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Dr. David Dahan is an experienced researcher and engineer in digital and optical communication systems and networks with more than 15 years of expertise.
In 2014, he joined HIT as a senior lecturer in the Engineering faculty.
In parallel he has been working at senior positions in the Israeli high tech industry since 2006.
In 2018, he joined Toga Networks-a Huawei company, as a senior oDSP algorithm architect in the field of very high speed optical modulation formats and related DSP algorithms for advanced optical networking.
He is an author and co-author of more than 50 peer-reviewed and conference papers, a senior member of IEEE and a reviewer for several highly ranked peer-reviewed journals.

- Ph.D., Electrical Engineering, Technion, Haifa – Israel (2006)
Thesis title: Raman and Parametric mediated amplification and all optical processing for high-speed fiber-optics communication systems. - M.Sc., Electrical and Computer Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology - Atlanta, USA (1999).
- Engineering Diploma, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Supélec – France (1999).

His current research interests include advanced optical modulation formats (DP-QPSK, DP-8QAM, DP-16QAM and OFDM) at very high speed (100 Gb/s, 400Gb/s, 800Gb/s and 1.6Tb/s), digital signal processing for optical coherent and IMDD modulation formats, system aspects and planning rules of meshed optical networks and optical performance monitoring techniques.

- Digital signal processing for optical and IMDD coherent modulation formats.
- Advanced simulation modeling of optical fiber communication systems.
- Optical performance monitoring methods for transparent optical networks.
- System aspects and design rules for flexible and transparent optical networks.
- Optical Fiber nonlinear effects and applications for all optical signal processing.

- IEEE Senior member since 2011
- First Place Award of the 2013 ECI innovation competition: innovation concept selected among 180 proposed ideas.
- Best ECI’s Employee for year 2007: awarded to 27 best employees among about 2200 employees
- IEEE/ LEOS (Photonics Society) Graduate Student Fellowship, 2004: awarded to the 12 world-wide most promising PhD students in optics science and engineering.
- Levy Eshkol Scholarship, Israel Ministry of Science and Technology, 2003-2005: awarded to 15 national top graduate students in all sciences and engineering fields.

