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Prof. Hashem Zoubi

Faculty of Sciences | Associate Professor
Tel: 03-5026920
Building 8, 2nd. floor, room 202 ב'
Education and Qualification

- 2014: Habilitation (Privatdozent), Theoretical Physics, Innsbruck Uni., Innsbruck-Austria.
- 2003: Ph.D. in Physics, Technion--Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa-Israel.
- Quantum Optics and Quantum Noise. Supervisor: Prof. Amiram Ron.
- 1998: M.Sc. in Physics, Technion--Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa-Israel.
- Quantum Optics. Supervisor: Yacob Ben-Aryeh.
- 1995: B.A. in Physics, Technion--Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa-Israel.
- 1989: High School, Nazareth-Israel.
Professional Experience

Associate Professor (2019 to present), Holon Institute of Technology.
Senior Lecturer (2017-2019), Holon Institute of Technology, Holon-Israel.
- Senior Scientist (2015-2017), Leibniz University Hannover, Institute for Theoretical Physics and Albert Einstein Institute, Hannover-Germany.
- Visitor Scientist (2013-2014), Max-Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden-Germany.
- Senior Scientist (2008-2012), Inst. for Theor. Phys., Innsbruck University, Austria.
- Senior Postdoc Researcher (2006-2008), Inst. for Theor. Physics, Innsbruck Uni.
- Postdoc Researcher (2003-2006), Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa-Italy.
Fellowship Awards

- 2019-2022 The Council for Higher Education, Israel Maa'off scholarship (מלגת מעו"ף)
- 2013-2014: Max-Planck Institute. Visitor Program Grant.
- 2008-2011: the Austrian Science Fund FWF, Grant via the Stand-Alone-Project (P21101).
- 2006-2008: the Austrian FWF, via the Lise-Meitner Program Fellowship (M977).
- 2006: Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Postdoctoral Fellowship, Ulm University, Physics Department. (I declined to fill the position).
- 2003-2006: A European Union Fellowship via the 5th Framework Research Training Network HPRN-CT-2002-00315 'The Physics of Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Heterostructures for Photonics and Telecommunications' (HYTEC).
- 1998-2003: The Technion Doctoral Scholarship, with the Technion Excellence Fellowship.
- 1995-1998: The Technion Master Scholarship.
Major Research Interests

- Condensed Matter Theory: Semiconductor Optics, Frenkel-Excitons in Organic Semiconductors, Wannier-Mott Excitons in Inorganic Semiconductors, Polaritons in Nanostructures, Spontaneous Coherence of Exciton-Polaritons in Microcavities. Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Microcavities.
- Quantum Optics and Open Quantum Systems: Quantum Noise, Dissipations in Quantum Systems, Light-Matter Interactions, Quantum States of Light, Cavity QED, Coupled Quantum Systems.
- BEC Theory: Ultracold-Atoms in Optical-Lattices, Superfluid-Mott-Insulator Quantum Phase Transition, Bose-Hubbard Model, Electronic Excitation Dynamics in Optical-Lattices within a Cavity QED. Trapped Atoms Coupled to a Nanophotonic Waveguide. Superradiance of Ultracold Atoms.
- Hybrid Quantum Systems: Optical Interfacing of Solid-State and Atoms.
- Rydberg Atoms: Collective Excitations of Rydberg Atoms.
- Optomechanics: Quantum Optomechanics for Nanophotonics.
- Quantum Nonlinear Optics: Photon-photon Interactions mediated by Phonons in Nanophotonic Structures. Photon Quantum Logic Gate.
Teaching Experience

- 1996-2002: Teaching Assistant in Physics, at the Physics Department of the Technion, in courses of Basic and Modern Physics. I served as a Supervising Teaching Assistant.
- 2009-2010: (Lecturer) Condensed Matter Theory: Quantum Theory of Solids and Optics of Solids. A course for Master and PhD students. Innsbruck University.
- 2011: (Lecturer) Topics in Condensed Matter Physics, Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena. Graduate Course. Innsbruck University.
- 2012: (Lecturer) Field Theory in Condensed Matter Physics. Innsbruck University.
- 2014: (Lecturer) Advanced topics in condensed matter systems. TU-Dresden.
- 2015: Advanced Quantum Theory, Leibniz University Hannover.
- 2016: (Lecturer) Topics in Field Theory, Leibniz University Hannover.
- 2017: (Lecturer) Optics of Solids, Leibniz University Hannover.
- 2017: (Lecturer) Physics 3 (Modern Physics), Holon Institute of Technology.
- 2018: (Lecturer) Physics for Mathematicians, Holon Institute of Technology.
Conferences and Seminars

