Faculty & staff
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Prof. Gila Kurtz

Faculty of Instructional Technologies | Faculty Dean
Tel: 03-5026611
Margalit Building (5), ground floor, room 135

1988 - 1995 - Bar-Ilan University, Israel, Ph.D. Political Science Department
1984 - 1987 - Tel-Aviv University, Israel, M.A. Public Policy Department
1977 - 1980 Tel-Aviv University, Israel, B.A. Sociology and Anthropology Department
Advanced Studies
1995 University of Michigan, USA
2008 Sloan-C, USA
Visiting Scholar

2013 School of Education, University of California Berkeley, USA.
2014 Instructional Design, Development and Evaluation (IDD&E)department, School of Education Syracuse University, USA.
2015 School of Education, University Roma, TRE, Italy.
Academic Experience

1995 -1999 - Director of OFEK, A Synchronous e-Learning Unit, The Open University of Israel.
2001 – 2016 - Adjunct Professor, University of Maryland University College (UMUC), USA Master of distance education and E-learing
2003 - 2008 - Director of Bar-e-Learn Center at Bar-Ilan University, Israel.
2009 - 2017 - Head of MA Program ICT and Learning, The College for Academic Studies, Israel
Publications in Refereed Journals (partial)

Frank, M., Kurtz, G. & Levin, N. (2002). Implications of presenting pre-university courses using the blended e-learning approach. The Journal of Educational Technology & Society, 5 (4), Retrieved May 24, 2009 from Time Cited: 22
Kurtz, G. Sagee, R. & Getz-Lengerman, R. (2003). Alternative online pedagogical models with identical contents: A comparison of two university-level Courses. The Journal of Interactive Online Learning, 2(1), Retrieved May 20, 2009 from Time Cited: 13
Kurtz, G., Beaudoin, M. & Sagee, R. (2004). From campus to web: The transition of classroom faculty to online teaching. The Journal of Educators Online, 1(1) Retrieved May 14, 2009 from,_Number_1,_Summer_2004 Time Cited: 19
Kantor, J. Kurtz, G. & Teeni, D. (2005). Learning financial accounting as a fully online course. E-Business Review, 5. pp. 23-35.
Kurtz, G., Amichai-Humburger, Y. & Kantor J. (2009). Psychosocial well-being of Israeli students and attitudes toward Open and Distance Learning (ODL), The International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning (IRRODL), 10 (2), Retrieved May 14, 2009 from
Beaudoin F. M., Kurtz, G. & Eden, S. (2009). Experiences and opinions of e-learners: What works, what are the challenges, and what competencies ensure successful online learning, In Y. Eshet-Alkalai, Caspi, A., Eden, S., Geri, N. and Yair, Y. (Eds.), Learning in the technological era. Raanna: The Open University of Israel. Retrieved November 14, 2010 from
Beaudoin F. M., Kurtz, G. & Eden, S. (2009). Experiences and opinions of e-learners: What works, what are the challenges, and what competencies ensure successful online learning. Interdisciplinary Journal of E-Learning and Learning Objects, 5, pp. 275-289, Retrieved November 14, 2010 from Time Cited: 26
Kurtz, G. & Sponder, B. (2010). SOTL in online education: Strategies and practices for using new media for teaching and learning online, International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning 4(1), Retrieved November 14, 2010 from
Gunn, C., Kurtz, G., Lauridsen, K., Maurer, T.W., & Steele, G. (2010). Evolution and engagement in SoTL: Today, tomorrow, and internationally. International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning 4(2), Retrieved November 14, 2010 from
Meishar-Tal, H., Kurtz, G. & Pitterse, E. (2012). Facebook groups as LMS: A case study, The International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning (IRRODL), 13(4), Retrieved February 14, 2013 from Time Cited: 35
Kurtz, G., Kochavi, E. & David, K. (2013). Teachers' perceptions of the use of the interactive whiteboard and its impact on their self-perceptions as ICT literate, Journal of Modern Education Review, 3(2), pp. 155-161.
Kurtz, G. (2013). Facebook Group as a space for interactive and collaborative learning. The International Journal of Social Media and Interactive Learning Environments 1(4), pp. 406-418.
Kurtz, G. (2014). Integrating Facebook Group and a Course Website: The Effect on Participation and Perceptions on Learning. American Journal of Distance Education. 28(4), pp. 253-263.
Kurtz, G. & Peleg, E. (2015). On the Flip Side of the Coin: Thinking Dispositions in Learning Blogs, American Journal of Educational Research, 3(2), pp. 16-19.
Kurtz, G., Tsimerman, & Steinar-Lavi, O. (2015). The Flipped-Classroom Approach: The Answer to Future learning?, The European Journal of Open and Distance Learning
Kurtz, G., & Peled, Y. (2016). Digital learning literacies –A validation study. Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology, 13, 145-158. Retrieved from
Peled, Y. Kurtz, G. & Avidov- Unger, O. (2021). Pathways to a knowledge society: A proposal for a hierarchical model for measuring digital literacy among Israeli pre-service teachers. The Electronic Journal of e-Learning, 19(3), pp. 118-132. Available online at

