Communication Technologies, Pierre and Marie Curie University – Paris VI, France (2003)
PGDipl. Industrial Production & Management - Biological Engineering specialization, National Conservatory of Arts and Crafts, France (2005)
PGDipl. Biological and Medical Engineering on the Promotion of Applied Research and Biomedical Innovation, Pierre and Marie Curie University – Paris VI, France (2006)
Ph.D. Medical Informatics (Artificial Intelligence/ Knowledge Discovery), University of Paris 13 - Paris North, France (2009)
Research interests

- Health Data Science
- Data Mining, Text Mining, Process Mining, Machine Learning
- Controlled vocabularies: Terminologies, Thesaurus, Ontologies and Natural Language Processing
- Healthcare Informatics, Digital Health
- One Health, One Digital Health
- Public Health, Epidemiology, and Health Communication
- Social Networks, Systemics, Social Physics
- Applications of the Internet of Things, robotics, and automation for risk and disaster

2018-present, Senior Lecturer, HIT – Holon Institute of Technology, Israel
2016-2018, Lecturer, HIT – Holon Institute of Technology, Israel
2005-2007, Lecturer, University of Paris 13 – Paris North, France
2004-2006, Lecturer, Engineering School of Information and Digital Technologies (EFREI), France
2003-2005, Lecturer, Computer and Management (IGF), France
Publications (Selected)

- B. Hanczar, M. Courtine, A. Benis, C. Hennegar, K. Clément, J-D Zucker
Improving classification of microarray data using prototype-based feature selection
SIGKDD Explorations, Special Issue on Microarray, 5(2), 2003 (23-30) - N. Viguerie, K. Clement, P. Barbe, M. Courtine, A. Benis, D. Larrouy, B. Hanczar, V. Pelloux, C. Poitou, Y. Khalfallah, G.S. Barsh, C. Thalamas, J-D Zucker, D. Langin
In vivo epinephrine-mediated regulation of gene expression in human skeletal muscle
J. of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 89(5), 2004 (2000-2014) - K. Clément, N. Viguerie, C. Poitou, C. Carette, V. Pelloux, C.A. Curat, A. Sicard, S. Rome, A. Benis, J-D Zucker, H. Vidal, M. Laville, G.S. Barsh, A. Basdevant, V. Stich, R. Cancello, D. Langin
Weight loss regulates inflammation-related genes in white adipose tissue of obese subjects
Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology – FASEB J., 18(14), 2004 (1657-1669) - S. Taleb, D. Lacasa, J.P. Bastard, C. Poitou, R. Cancello, V. Pelloux, N. Viguerie, A. Benis, J-D Zucker, J.L. Bouillot, C. Coussieu, A. Basdevant, D. Langin, K. Clement
Cathepsin S, A novel biomarker of adiposity: relevance to atherogensis
Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology – FASEB J., 19(11), 2005 (1540-1542) - H. Charbit, A. Benis, B. Geyshis, D. Karussis, P. Petrou, A. Vaknin-Dembinsky, I. Lavon
Sex-specific prediction of interferon beta therapy response in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis
J. of Clinical Neuroscience, 22, 2015 (986-989) - M.B. Hoshen, A. Benis, K.M. Keyes, H. Zoëga
Stimulant use for ADHD and relative age in class among children in Israel
Pharmacoepidemiol and Drug. Safety, 2016 - T. Siegal, H. Charbit, I. Paldor, B. Zelikovitch, T. Canello, A. Benis, M.L. Wong,
A.P. Morokoff, A.H. Kaye, I. Lavon
Dynamics of circulating hypoxia-mediated miRNAs and tumor response in patients with high-grade glioma treated with bevacizumab
J. of Neurosurgery, 2016 - D. Dicker, B.S. Feldman, M. Leventer-Roberts, A. Benis
Obesity or smoking: Which factor contributes more to the incidence of myocardial infarction?