- J. Lasri, D. Dahan, A. Bilenca, G. Eisenstein, D. Ritter
Clock recovery at multiple bit rates using direct optical injection locking of a self-oscillating InGaAs-InP heterojunction bipolar phototransistor
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 13(12), 2001 (1355-1357)
IF: 2.553, Q1, citations = 17 - D. Dahan, G. Eisenstein
Numerical comparison between distributed and discrete amplification in a
point-to-point 40-Gb/s 40-WDM-based transmission system with three different modulation formats
J. of Lightwave Technology, 20(3), 202 (379-388)
IF: 4.162, Q1, citations = 65 - A. Bilenca, D. Dahan, J. Lasri, G. Eisenstein, D. Ritter
High bit rate clock recovery of NRZ data by all-optical processing in a
semiconductor optical amplifier and direct optical injection locking of a
self-oscillating phototransistor
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 14(3), 2002 (399-401)
IF: 2.553, Q1, citations = 13 - A. Bilenca, D. Dahan, J. Lasri, G. Eisenstein
All-optical processing by fiber delay and four-wave mixing of high-bit-rate
nonreturn-to-zero signals for timing extraction by optical injection locking
IEEE Photonics Technology Letter, 14(6), 2002 (852-854)
IF: 2.553, Q1, citations = 6 - J. Lasri, A. Bilenca, D. Dahan, V. Sidorov, G. Eisenstein, D. Ritter, K. Yvind
A self-starting hybrid optoelectronic oscillator generating ultra low jitter 10-GHz
optical pulses and low phase noise electrical signals
IEEE Photonics Technology Letter, 14(7), 2002 (1004-1006)
IF: 2.553, Q1, citations = 36 - D. Dahan, R. Alizon, A. Bilenca, G. Eisenstein
Optical noise reduction in inter-band Raman mediated wavelength conversion
Electronics Letters, 39(3), (307-309)
IF: 1.343, Q2, citations = 14 - D. Dahan, A. Bilenca, G. Eisenstein
Noise-reduction capabilities of a Raman-mediated wavelength converter
Optics Letters, 28(8), 2003 (634-636)
IF: 3.866, Q1, citations = 13 - A. Bilenca, R. Alizon, V. Mikhelashhvili, D. Dahan, G. Eisenstein, R. Schwertberger, D. Gold, J.P. Reithmaier, A. Forchel
Broad-band wavelength conversion based on cross-gain modulation and
four-wave mixing in InAs-InP quantum-dash semiconductor optical amplifiers operating at 1550 nm
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 15(4), 2003 (563-565)
IF: 2.553, Q1, citations = 98 - D. Dahan, G. Eisenstein
The properties of amplified spontaneous emission noise in saturated fiber Roman amplifiers operating with CW signals
Optics Communications, 236, 2004 (279-288)
IF: 1.961, Q1, citations = 19 - D. Dahan, E. Shumakher, G. Eisenstein
Self-starting ultralow-jitter pulse source based on coupled optoelectronic oscillators with an intracavity fiber parametric amplifier
Optics Letters, 30(13), 2005 (1623-1625)
IF: 3.866, Q1, citations = 17 - D. Dahan, G. Eisenstein
Tunable all optical delay via slow and fast light propagation in a Raman assisted fiber optical parametric amplifier: A route to all optical buffering
Optics Express, 13(16), 2005 (6234-6249)
IF: 3.651, Q1, citations = 341 - D. Dahan, E. Shumakher, G. Eisenstein
A multiwavelength short pulse source based on saturated optical fiber
parametric amplification
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 18(4), 2006 (592-594)
IF: 2.553, Q1, citations = 10 - E. Shumakher, N. Orbach, A. Nevet, D. Dahan, G. Eisenstein
On the balance between delay, bandwidth and signal distortion in slow light systems based on stimulated Brillouin scattering in optical fibers
Optics Express, 14(13), 2006 (5877-5884)
IF: 3.561, Q1, citations = 59 - E. Shumakher, A. Willinger, R. Blit, D. Dahan, G. Eisenstein
Large tunable delay with low distortion of 10 Gbit/s data in a slow light system based on narrow band fiber parametric amplification
Optics Express, 14(19), 2006 (8540-8545)
IF: 3.561, Q1, citations = 68 - D. Dahan, U. Mahlab, D. Levy
Novel all-optical quaternary amplitude shift keying modulation technique
based on cross-gain modulation in a semiconductor optical amplifier
Optical Engineering, 48(5), 2009 (055007-1–055007-5)
IF: 1.082, Q1, citations = 5 - R. Rahamim, U. Mahlab, D. Dahan
Identification of linear and nonlinear propagation regimes in an optical fiber link using chaos analysis
Optical Engineering, 48(10), 2009 (105002-1–105002-11)
IF: 1.082, Q1, citations = 6 - D. Dahan, U. Mahlab, D. Levy
Stimulated Brillouin scattering based in-band OSNR monitoring technique for
40 Gbps and 100 Gbps optical transparent networks
Optics Express, 18(15), 2010 (15769-15783)
IF: 3.561, Q1, citations = 9 - D. Dahan, U. Mahlab, A. Teixeira, I. Zacharopoulos, I. Tomkos
Optical performance monitoring for translucent/transparent optical networks
IET Optoelectronics, 5(1), 2011 (1-18)
IF: 1.667, Q2, citations = 23 - D. Dahan, U. Mahlab, Y. Shachaf
In-band optical signal-to-noise ratio monitoring technique based on
Brillouin fiber ring laser
Applied Optics, 52(7), 2013 (1487-1496)