Chen, D. & Kurtz, G. (2011) (Eds.). ICT, learning & teaching. Or Yehuda: The College for Academic Studies. (Hebrew)
Kurtz, G. & Chen, D. (2012). Online learning: A digital toolkit for teachers. Or Yehuda: The College for Academic Studies. (Hebrew)
Beaudoin, M., Kurtz, G., Jung, I., Suzuki, K. & Grabowski, B. (2013). Online Learner Competencies: Attitudes, Knowledge, and Skills for Successful Learning, USA: Information Age Publishing.
K. Arar, K. , Kurtz, G. & Bar-Yishai, H. (Eds.) (2021). Education as a Complex System
Tel-Aviv-Pardes [Hebrew]
Articles in edited volumes (refereed)

Kurtz, G. & Beller, M. (1996). OFEK - advanced technology in the service of higher education. The International Distance Education Symposium, Turkey.
Kurtz, G. (1996). The internet in service of educational systems. The 13th Conference on Computers and Education, Israel. (Hebrew)
Kurtz, G., Friedman, B., Privamn, M. & Tal, E. (1998). Integrating satellite communication and internet in the Open University of Israel. The 15th Conference on Computers in Education, Israel. (Hebrew)
Kurtz, G. (1998). Satellite communication in the service of higher education: OFEK - interactive distance learning via satellite. International Conference on Collaborative and Networked Learning, Indira Gandhi National Open University. India.
Kurtz, G. & Privman, M. (1998). Integrating technologies into higher distance education: A theoretical perspective and empirical implementations. Universities in a Digital era transformation, innovation and tradition roles and perspectives of Open and Distance Learning, pp. 372-390.
Kurtz, G. & Friedman, B. (1999). A holistic, individual, technologically mediated learning environment at the Open University of Israel. The new educational frontier: Teaching and learning in a networked world. USA.
Kurtz, G., Friedman, B. & Privamn, M. (1999). Computer Mediated Distance Learning Environment at The Open University of Israel. The 17th Conference on Computers in Education, Israel. (Hebrew)
Kurtz, G. & Friedman, B. (1999). A holistic, individual, technologically mediated learning environment at the Open University of Israel. The new educational frontier: Teaching and learning in a networked world. (Hebrew)
Kurtz, G. & Fayne, Z. A (1999). Successful concept of cooperation between a knowledge institution and a distance learning organization: The Israeli case European Open Distance Learning (ODL) Conference, Portugal.
Kurtz, G. (2000). Distance learning and teaching via broadband infrastructure. The 4th Internet Society conference, Israel. (Hebrew)
Kurtz, G. (2000). Distance learning from class or home? The 17th Conference on Computers and Education, Israel. (Hebrew)
Kurtz, G. (2000). E2B: e-learning to business. The 7th Training and Learning Conference, Israel. (Hebrew)
Kurtz, G. & Sagee, R. (2001).Integrating e-Learning Technology in Academic Courses: A Comparative Study. The 18th Conference on Computers in Education, Israel. (Hebrew)
Kurtz, G. (2002). Integrating electronic-discourse strategies in academic courses at Bar-Ilan University. The 17th Israeli Association for literacy SCRIPT Conference, Israel. (Hebrew)
Kurtz, G. & Sagee, R. (2002). Implementing alternative e-learning delivery methods within identical content at a university level: A comparative study. The power of online learning: The faculty experience, pp. 532-544.
Kurtz, G. & Sagee, R. (2003). From Campus to Web: The Changing Roles of On-Class Faculty to Online Teaching. The power of online learning: Implications for teaching and learning, pp. 432-444.
Kurtz, G., Sagee, R., and Beaudoin M. (2004). The Changing roles of on-class faculty to online teaching: A comparative study. The 19th Conference on Computers in Education, Israel.
Kurtz, G., Beaudoin M. & Sagee, R. (2004). From campus to web: the transition of classroom faculty to online teaching. The European Distance and E-Learning Network (EDEN), Research Workshop, Germany.
Kantor, J., Kurtz, G. & Teeni, D. (2005). Learning financial accounting at a graduate level as a fully online environment, The European Distance and E-Learning Network (EDEN)conference, Finland.
Kurtz, G. (2006). From face-to-face teaching to online tutoring: Expectations Attitudes and practical implementations in a work-place. The 1st Chais Research Center for the Integration of Technology in Education Conference, The Open University of Israel. (Hebrew)
Kurtz, G., & Porto, S. C.S. (2006). Implementing live technologies to online teaching: An institutional perspective, .Research into online distance education and e-learning: Making the Difference, Retrieved from The European Distance and E-Learning Network (EDEN) Publications.
Kurtz, G., Neuthal, T., Teeni, D. & Mevarech Z. (2006). The E-learning Experience in Israel Higher Education: Current Status and Challenges for the Future. The European Distance and E-Learning Network (EDEN) conference, Austria.