Conferences Participation: Talks
- HYTEC mid-term meeting, April 2005, Dresden-Germany.
- The 9th Conference on the Optics of Excitons in Confined Systems, September 2005, Southampton-UK.
- HYTEC young researcher meeting, February 2006, Sheffield-UK.
- HYTEC 3d meeting, July 2006, Heraklion-Crete-Greece.
- XCII Congresso Nazionale della Societa' Italiana di Fisica (SIF), 09/2006, Torino-Italy.
- SFB, Control and Measurement of Quantum Systems, 05/2007, Innsbruck.
- The Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), and the Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference (QELS), 05/2008, San-Jose, CA-USA.
- Joint Annual Meeting of the Austrian Physical Society (OPG), and Swiss Physical Society (SPS), September 2009, Innsbruck-Austria.
- International Conference on Quantum Optics, February 2010, Obergurgl, Austria.
- The Psi-k Conference 2010, September 2010, Berlin, Germany.
- The American Physical Society March Meeting 2011, Dallas, Texas, USA.
- International Workshop on ATOMIC PHYSICS, 11/2011, Dresden-Germany.
- 20th Central Europ. Workshop on Quantum Optics, 06/2013, Stockholm-Sweden.
- 78th Annual Meeting of the DPG, March 2014, Berlin-Germany.
- Annual Meeting of the DPG, March 2016, Hannover-Germany.
- SPIE, Photonics Europe, April 2016, Brussels-Belgium.
- 5th Workshop “PBQ 2016”, Quantum Optomechanics and Nonclassical Light, May 2016, Olomouc-Czech Republic.
- Quantum Simulations and Many-Body Physics with Light, 06/2016, Ghania, Grete.
- Annual Meeting of the DPG, March 2017, Mainz-Germany.
- ONNA: Optical Nanofibre Applications, June 2017, Okinawa-Japan.
Nanophotonics and Micro/Nano Optics International Conference, Rome, Italy, 1-3 October 2018
Quantum Nanophotonics, Benasque, Spain, 17-23 March 2019
- Institute for Theoretical Physics, Innsbruck University, Innsbruck-Austria, 04/2006.
- Institute for Theoretical Physics and Materials Science Centre, University of Groningen, Groningen- Netherlands, September 2006.
- Physics Department, Technion-Israel Institute of Tech., Haifa-Israel, 11/2006.
- Inst. for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information, Innsbruck-Austria, 12/ 2006.
- Inst. for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information, Innsbruck-Austria, 10/2007.
- Department of Physics, University of California (UC-Berkeley), Ultracold Atomic Physics, Berkeley CA-USA, April 2008.
- Department of Physics, Stanford University, Experimental Atomic Physics and Laser Physics, Palo-Alto CA-USA, May 2008.
- Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, Pisa, Italy, April 2009.
- Institute for Experimental Physics, University of Innsbruck, Austria, 04/2009.
- Physics Department, Technion Israel Institute of Tech., Haifa-Israel, 05/2009.
- Department of Condensed Matter Physics, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel, May 2009.
- Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light, Erlangen, Germany, May 2012.
- Trinity College, School of Physics, Dublin, Ireland, July 2012.
- Max Planck Inst. for the Phys. of Complex Systems, Dresden-Germany, 01/2013.
- TU-Dresden, Institute of Theoretical Physics, Dresden-Germany, 01/2014.
- Habilitation Colloquium, Innsbruck University, April 2014.
- Institute for Theoretical Physics, Leibnitz University, Hannover, 07/2014.
- Max Planck Inst. for the Phys. of Complex Systems, Dresden-Germany, 10/2014.
- The Hebrew University, Racah Institute of Physics, Jerusalem-Israel, 11/2014.
- University of Nevada in Reno, Physics Department, Colloquium, USA, 02/2015.
- Holon Institute of Technology, Holon-Israel, 10/2015.
- Physical Chemistry Department, Tel-Aviv University, Tel-Aviv, 11/2015.
- Institute for Theoretical Physics, Leibnitz University, Hannover, 12/2015.
- Physics Department, Technion Israel Institute of Tech., Haifa-Israel, 11/2016.
- Ort Braude College, Department of Physics, Karmiel-Israel, 12/2016.
- Institute for Theoretical Physics, Leibnitz University, Hannover, 02/2017.
- Faculty of Physics, Weizmann Institute of Science, AMO Seminar, Rehovot-Israel, September 2017.
- Holon Institute of Technology, Holon-Israel, 11/2017.
Conferences Participation: Posters
- The 12th Brazilian Workshop on Semiconductor Physics, April 2005, Sao Jose dos Campos-Sao Paulo-Brazil.
- MMD meeting, Matter, Materials and Devices, June 2005, Genova-Italy.
- The 2nd International Conference on Spontaneous Coherence in Excitonic Systems, September 2005, Southampton-UK.
- The European Marie Curie Conference, September 2005, Pisa/Livorno-Italy.
- The 14th meeting of the series International Conference on Recent Progress in Many Body Theories (RPMBT14), July 2007, Barcelona-Spain.
- The Gordon Research Conference on Quantum Control Of Light And Matter, August 2007, Newport RI-USA.
- The 25th Jerusalem Winter School in Theoretical Physics, December 2007-January 2008, Jerusalem-Israel.
- Frontiers of Quantum and Mesoscopic Thermodynamics, 08/2008, Prague-Czech.
- SFB Conference, January 2009, Innsbruck, Austria.
- Faraday Discussion 142: Cold and Ultracold Molecules, Durham, UK, April 2009.
- The NewSpin, conference on "Spin manipulation in cold atoms and condensed matter", January, 6-9, 2010, Utrecht-The Netherlands.
- SFB Conference, July 2010, Innsbruck, Austria.
- Ruperto Carola Symposium: "Pushing Frontiers in Quantum Information with Atoms and Photons", September, 2011, Heidelberg, Germany.
- International Workshop on ATOMIC PHYSICS, 11/2013, Dresden-Germany.
- 7th Conference of Council for Higher Education, Jerusalem, Israel, 6 November 2018