IF: 1.973, Q1, citations = 3 - A. Tolmachev, I. Tselniker, M. Meltsin, I. Sigron, D. Dahan, A. Shalom, M. Nazarathy
Multiplier-free phase recovery with polar-domain multisymbol-delay-detector
J. of Lightwave Technology, 31(23), 2013 (3638-3650)
IF: 4.162, Q1, citations = 16 - D. Dahan, U. Mahlab
In-band OSNR system margin and overall link impairment level monitoring techniques using an optical coherent receiver
J. of Lightwave Technology, 33(19), 2015 (4063-4070)
IF: 4.162, Q1, citations = 5 - D. Dahan, U. Mahlab
Security threats and protection procedures for optical networks
IET Optoelectronics, 11(5), 2017 (186-200)
IF: 1.667, Q2, citations = 10
- D. Dahan, G. Eisenstein
Numerical simulation of point to point transmission in a 40 channel 40 Gbit/s system
with three different modulation formats and two types of gain flattened amplifiers: Discrete versus distributed amplification
Optical Amplifier and Applications Conf. (OAA), Stresa, Italy, July 2001 (paper OTuE19) - A. Bilenca, J. Lasri, D. Dahan, G. Eisenstein, D. Ritter
High bit rate timing extraction of NRZ data using all optical processing in a SOA and direct optical injection locking of a photo-HBT based oscillator
Optical Amplifier and Applications Conf. (OAA), Stresa, Italy, July 2001 - J. Lasri, D. Dahan, G. Eisenstein, D. Ritter
Multi rate timing extraction using optical injection locking of a self oscillating InGaAs/InP heterojunction bipolar photo-transistor
27th European Conf. on Optical Communication (ECOC 2001)
Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 30 September-4 October 2001
(paper TH F.1.6) (510-511) - J. Lasri, A. Bilenca, D. Dahan, V. Sidorov, G. Eisenstein, D. Ritter
A self-starting ultra low jitter optical pulse source
The Int'l. Quantum Electronics Conf. (IQEC 2002), Moscow, Russia, 22-27 June 2002
(paper QThA7) - A. Bilenca, D. Dahan, J. Lasri, G. Eisenstein
Jitter characteristics of a four-wave-mixing based clock extractor
28th European Conf. on Optical Communication (ECOC 2002)
Copenhagen, Denmark, 8-12 September 2002 (paper P.1.3) - J. Lasri, A. Bilenca, D. Dahan, V. Sidorov, G. Eisenstein, D. Ritter, K. Yvind
An ultra low noise self-starting pulse generator
28th European Conf. on Optical Communication (ECOC 2002)
Copenhagen, Denmark, 8-12 September 2002 (paper 4.3.3) - S. Atkins, D. Dahan, B. Fischer
All-optical pulse rate multiplication using fractional Talbot effect and field to intensity conversion by cross gain modulation
28th European Conf. on Optical Communication (ECOC 2002)
Copenhagen, Denmark, 8-12 September 2002 (paper 8.3.6) - D. Dahan, A. Bilenca, G. Eisenstein
Noise reduction capabilities of a Raman-mediated wavelength converter
Optical Fiber Communications Conf. (OFC 2003), Atlanta, USA, 23-28 March 2003
(paper TuH4) - A. Bilenca, R. Alizon, D. Dahan, G. Eisenstein, R. Schwertberger, D. Gold,
J. Reithmaier, A. Forchel
MultiTHz wavelength conversion by four wave mixing and cross gain modulation in an InAs/InP quantum dash semiconductor optical amplifier operating at 1550 nm
Optical Fiber Communications Conf. (OFC 2003), Atlanta, USA, 23-28 March 2003
(paper Th02) - R. Alizon, A. Bilenca, V. Mikhelashhvili, D. Dahan, G. Eisenstein, R. Schwertberger,
D. Gold, J.P. Reithmaier, A. Forchel
Characterization of gain dynamics in InAs/InP 1550 nm quantum dash lasers and optical amplifiers using spectrally resolved optical modulation and cross gain modulation
Conf. on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), USA, 22-27 June 2003 (paper CTh15) - J.P. Reithmaier, R. Schwertberger, D. Gold, A. Forchel, A. Bilenca, R. Alizon,
V. Mikhelashhvili, D. Dahan, G. Eisenstein
InAs on InP quantum dots for optoelectronic applications
Conf. on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), USA, 22-27 June 2003 (page 172) - D. Dahan, G. Eisenstein
Noise properties of saturated Raman amplifiers
29th European Conf. on Optical Communication and 14th Int'l. Conf. on Integrated Optics and Optical Fibre Communication (ECOC-IOOC 2003)
Rimini, Italy, 21-25 September 2003 (paper We4.P12) - D. Dahan, G. Eisenstein
Multi-wavelength 40 GHz pulse source based on saturated optical parametric amplifier
Optical Amplifier and Applications Conf. (OAA)
San Francisco, USA, July 2004 (paper OMD2) - D. Dahan, G. Eisenstein
Frequency chirp measurement using chromatic dispersion
30th European Conf. on Optical Communication
Stockholm, Sweden, 5-9 September 2004 (paper We4.P12) - D. Dahan, E. Shumakher, G. Eisenstein
A self starting ultra low jitter pulse source based on coupled optoelectronics oscillators with an intracavity fiber parametric amplifier
French Israeli Conf. on Nonlinear and Quantum Optics (FRISNO)
Ein Boker, Israel, February 2005 - E. Shumakher, D. Dahan, G. Eisenstein
An ultra low jitter pulse source based on coupled optoelectronic oscillators
with an intracavity fiber parametric amplifier