Kurtz, G., Oved, R., Rosenberg, N. and Neuthal, T. (2007). Toward online teaching: The transition of faculty from implementation to confirmation at Bar-Ilan University. The 2nd Chais Research Center for the Integration of Technology in Education Conference, The Open University of Israel. (Hebrew)
Kurtz, G. and Amichai-Hamburger, Y. (2008). Psychosocial well-being and attitudes toward e-learning. In Y. Eshet-Alkalai, Caspi, A., Eden, S., Geri, N. and Yair, Y. (Eds.), Learning in the technological era, Raanna: The Open University of Israel.
Kurtz, G. & Amichai-Humburger, Y. (2008). Psychological well-being and attitudes toward e-learning. How do we learn: Where do we learn? Retrieved from The European Distance and E-Learning Network (EDEN) Publications.
Blaschke, L. M., Kurtz, G & Porto, S. (2010). Assessing the added value of web 2.0 tools in e-learning: the MDE experience. User generated content Assessment in learning: Enhancing transparency and quality of peer production, Retrieved from The European Distance and E-Learning Network (EDEN) Publications.
Kurtz, G. & Bar-Ilan, J. (2010). The use of wiki application for collaborative learning. The Wikipedia Academy conference, Israel. (Hebrew)
Grabowski, B., Kurtz, G., Jung, I., Beaudoin, M. & Suzuki, K. (2011). Online learner competencies: Results of a worldwide validation study. E-Learn Conference, Honolulu, USA.
Kurtz, G., Sponder, B., Litto, F. M & Oshima, J. (2011). Using web 2.0 for fostering students’ creativity and supporting diversity in online courses: Strategies and practices. 24th International Council for Open and Distance Education (ICDE) world conference, Bali, Indonesia.
Kurtz, G. & Sponder, B. (2011). Learning styles and preferred
web2.0 applications as learning tools. A paper presented at the first MDE conference, University of Maryland University College (UMUC). -
Kurtz, G. & Porath. N. (2012). Higher order thinking strategies in learning blogs. The European Distance and E-Learning Network (EDEN) conference. Porto, Portugal.
Meishar-Tal, H., Kurtz, G. & Pitterse, E. (2012). Learning with Facebook groups. The European Distance and E-Learning Network (EDEN) conference. Porto, Portugal.
Peleg, E. & Kurtz, G. (2013). On the flip side of the coin: Thinking dispositions in learning blogs. The Joy of Learning Enhancing Learning Experience - Improving Learning Quality, pp. 85-92. Retrieved from The European Distance and E-Learning Network (EDEN) Publications.
Kurtz, G. (2014). Students' Perceptions of Using Facebook Group and a Course Website as Interactive and Active Learning Space In Y. Eshet-Alkalai, Caspi, A., Geri, N., Kalman, Y., Zilber, V and Yair, Y. (Eds.), Learning in the technological era. Raanna: The Open University of Israel, pp. 65-73. (Hebrew)
Smith, L. F. Kurtz, G. (2015). Fulfilling the organizational mission through professional development:
A holistic E-Learning framework. The 11th Int'l. Conf. on E-Learning in the Workplace (ICELW 2018)
Columbia University, New York, USA, -
Kurtz, G., Peled, Y. Peled, & Avidov-Unger, O. (2015). Measuring digital literacy and readiness in the workplace. The 11th Int'l. Conf. on E-Learning in the Workplace (ICELW 2018) Columbia University, New York, USA,
Kurtz, G. & Peled, Y. (2018). Level of digital literacies among Israeli college educational students EdMedia + Innovate Learning 2018 Conf. Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Kurtz, G. & Kohen-Vacs, D. (2020). A team-based training game guided by a humanoid robot [Research-in-Progress]. Knowledge Management Conf. (KM 2020), Lisbon, Portugal.
Best Research Idea Award -
Kurtz, G. & Kohen-Vacs, D. (2021). SocialNAO – A personalized learning workshop for elderly guided by a humanoid robot. [Research-in-Progress], Knowledge Management Conf. (KM 2021), Leipzig, Germany,
Best Research Idea Award
Research Interests

Digital Learning
Future Learning Technologies
Instructional Design
Digital Readiness
Membership in Academic Associations

2000 - 2008- Member, The Inter-University Center for e-Learning (IUCEL), Israel.
2005 - 2008 - Member of the steering committee , The European Distance and E-Learning Network (EDEN).
2011 - Current - Member of international network activity, "Sustaining a Global Perspective on Higher Education through International Collaboration, Intercultural Creativity and Networked Quality in Teaching and Learning Models", Danish Ministry of Science and Technology, Denmark.
2011 - Current - Scholarship of Teaching & Learning (SoTL) Mentor, International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Georgia Southern University Statesboro, Georgia, USA.
2013 - 2015 - Board Member, The Inter-University Center for e-Learning (IUCEL), Israel.
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