Papers and Letters
- Y. Ben-Aryeh, and H. Zoubi, The time development operators for Wigner functions of harmonic oscillators with quadratic Hamiltonian, Journal of Optics B: Quan. Semiclass. Opt. 8, 1097 (1996).
- Hashem Zoubi, and Y. Ben-Aryeh, The evolution of harmonic oscillator Wigner functions described by the use of group representations, Journal of Optics B: Quantum Semiclass. Opt. 10, 447 (1998).
- Hashem Zoubi, Meir Orenstien, and Amiram Ron, Coupled microcavities with dissipation, Phys. Rev. A 62, 33801 (2000).
- Hashem Zoubi, Meir Orenstien, and Amiram Ron, Dissipations in coupled quantum systems, Phys. Rev. A 67, 63813 (2003).
- Hashem Zoubi, Meir Orenstien, and Amiram Ron, The factorization approximation in the Master Equation, Annals of Physics 313, 72 (2004).
- Hashem Zoubi, and G. C. La Rocca, Microscopic theory of anisotropic organic cavity exciton polaritons, Phys. Rev. B 71, 235316 (2005).
- Hashem Zoubi, and G. C. La Rocca, A microcavity strongly coupled to two molecular crystalline slabs, Phys. Lett. A 339, 171 (2005).
- Hashem Zoubi, and G. C. La Rocca, Exciton-polaritons kinematic interactions in organic microcavities, Phys. Rev. B 72, 125306 (2005).
- Hashem Zoubi, and G. C. La Rocca, Polariton-polariton kinematic interaction modulation and kinematic bipolaritons in organic microcavities, Solid State Commun. 138, 359 (2006).
- Hashem Zoubi, Polariton parametric amplifications in organic microcavities, Phys. Rev. B 74, 45317 (2006).
- Hashem Zoubi, and G. C. La Rocca, Polarization mixing in hybrid organic-inorganic microcavities, Organic Electronics 8, 127 (2007), special issue.
- Hashem Zoubi, and G. C. La Rocca, Microscopic theory of nonlinear polariton interactions in strongly coupled hybrid organic-inorganic microcavities, Phys. Rev. B 76, 35325 (2007).
- Hashem Zoubi, and Helmut Ritsch, Excitons and cavity polaritons for ultracold atoms in an optical lattice, Phys. Rev. A 76, 13817 (2007).
- Hashem Zoubi, and Helmut Ritsch, Exciton-polariton scattering as signature of defects in cold atom optical lattices, New Journal of Physics 10, 23001 (2008).
- Hashem Zoubi, and Helmut Ritsch, Bright and dark excitons in an atom-pair filled optical lattice within a cavity, Europhys. Lett. 82, 14001 (2008).
- Hashem Zoubi, and Helmut Ritsch, Polarization mixing in Optical Lattices with Uniaxial Anisotropy, Journal of Physics B 42, 015501 (2009).
- Hashem Zoubi, and Helmut Ritsch, Coupling of Electronic and Motional Dynamics in a Cold Atom optical lattice, Phys. Rev. A 79, 023411 (2009).