Conf. on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO)
Baltimore, Maryland, USA, 22 May 2005 (paper CThN4) - D. Dahan, G. Eisenstein
Slow and fast light via Raman assisted parametric amplification in dispersion shifted fiber
The Optoelectronics and Communications Conf. (OECC)
Seoul, Korea, 4-8 July 2005 - D. Dahan, G. Eisenstein
Tunable all optical delay via slow and fast light propagation in a narrow band Raman assisted optical fiber parametric amplifier
31st European Conf. on Optical Communication (ECOC 2005)
Glasgow, Scotland, 25-29 September 2005 (107-110) [invited] - E. Shumakher, A. Willinger, R. Blit, D. Dahan, G. Eisenstein
Low distortion propagation of high bit rate data streams in a slow light system based on narrow band Raman assisted parametric amplification in optical fibers
Slow and Fast Light Conf.
Washington DC, USA, July 2006 (paper WB5) - E. Shumakher, N. Orbach, A. Nevet, D. Dahan, G. Eisenstein
Quantification of signal distortion in Brillouin scattering based slow light systems
Slow and Fast Light Conf.
Washington DC, USA, July 2006 (paper TuB2) - G. Eisenstein, E. Shumakher, D. Dahan, A. Willinger, R. Blit, N. Orbach, A. Nevet
Wide band slow light systems based on nonlinear fibers
Slow Light in Optical Fibers and Waveguides Conf.
Rochester, USA, October 2006 (132-134) - E. Shumakher, R. Blit, A. Willinger, D. Dahan, G. Eisenstein
Large delay and low distortion of a 40 Gb/s signal propagating in a slow light system based on parametric amplification in optical fibers
32nd European Conf. and Exhibition on Optical Communication (ECOC 2006)
Cannes, France, 24-28 September 2006 (paper We 4.3.4) - E. Shumakher, A. Willinger, R. Blit, D. Dahan, G. Eisenstein
High resolution extraction of fiber propagation parameters for accurate modeling of slow light systems based on narrow band optical parametric amplification
IEEE/OSA Conf. on Optical Fiber Communications (OFC)
Anaheim, USA, March 2007 (paper OTuC2) - D. Dahan, U. Mahlab
Analysis of closed amplified cycles in WSS ROADM based mesh optical networks
33rd European Conf. and Exhibition on Optical Communication (ECOC 2007)
Berlin, Germany, 16-20 September 2007 (paper P109) [poster] - D. Dahan, A. Levy, D. Jacobian, E. Yohi, U. Mahlab
ASE noise instability migration in WSS ROADM based closed amplified ring networks
2008 Conf. on Optical Fiber Communication (OFC 2008) Collocated National Fiber
Optic Engineers Conf. (OFC/NFOEC 2008), San Diego, CA, USA, 24-28 February 2008 (paper JThA108) (8 pages) - D. Dahan, D. Levy, U. Mahlab
Low cost multi-impairment monitoring technique for 43 Gbps DPSK and
86 Gbps DP-DPSK using delay tap asynchronous sampling method
35th European Conf. on Optical Communication (ECOC '09)
Brussels, Belgium, 20-24 September 2009 (paper P3.01) - D. Dahan, U. Mahlab, Y. Shachaf, Y. Ben Ezra
Brillouin fiber ring laser based in-band OSNR monitoring method
for transparent optical networks
14th Int'l. Conf. on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON 2012)
Coventry, England, 2-5 July 2012 (paper Mo.B3.6) [invited] - D. Dahan, U. Mahlab
OSNR system margin monitoring technique for coherent transparent optical networks
16th Int'l. Conf. on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON 2014)
Graz, Austria, 6-10 July 2014 (paper Tu.C1.6) - Y. Ben-Ezra, D. Dahan, S. Zarkovsky, B.I. Lembrikov
High spectral efficiency (SE) OFDM system based on multi-wavelet packets
17th Int'l. Conf. on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON 2015)
Budapest, Hungary, 5-9 July 2015 (paper Mo.C1.3) [invited] - D. Dahan, U. Mahlab
Robust OSNR system margin and OSNR system penalty monitoring techniques
using an optical coherent receiver
17th Int'l. Conf. on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON 2015)
Budapest, Hungary, 5-9 July 2015 (paper We.C1.4) - D. Dahan, U. Mahlab
Counter direction jamming method for eavesdropping prevention
in data center interconnects
18th Int'l. Conf. on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON 2016)
Trento, Italy, 10-14 July 2016 (paper Mo.B3.2) [invited] - D. Dahan
Challenges and enabling technologies in flexible optical transport networks
23rd Seminar on Optical Communications (SOK 2017)
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Ljubljana, Slovenia, 1-3 February 2017 (paper 13) - E. Omiyi, D. Dahan, U. Mahlab
Non-orthogonal multiple access for long-haul elastic optical networks
20th Int'l. Conf. on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON 2018)
Bucharest, Romania, 1-5 July 2018 (paper Tu.A1.4) [invited]

- 2018-now: Toga Networks, a Huawei company: Senior oDSP algorithm architect
- 2007-2018: ECI Telecom Ltd: senior research Engineer

Current Teaching
- Digital communication
- Optical fiber communication systems
Teaching History
- Introduction to communication systems
- Advanced digital communication

- News & Events