European J. of Internal Medicine, 32, 2016 (43-46) - D. Dicker, B.S. Feldman, A. Benis, M. Hoshen
Obesity or smoking: Which factor contributes more to the incidence of myocardial infarction? Authors' Reply
European J. of Internal Medicine, 34, 2016 (e25-26) [Letter to the Editor] - D.H. Jaffe, N. Flaks-Manov, A. Benis, H. Gabay, M. DiBonaventura, H. Rosenbaum,
A. Joseph, M. Leventer-Roberts
A population-based cohort of Gaucher disease patients identified using EHR data
Value in Health, 19(7), (A578) - D.H. Jaffe, A. Benis, N.M. Flores, H. Gabay, R. Morlock, A. Klein, D.Y. Teltsch, J. Chapnick, B. Feldman, Y. Molad, S.M. Giveon, M. Leventer-Roberts
Serum uric acid testing practices over five years among incident gout cases
Arthritis & Rheumatology, an official journal of the American College of Rheumatology
Abstract Supplement, 68(S10), October 2016
The American College of Rheumatology and The Association for Rheumatology Health Professionals - 2016 ACR/ARHP Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, USA, 11-16 November 2016 - A. Benis, M. Hoshen
DisEpi: Compact visualization as a tool for applied epidemiological research
Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 244, 2017 (38-42) - S. Cohen, H. Gilutz, A.J. Marelli, L. Iserin, A. Benis, D. Bonnet, A. Burgun
Administrative health databases for addressing emerging issues in adults with CHD:
A systematic review
Cardiology in the Young, 28(6) 2018 (844-853) - A. Benis
Healthcare informatics project-based learning: An example of a technology management graduation project focusing on veterinary medicine.
Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 255, 2018 (267-271) - A. Benis, N. Harel, R.B. Barkan, E. Srulovici, C. Key
Patterns of patients’ interactions with a health care organization and their impacts on health quality measurements: Protocol for a retrospective cohort study
J. Medical Internet Research - Research Protocols, 7(11), 2018 (e10734) - D.H. Jaffe, N .Flaks-Manov, A. Benis, H. Gabay, M. DiBonaventura, H. Rosenbaum, A. Joseph, A. Bachrach, M. Leventer-Roberts
Population-based cohort of 500 patients with Gaucher disease in Israel
BMJ Open, 9, 2019 (e024251) - D.H. Jaffe, A.B. Klein, A. Benis, N.M. Flores, H. Gabay, R. Morlock, D.Y. Teltsch, J. Chapnick, Y. Molad, S.M. Giveon, B. Feldman, M. Leventer-Roberts
Incident gout and chronic kidney disease: Healthcare utilization and survival
BMC Rheumatology, 3(11), 2019 - A. Benis, M. Crisan-Vida, L. Stoicu-Tivadar, S. Darmoni
A multi-lingual dictionary for health informatics as an international cooperation pillar
Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 262, 2019 (31-34) - A. Benis, A. Boim, A. Notea
A social networks data historian support research in emergency & disaster medicine
and management
Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 258, 2019 (231-232)
Ranking: Q2 (42/103) in Health Informatics, Q2 (16/36) in Health Information Management, Citation: 1 - A. Benis, M. Crisan-Vida, L. Stoicu-Tivadar
The EFMI Working Group "Healthcare informatics for interregional cooperation":
An evolving strategy for building cooperation bridges.
