Faculty & staff

Faculty of Sciences | Senior Lecturer
Tel: 03-502-6529
Building 8, 4th floor, Room 414

Hebrew University of Jerusalem "Amirim" program B.Sc.
Hebrew University of Jerusalem Molecular and Structure in Biology M.Sc.
Hebrew University of Jerusalem Theoretical Physical Chemistry Ph.D.

1998 Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel Dean's Award
1999 Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel Dean's Award
2000 Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel Award of Excellence in M.Sc. studies
2000 Intel Company, Israel Dean's Award for outstanding research
2001 Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel Award of Excellence in M.Sc. studies
2009 Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel Dean Fellowship
2012 Israel Endocrine Society 1st Research prize (research grant)
2012 Israel-Korea scientific research cooperation
2016 Holon Institute of Technology 2nd Research prize
2017 Holon Institute of Technology 1st multidisciplinary field prize

6/2017 27th European Meeting on Hypertension and Cardiovascular Protection, Milan, Italy. "Gender differences in the metabolic syndrome: Hypertension is the first apparent component in men, whereas increased waist circumference leads in women" (Y. Marcus, E. Segev, G. Shefer, D. Zeid, G. Shenkerman, A. Buch, S. Shenhar, I. Shapira, S. Berliner, N. Stern)
06/2017 PESO 2017- Public Engagement with Science Online: A Research Workshop of the Israel Science Foundation, The Technion, Haifa, Israel. "Supporting scientists in engaging with the public: The development and validation of an automated jaron identification program" (T. Rakedzon, E. Segev, N. Chapnik, R. Yosef, A. Baram-Tsabari)
02/2018 IFAW - The Israel Forum for Academic Writing, The MOFET Institute, Tel-Aviv, Israel. "The De-jargonizer: Technology for assessing vocabulary when communicating with expert and non-expert audiences" (T. Rakedzon, E. Segev, N. Chapnik, R. Yosef, A. Baram-Tsabari).
02/2018 H-INET International Spring Conference – Higher Education in Israel Network of English Teachers, Tel-Aviv University, Tel-Aviv, Israel. "De-jargonizer: Technology for assessing vocabulary when communicating with expert/non-expert audiences" (T. Rakedzon, E. Segev, N. Chapnik, R. Yosef, A. Baram-Tsabari)
04/2018 The 36th International Conference of the Spanish Society for Applied Linguistics
(AESLA 2018) - Applied Linguistics and Knowledge Transfer: Employability, Internationalization and Social Challenges, Cadez, Spain. "Communicating technical texts to non-experts: An automatic tool for assessing vocabulary and identifying technical jargon" (T. Rakedzon, E. Segev, A. Baram-Tsabari, N. Chapnik, R. Yosef) -
07/2018 26th Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB 2018), Chicago, USA. "Identifying protein-protein interaction and protein biochemical cycles based on co-occurrence patterns of orthologous proteins" (E. Segev, N. Chapni, R. Yosef, E. Jurkevitch, Z. Pasternak)
07/2018 The 12th Summer Conference of the Israeli Association for Literacy and Language, Tel-Aviv University, Tel-Aviv, Israel."Technology for evaluating the compatibility of vocabulary
in academic and popular writing" (T. Rakedzon, E. Segev, A. Baram-Tsabari, N. Chapnik, R. Yosef) -
11/2018 MASHAV Educational Training Center Conference: New Pedagogies in the 21st Century – For Higher Education Teachers, Holon, Israel "Active learning in academic courses" (E. Segev)
5/2017 19th Israeli Bioinformatics Symposium (IBS 2017), Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel, 15 May 2017 "Identification of novel potential biochemical interactions using large scale genome-based analysis" (N. Chapnik, R. Yosef, Z. Pasternak, E. Jurkevitch, M. Gonen, E. Segev)
5/2017 Barcelona NGS '17 (Next-generation Sequencing): Structural Variation and Population Genomics, Barcelona, Spain, 3-5 April 2017 "DiffGene: A novel algorithm for large scale, genome-based phenotype-specific gene identification" (E. Segev, Z. Pasternak, T. Ben, E. Jurlevitch)