Studies in Health Technology and Informatics. 264, 2019 (1907-1908) - B. Comte, J. Baumbach, A. Benis, J. Basílio, N. Debeljak, Å. Flobak, C. Franken, N. Harel, F. He, M. Kuiper, J.A. Méndez Pérez, E. Pujos-Guillot, T. Režen, D. Rozman, J.A. Schmid, J. Scerri, P. Tieri, K. Van Steen, S. Vasudevan, S. Watterson, H.H.H.W. Schmidt
Network and systems medicine: Position paper of the European collaboration on science
and technology action on open multiscale systems medicine
Network and Systems Medicine, 3(1), 2020 (67-90) - A. Benis, R.B. Barkan, T. Sela, N. Harel
Communication behavior changes between patients with diabetes and healthcare
providers over 9 years: Retrospective cohort study
J. of Medical Internet Research (JMIR), 22(8), 2020 (e17186) - A. Benis, O. Tamburis, C. Chronski, A. Moen
One digital health: A unified framework for future health ecosystems
J. of Medical Internet Research, 23(2), 2021 (22189)
DOI: 10.2196/22189 - M. Zanin, N.A.A. Atiya, J. Basilio, J. Baumbach, A. Benis, C.K. Behera, M. Bucholc,
F. Castiglione, I. Chouvarda, B. Comte, T-T Dao, X. Ding, E. Pujos-Guillot, N. Filipovic,
D.P. Finn, D.H. Glass, N. Harel, T. Lesmantas, I. Ivanoska, A. Joshi, K.Z. Boudjeltia, B. Kaoui, D. Kaur, L.P. Maguire, P.L. McClean, N. McCombe, J. Luis de Miranda, M.A. Moisecu, F. Pappalardo, A. Polster, G. Prasad, D. Rozman, I. Sacala, J.M. Sanchez-Bornot, J.A. Schmid, T. Sharp, J. Solé-Casals, V. Spiwok, G.M. Spyrou, E. Stalidzans, B. Stres, T. Sustersic, I. Symeonidis, P. Tieri, S. Todd, K. Van Steen, M. Veneva, D-H Wang, H. Wang, H. Wang, S. Watterson, K. Wong-Lin, S. Yang, X. Zou, K. Wong-Lin, H.H.H.W. Schmidt
An early stage researcher's primer on systems medicine terminology
Network and Systems Medicine, J. of Medical Systems Biology and Network Science
4(1), published online 25 February 2021 (2-50) [in progress] - A. Benis, A. Khodos, S. Ran, E. Levner, S. Ashkenazi
Social media-engagement and influenza vaccination during the COVID-19 pandemic:
Cross-sectional survey study××
J. of Medical Internet Research, 23(3), 16 March 2021 (e25977) - A. Benis, A. Seidmann, S. Ashkenazi
Reasons for taking the COVID-19 vaccine by US social media users
Vaccines (Basel), 9(4), 29 March 2021 (315) - A. Benis, S. Amador Nelke, M. Winokur
Training the next industrial engineers and managers about industry 4.0: A case study about challenges and opportunities in the COVID-19 era
Sensors, 21(9), 21 April 2021 (2905) - G. Lavie, M. Hoshen, M. Leibowitz, A. Benis, A. Akriv, R. Balicer, O. Reges
Statin therapy for primary prevention in the elderly and its association with
new-onset diabetes, cardiovascular events and all-cause mortality
The American J. of Medicine, 134(5), May 2021 (643-652) - J. Matschinske, N. Alcaraz, A. Benis, et al.
The AIMe registry for artificial intelligence in biomedical research. Nat Methods 18, 1128–1131 (2021). - A. Benis, A. Chatsubi, E. Levner, S. Ashkenazi S
Change in Threads on Twitter Regarding Influenza, Vaccines, and Vaccination During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Artificial Intelligence–Based Infodemiology Study, JMIR Infodemiology 2021;1(1):e31983 - E. Syundyukov, M. Mednis, L. Zaharenko, E. Pildegovica, I. Danovska, S. Kistkin, A. Seidmann, A. Benis, V. Pirags, L. Tzivian (2021).
Data-Driven Decision Making and Proactive Citizen–Scientist Communication: A Cross-Sectional Study on COVID-19 Vaccination Adherence. Vaccines, 9(12), 1384. - A. Benis, M. Banker, D. Pinkasovich, M. Kirin, B-e. Yoshai, R. Benchoam-Ravid, S. Ashkenazi, A. Seidmann, Reasons for Utilizing Telemedicine during and after the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Internet-Based International Study. Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2021; 10(23):5519.
- A. Benis, M. Courtine
Biomarkers discovery in medical genomics data
In: Software Tools and Algorithms for Biological Systems
Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, 696, 2011 (327-334) - A. Benis
Problem and project-based learning in the fields of health informatics and digital health
In: Teaching and Subjects on Bio-Medical Engineering: Approaches and Experiences from the Bioart-Project
P. Arras, D. Luengo (Eds.)
1st edition, Volume 1, Acco cv, Leuven, Belgium, 2021 (34-51)
- A. Benis, J-D Zucker
Discoclini: Correlations discoveries between gene expression and bioclinical data
In: Integrative Post-Genomics – IPG 2005
Int'l. Multidisciplinary Meeting on Post-Genomics, La Doua, France, 2005 (page 14) - A. Benis
Categorizing gene expression correlations with bioclinical data: An abstraction based approach
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3607, 2005 (352-353)
Proc. Abstraction, Reformulation and Approximation 6th Int'l. Symp. – SARA 2005
Airth Castle, Scotland, UK, 26-29 July 2005 - A. Benis, J-D Zucker
DiscoClini: Une méthodologie pour l'extraction de relations linéaires dans des données de génomique médicale
Ingénierie des Connaissances 2007 – IC 2007
Proc. 18th French Knowledge Engineering Conf.
Grenoble, France, 4-6 July 2007 (337-339) - A. Benis, M. Courtine
Un système pour l'extraction de corrélations linéaires dans des données de génomique médicale
Extraction et Gestion des Connaissances - EGC 2009
Int'l. French-Speaking Conf. on Knowledge Discovery and Management
Strasbourg, France, 27-30 January 2009 (467-468) [poster] - A. Benis
DiscoClini: Un environnement pour l'aide à la découverte de corrélations entre les données d'expression génique et des données biocliniques
Journées Francophones d'Informatique Médicale – JFIM 2007
Int'l. French-speaking Conf. on Medical Informatics, 8 pages - A. Benis, M. Courtine
A method and system for Biomarker discovery in medical genomics data
BIOCOMP '09 – The 2009 Int'l. Conf. on Bioinformatics & Computational Biology
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 13-16 July 2009 (265-274) - A. Benis, M. Courtine, A. Venot
DiscoClini: A system for biomarkers discovery in medical functional genomics data
Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 160, 2, 2010 (page 1354)
ISBN: 978-1-60750-587-7 (print) | 978-1-60750-588-4 (online) - H. Charbit, A. Benis, D. Karussis, P. Petrou, A. Vaknin-Dembinsky, I. Lavon
Predictive markers to IFN therapy in multiple sclerosis patients
The 21st Annual Meeting of the Israel Society for Neuroscience &
The First Binational Australian-Israeli Meeting in Neuroscience
Eilat, Israel, 15-18 December 2012 [poster]
J. Molecular Neuroscience, November 2013; Supplement 1, S4-135 - A. Vaknin-Dembinsky, H. Charbit, A. Benis, D. Karussis, P. Petrou, I. Lavon
A novel gender-related-gene-signature for predicting response to interferon beta therapy in multiple sclerosis patients
Multiple Sclerosis J., 19(11), 2013 (page 572)
ECTRIMS 2013 – 29th Congress of the European Comm. for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis and 18th Annual Conf. of Rehabilitation in MS
Copenhagen, Denmark, 2 October 2013 [poster] - M. Hoshen, A. Benis, H. Zoëga, K.M. Keyes
Relative age incidence of ADHD – Disparities in diagnosis and treatment – and the trends in data
The 11th Annual Health Policy Conf., Tel-Aviv, Israel, May 2015, Vol.1 - T. Siegal, H. Charbit, I. Paldor, B. Zeikovitch, T. Canello, A. Mordechai, A. Benis, M.L. Wong,
A.P. Morokoff, A.H. Kaye, I. Lavon
Dynamics of circulating hypoxia-mediated miRNAs and tumor response in high-grade glioma patients treated with bevacizumab
J. of Neuro-Oncology, 17(Supp.5)
20th Annual Society for Neuro-Oncology Annual Scientific Meeting and Education Day 2015
San Antonio, Texas, USA, 19-22 November 2015 - A. Benis, N. Harel, R. Barkan, T. Sela, B. Feldman
Identification and description of healthcare customer communication patterns among individuals with diabetes in Clalit Health Services: A retrospective database study
The Practice of Patient Centered Care: Empowering and Engaging Patients in the Digital Era
Series: Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 244, 2017 (18-22)