4/2017 NARST (National Association for Research in Science Teaching) 90th Annual International Conference – GLOCALization and Sustainability of Science Education Research and Practice, San Antonio, Texas, USA, 22-25 April 2017 "Automatic jargon identifier for scientists engaging with the public and for science communication educators (T. Rakedzon, A Baram-Tsabari, N. Chapnik, R. Yosef, E. Segev)
2/2017 Learning in the Technological Era: The 12th Chais Conference for the Study of Innovation and Learning Technologies, Open University, Raanana, Israel, 14-15 February 2017 "An automated jargon identification program: Evaluating STEM students' use of jargon in written scientific genres" (T. Rakedzon, E. Segev, A. Baram-Tsabari)
9/2016 The Fourth LINKS Annual Retreat – Converging LINKS, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel, 5-6 September 2016 "Supporting scientists in engaging with the public: The development and validation of an automated jargon identification program" (T. Rakedzon, E. Segev, A. Baram-Tsabari, N. Chapnik, R. Yosef)
6/2016 A Day of Research and Creativity, HIT, Holon, Israel, 6 June 2016 "Approximation algorithm of the NP-complete Hitting Set problem as a Bacterial Genome analysis method" (E. Segev, T. Ben Sasson, M. Gonen, Z. Pasternak, E. Jurkevitch)
5/2016 Research for the Sake of Tomorrow, Tel-Aviv Sourasky Medical Center, Tel-Aviv, Israel, 2-3 May 2016 "The myth behind the normo-metabolic obesity: The correlation between metabolic syndrome components and weight starts at the low-normal weight and extends continuously all the way to obesity" (Y. Marcus, E. Segev, G. Shefer, D. Zaid, G. Shenkerman, S. Shenar, I. Shapira, S. Berliner, N. Stern)
4/2016 The 45th Annual Meeting of the Israel Endocrine Society, Jerusalem, Israel, Oral presentation:The myth behind the normo-metabolic obesity: The correlation between metabolic syndrome components and weight starts at the low-normal weight and extends continuously all the way to obesity(Y. Marcus, E. Segev, G. Shefer, D. Zaid, G. Shenkernan,S. Shenar, I. Shapira, S. Berliner, N. Stern)
4/2016 ENDO 2016: The 98th Annual Meeting of The Endrocrine Society, Boston, MA, USA,1-4 April 2016 Poster presentation:Evidence against normometabolic obesity: Individual components of the metabolic syndrome increase linearly as a function of Body Mass Index (BMI) from a low-low/normal weight and are nearly ubiquitous with increasing obesity(Y. Marcus, E. Segev, G. Shefer, D. Zaid, G. Shenkerman, S. Shenar, I. Shapira, S.M. Berliner, N. Stern)
2/2016 The Israeli Diabetes, Hypertension, Obesity & Stroke Conference (DOT2016), Tel-Aviv, Israel, Norma-metabolic obesity – no more than a myth: The correlation between metabolic syndrome properties to weight starts at normal weight and becomes dominant at obesity(Y. Marcus, E. Segev, G. Shefer, D. Zaid, G. Shenkerman,S. Shenar, I. Shapira, S. Berliner, N. Stern)
2/2016 The Israel Society For Microbiology(ISM)"A new comparative-genomics approach for defining phenotype-specific indicators: applications in ecology and in disease etiology"
12/2015 The Annual Conference of the Israeli Society of Hypertension, Kfar Maccabiah, Ramat Gan, Israel:Dysmetaboism and blood pressure rise up linearly with increasing body weight in non-obese and obese normo-metabolic subjects(Y. Marcus, E. Segev, G. Shefer, D. Zaid, G. Shenkerman,S Shenar, I. Shapira, S. Berliner, N. Stern)
6/2015 1st Conference: Creativity in Academic Teaching, Oranim Academic College of Education, Tivon, Israel, 23 June 2015Oral presentation:Creativity as motivator in academic teaching(E. Segev, S. Borghini
2/2015 Symposium: Physical Fitness in the Aging Population – Scientific Aspects and Implementations, Faculty of Social Welfare & Health Sciences, University of Haifa,Haifa, Israel,"The influence of Ang1-7 and exerciseon mussle and bone and fat tissue at old mice"(G. Shefer, Y. Marcus, R. Limor, Z. Yablonka-Reuveni, N. Nevo, K. Sasson, I. Shur, S. Brown, E. Carmeli, E. Segev, N. Stern)
12/2014 1st Conference in Creative Mathematics, Center for Literacy Education, Western Galilee College, Akko, IsraelPedagogy of education for creative mathematics(E. Segev)