R. Engelbrecht, R. Balicer, M. Hercigonja-Szekeres (Eds.)
Proc. of the European Federation for Medical Informatics Special Topic Conf. (EFMI STC 2017)
Tel-Aviv, Israel, 23-24/10/2017 - A. Benis, A. Notea, R. Barkan
Risk and disaster management: From planning and expertise to smart, intelligent, and adaptive systems
Building Continents of Knowledge in Oceans of Data: The Future of Co-Created eHealth
Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 247, 2018 (286-290)
Proc. of the 29th Medical Informatics Europe Conf. (MIE 2018)
Gothenburg, Sweden, 24-26 April 2018 - A. Benis, S. Amador-Nelke and M. Winokur
Upgrading Industrial Engineering and Management curriculum to Industry 4.0
Proc. IEEE Int'l. Conf. on Industrial Technology (ICIT 2020)
Buenos Aires, Argentina, 26-28 February 2020 (355-359) - E. Levner, B. Kriheli, A. Benis, A. Ptuskin, A. Elalouf, S. Hovav, S. Ashkenazi
Entropy-based approach to efficient cleaning of big data in hierarchical databases
In: S. Nepal, W. Cao, A. Nasridinov, M.Z.A. Bhuiyan, X. Guo, L.J. Zhang (Eds.)
Proc. 2020 Int'l. Conference on Big Data (BigData 2020)
18-20 September 2020 (virtual conference)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 12402 (3-12)
Springer Int'l. Publishing AG

- J. Synett, A.J. Benis, G. Armon-Kest, M. Meir, R. David, D. Zilberbrand, J.H. Oaknin
System, method and computer program product for prediction based on user interactions history
Pub. No.: US 2013/0204700 A1, Pub. Date: 8 August 2013 - J. Synett, A.J. Benis, G. Armon-Kest, M. Meir
System, method and computer program product for attributing a value associated with a series of user interactions to individual interactions in the series
Pub. No.: US 2013/0231977 A1, Pub. Date: 5 September 2013 - M. Aronowich, A.J. Benis, R. Yanai
Targeted advertising in social media networks
Pub. No.: US 2014/0236715 A1, Pub. Date: 21 August 2014 - G. Armon-Kest, A. Lederhendler, A.J. Benis, D. Zilberbrand, S. Siegman
System, a method and a computer program product for performance assessment
Pub. No.: US 8,856,130 B2, Pub. Date: 7 October 2014 - G. Armon-Kest, A. Lederhendler, A.J. Benis, D. Zilberbrand, S. Siegman
System, a method and a computer program product for performance assessment
Pub. No.: US 2014/0372350 A1, Pub. Date: 18 December 2014 - M. Aronowich, A.J. Benis, R. Yanai, G. Vind
Budget distribution in online advertising
Pub. No.: US 214/0379464 A1, Pub. Date: 25 December 2014 - G. Armon-Kest, A. Lederhendler, D. Zilberbrand, S. Siegman, Y. Synett, O. Cohen, A.J. Benis
Classification of geographic performance datao
Pub. No.: US 2015/0088636 A1, Pub. Date: 26 March 2015 - A.J. Benis, T. Hasson, E. Sadeh, N. Barkai, N. Hasson, I. Marks, M. Meir
Cross-channel audience segmentation
Pub. No.: US 2015/0235246 A1, Pub. Date: 20 August 2015 - J. Synett, A.J. Benis, G. Armon-Kest, M. Moti, R. Ravid, D. Zilberbrand, J.H. Oaknin
Attribution of values to user interactions in a sequence
Pub. No.: US 20160328739 A1, Pub. Date: 10 November 2016 - H. Fishgrund, I. Kivinshtein, T. Naim, A.J. Benis
A system and method of monitoring diet habits of a pet
United States Patent Application No. 62/518,233 filed on 12 June 2017 - A.J. Benis, Y. Bakshi, Y. Idzikowski, E. Katz
A system and method for optimizing building management
United States Patent Application No. 62/552,640 filed on 31 August 2017
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