6/2014 Joint Meeting of the International Society of Endocrinology and The Endocrine Society: ICE/ENDO 2014, Chicago, Illinois, USA, 21-24 June 2014
Poster presentations: "Exercise first, diet later: Exercise prior to diet protects subjects with the metabolic syndrome from muscle loss, independent of age/gender" (Y. Marcus, J. Sack, E. Segev, B. Tal, G. Shenkermen, R. Limor, K.M. Tordjman, G. Shefer, N. Stern) -
6/2014 Joint Meeting of the International Society of Endocrinology and The Endocrine Society: ICE/ENDO 2014, Chicago, Illinois, USA, 21-24 June 2014
Poster presentations: Lean mass loss during the metabolic-syndrome treatment has unfavorable cardiovascular effects negating benefits attained by fat mass loss(Y. Marcus, E. Segev, G. Shefer, J. Sack, B. Tal, M. Yaron, E. Carmeli, Y. Sofer, M. Margaliot, N. Stern) -
6/2014 Joint Meeting of the European Society of Hypertension (ESH) and the International Society of Hypertension (ISH), Hypertension 2014, Athens, Greece, 13-16 June 2014 Oral presentations: "Blood pressure variability is a modifiable risk factor in the metabolic syndrome, independent of blood pressure control" p.51(Y. Marcus, E. Segev, G. Shefer, J. Sack, B. Tal, M. Yaron,E. Carmeli, D. Yablonka, T. Even-Chen, M. Margaliot, N. Stern)
6/2014 Joint Meeting of the European Society of Hypertension (ESH) and the International Society of Hypertension (ISH), Hypertension 2014, Athens, Greece, 13-16 June 2014 Oral presentations: "Lean mass loss during the metabolic-syndrome treatment has unfavorable cardiovascular effects negating benefits attained by fat mass loss" p.50(Y. Marcus, J. Sack, E. Segev, G. Shefer, R. Limor, G. Shenkerman, B. Tal, M. Yaron, E. Carmeli, M. Margaliot, N. Stern)
4/2014 The 43rd Annual Meeting of the Israel Endocrine Society, Tel-Aviv, Israel, 7-8 April 2014 Poster presentation: Exercise first diet later: Exercise prior to diet protects subjects with the metabolic syndrome from muscle loss,independent of age/gender. p.83 (Y. Marcus, J. Sack, B. Tal, G. Shenkermen, R. Limor, E. Segev, G. Shefer, N. Stern)
4/2014 The 43rd Annual Meeting of the Israel Endocrine Society, Tel-Aviv, Israel, 7-8 April 2014 Oral presentation: Lean mass loss during the metabolic-syndrome treatment has unfavorable cardiovascular effects negating benefits attained by fat mass loss. p.19 (Y. Marcus, E. Segev, G. Shefer, J. Sack, B. Tal, M. Yaron, E. Carmeli, M. Margaliot, N. Stern)
1/2014 10th Annual Conference of the Israeli Psychometric Association (ISPA), Ramat Gan, Israel, 23 January 2014, Oral presentation: The correlation between the month of birth, and the probability to be accepted to gifted programs in Israel (E. Segev, S. Cahan)
12/2013 The Israeli Society of Hypertension, Oral presentation: Blood pressure variability is a modifiable risk factor in the metabolic syndrome, independent of blood pressure control (Yonit Marcus, Elad Segev, Gabi Shefer, Jessica Sack, Bruria Tal, Mariana Yaron, Eli Carmeli, Rona Limor, David Yablonka, Tova Even Chen, Miri Margaliot, Naftali Stern)
9/2013 European Materials Research Society – E-MRS 2013 Fall Meeting, Warsaw, Poland, 16-20 September 2013 Poster presentation: Using hydrogen activated by microwave plama vs. molecular hydrogen for hydrogen storage in inorganic fullerenes and inorganic nanotubes(A. Laikhtman, A. Zak, E. Segev, Sh. Michaelson, A. Hoffman, Hoi Ri Moon)
4/2013 The 42nd Israel Endocrine Society Annual Meeting, Ramat Gan, Israel, Poster presentations: Pre-existing dysglycemia is a negative predictor of weight loss achieved in a multidisciplinary intervention program in non-diabetic women with the metabolic syndrome (Y. Marcus, J. Sack, B. Tal, G. Shenkerman, R. Limor, K. Tordjman, G. Shefer, E. Segev, I. Yaish, N. Stern)
4/2013 The 42nd Israel Endocrine Society Annual Meeting, Ramat Gan, Israel, Poster presentations: Sexual dimorphism in the weight loss achieved in the treatment of the metabolic syndrome: women do better, again (Y. Marcus, E. Segev, J. Sack, B. Tal, M. Yaron, K. Tordjman, E. Carmeli, Y. Sofer, G. Shefer, N. Stern)
4/2011 The Israeli Conference for Excellence in Education, University of Haifa, Israel, 10-11 April 2011 Oral presentation: Collaboration with academy as a tool to improve research assessment
7/2007 Gordon Research Conferences: Biological Molecules in the Gas Phase & in Solution, Bates College, Lewiston, ME, USA, 22-27 July 2007 Poster presentation: Conformational evolution of ubiquitin ions in ESI mass spectrometry: Molecular dynamic simulations at gradually increasing temperatures (E. Segev, R.G. Gerber)
6/2007 Double-Day Symposium on Conductance in Molecules, The Fritz Haber Center for Molecular Dynamics, Yad Hashmona, Israel, 10 June 2007 Poster presentation: Unfolding mechanism of ubiquitin ion in mass spectroscopy experiments: A molecular dynamic approach (E. Segev, R.G. Gerber)

Zohar Hagbi, Elad Segev, David Eilam. Tactile cues compensate for unbalanced vestibular cues during progression on inclined surfaces. Behavioural Processes, 218, 2024 (105041)
Yonit Marcus, Elad Segev, Gabi Shefer, David Eilam, Galina Shenkerman, Assaf Buch, Shani Shenhar,Tsarfaty, David Zeltser, Itzhak Shapira, Shlomo Berliner, Ori Rogowski. Metabolically healthy obesity is a misnomer: Components of the metabolic syndrome linearly increase with BMI as a function of age and gender. Biology (Basel), 12(5), 2023 (719)
Gilad Eisenberg, Hila Otremski, Elad Segev, Hagai Sherman, Ely L Steinberg, Daniel Tordjman, Tamir Pritsch, Yishai Rosenblatt, Franck Atlan Re-thinking conservative treatment of humeral diaphyseal fractures in elderly patients with dementia. J. of Orthopaedic Trauma, 36(12), 2022 (634-638)
Zohar Hagbi, Elad Segev, David Eilam. Keep a level head to know the way ahead: How rodents travel on inclined surfaces? iScience, 25(6), 2022 (104424)
Gila Kurtz, Orna Kopolovich, Elad Segev, Limor Sahar-Inbar, Lilach Gal, Ronen Hammer (2022) Impact of an Instructor's Personalized Email Intervention on Completion Rates in a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) The Electronic Journal of e-Learning (EJEL)
Tamar Shahal, Elad Segev, Thomas Konstantinovsky, Yonit Marcus, Gabi Shefer, Metsada Pasmanik-Chor, Assaf Buch, Yuval Ebenstein, Paul Zimmet & Naftali Stern (2022), Deconvolution of the epigenetic age discloses distinct inter-personal variability in epigenetic aging patterns. Epigenetics & Chromatin
Zohar Pasternak ,Noam Chapnik ,Roy Yosef ,Naama M. Kopelman ,Edouard Jurkevitch,Elad Segev (2022) Identifying protein function and functional links based on large-scale co-occurrence patterns. Plos One
Alina Shitrit, Daniel Zaidman, Ori Kalid, Itai Bloch, Dvir Doron, Tali Yarnizky, Idit Buch, Idan Segev, Efrat Ben-Zeev, Elad Segev, Oren Kobiler (2020) Conserved interactions required for inhibition of the main protease of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). Scientific Reports
Ayelet Baram-Tsabari, Orli Wolfson, Roy Yosef, Noam Chapnik, Adi Brill, Elad Segev (2020), Jargon use in Public Understanding of Science papers over three decades, Public Understanding of Science
Tamara Gantman, Moshe Goldstein, Elad Segev, R Benny Gerber (2019), Conformers of Ubiquitin 6+ for Different Charge Distributions: Atomistic Structures and Ion Mobility Cross Sections, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B
E. Segev, Z Pasternak, T. Ben Sasson, E. Jurkevitch, M. Gonen (2018) Automatic identification of optimal marker genes for phenotypic and taxonomic groups of microorganisms, Plos One
O. Weiss, A. Levi, E. Segev, M. Simbirsky, D. Eilam (2018), Spatio-temporal organization during group formation in rats, Animal Cognition
- H. Otremski, O. Dolkart, F. Atlan, D. Hutt, E. Segev, T. Pritsch, Y. Rosenblatt. Hairline fractures following volar plating of the distal radius: A recently recognized hardware-related complication. Skeletal Radiology, 20l8
- Tzipora Rakedzon , Elad Segev , Noam Chapnik, Roy Yosef, Ayelet Baram-Tsabari (2017) Automatic jargon identifier for scientists engaging with the public and science communication educators Plos One
- S. Cahan, N. Casali, A. Herskovitz, E. Segev (2017) Is Israel's low rank on international achievement tests really surprising? Israel Affairs, 2017
- Omri Weiss, Elad Segev, David Eilam Social spatial cognition in rat tetrads: how they select their partners and their gathering places Anim Cogn (2016). doi:10.1007/s10071-016-1063-5
- Yonit Marcus, Elad Segev, Gabi Shefer, Jessica Sack, Brurya Tal, Marianna Yaron, Eli Carmeli, Lili Shefer, Miri Margaliot, Rona Limor, Suzan Gilad, Yael Sofer, Naftali Stern (2016) Multidisciplinary treatment of the metabolic syndrome lowers blood pressure variability independent of blood pressure control The Journal of Clinical Hypertension Volume 18, Issue 1, pages 19–24
- Z. Pasternak, T.B. Sasson, Y. Cohen, E. Segev, E. Jurkevitch (2015) A new comparative-genomics approach for defining phenotype-specific indicators reveals specific genetic markers in predatory bacteria PLoS ONE, 10(11): e0142933. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0142933
- M Goldstein, L Zmiri, E Segev, T Wyttenbach, RB Gerber (2015). An atomistic structure of ubiquitin+ 13 relevant in mass spectrometry: Theoretical prediction and comparison with experimental cross sections. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 367, 10-15
- O. Weiss, E. Segev, D. Eilam (2015) Shall two walk together except they be agreed?” Spatial behavior in rat dyads . Animal Cognition Volume 18, Issue 1, pp 39-51
- E. Segev, S. Cahan( 2013).Older children have a greater chance to be accepted to gifted student programmes.Assessment in Education:Principles, Policy & PracticeDOI 10.1080/0969594X.2013.822847
- Y. Reizel, N.Chapal-Ilani, R. Adar, S. Itzkovitz, J.Elbaz, Y.E. Maruvka, E. Segev , L.I. Shlush, N. Dekel, E.Shairo (2011). Colon Stem Cell and Crypt Dynamics Exposed by Cell Lineage Reconstruction. PLoS Genet. 7 e1002192.
- E. Segev, G.Shefer, R. Adar, I. Shur, S. Itzkovitz, N. Chapal, I. Horovitz, Y. Reizel, D. Benayahu, E. Shapiro (2010). Myofiber associated stem cells share the same lineal origin and differ from that of mesenchymal stem cells. PLoS One 6 e25605.
- E. Segev, T. Wyttenbach, M.T. Bowers, R.B. Gerber (2008): Conformational evolution of ubiquitin ions in electrospray mass spectrometry: molecular dynamics simulations at gradually increasing temperatures. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 10, 3077 - 3082.
- E. Segev, M. Grunbach, R.B Gerber (2006): Evolution of conformational changes in the dynamics of small biological molecules: a hybrid MD/RRK approach, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 8, 4915 - 4923. The article was chosen to be the cover page of the journal issue.
- E. Segev, N. Halachmi, A. Salzberg, and N. Ben-Arie (2001): Nato3 is an evolutionarily conserved bHLH transcription factor expressed in the CNS of Drosophila and mouse. Mechanisms of development 106, 197-202.

- 2022 Noam Chapnik & Roy Yosef. Identifying protein function and functional links based on large-scale co-occurrence patterns . link to publication
- 2021 Thomas Konstantinovsky: Deconvolution of the epigenetic age discloses distinct inter-personal variability in epigenetic aging patterns. link to publication
- 2020 Adi Bril: Jargon use in Public Understanding of Science papers over three decades. link to publication
- 2019 Amit Tsubery, Yoni Saida: An Innovative Video Performance Analysis Tool for Students retention rates on MOOCs. link to publication
- 2018 Bell Gershanik: Data mining from Israeli newspapers
- 2017 Or Sasson: Identification of a microRNA expression profile as a potential cancer screening tool, and identification of target cancer proteins
- 2016 Noam Chapnik: Automatic analysis of scientific texts. link to publication
- 2016 Roy Yosef: Data mining from American newspapers. link to publication
- 2016 Margarita Simbirsky: Automatic analysis of group creation. link to publication
- 2015 Tom Ben-Sasson: A new comparative-genomics approach for defining phenotype-specific indicators reveals specific genetic markers in predatory bacteria. link to publication

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