- J. Verdu, H. Zoubi, C. Koller, J. Majer, H. Ritsch, and J. Schmiedmayer, Strong magnetic coupling of an ultracold gas to a superconducting waveguide cavity, Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 043603 (2009). Selected for Virtual Journal of Atomic Quantum Fluids, Volume 1, Issue 2 (2009).
- Hashem Zoubi, Helmut Ritsch, Superradiant and Dark Exciton States in an Optical Lattice within a Cavity, Europhys. Lett. 87, 23001 (2009).
- Hashem Zoubi, Helmut Ritsch, Quantum phases of bosonic atoms with two levels coupled by a cavity field in an optical lattice, Phys. Rev. A 80, 053608 (2009). Selected for Virtual Journal of Atomic Quantum Fluids, Volume 1, Issue 6 (2009).
- Hashem Zoubi, and Helmut Ritsch, Metastability and directional emission characteristics of excitons in 1D optical lattices, Europhys. Lett. 90, 23001 (2010).
- Hashem Zoubi, and Helmut Ritsch, Hybrid Quantum System of a Nanofiber Mode Coupled to Two Chains of Optically Trapped Atoms, New Journal of Physics 12, 103014 (2010).
- Hashem Zoubi, and Helmut Ritsch, Lifetime and Emission Characteristics of Collective Electronic Excitations in Two-Dimensional Optical Lattices, Phys. Rev. A 83, 063831 (2011).
- Hashem Zoubi, and Helmut Ritsch, Collective Electronic Excitation Coupling between Planar Optical Lattices using Ewald's Method, J. Phys. B 44, 205303 (2011).
- Hashem Zoubi, Collective Light Emission of a Finite Size Atomic Chain, Europhys. Lett. 100, 24002 (2012).
- Hashem Zoubi, and Helmut Ritsch, Optical Properties of Collective Excitations for an Atomic Chain with Vacancies, The European Physical Journal D 66, 292 (2012).
- Laurin Ostermann, Hashem Zoubi, and Helmut Ritsch, Cascaded collective decay in regular arrays of cold trapped atoms, Optics Express 20, 29634 (2012).
- Tobias Huber, Ana Predojevic, Hashem Zoubi, Harishankar Jayakumar, Glenn S. Solomon, and Gregor Weihs, Measurement and modification of biexciton-exciton time correlations, Optics Express 21, 9890 (2013).
- Hashem Zoubi, Collective Interactions in an Array of Atoms Coupled to a Nanophotonic Waveguide. Phys. Rev. A 89, 043831 (2014).
- H. Zoubi, A. Eisfeld, and S. Wüster, Van-der-Waals stabilized Rydberg aggregates, Phys. Rev. A 89, 053426 (2014).
- Hashem Zoubi, Dark Bogolon-Excitons in a Linear Atomic Super-Lattice, New Journal of Physics 17, 023053 (2015).
- Hashem Zoubi, Van der Waals Interactions among Alkali Rydberg Atoms with Excitonic States, J Phys. B 48, 185002 (2015).
- Hashem Zoubi, and Klemens Hammerer, Optomechanical Multi-Mode Hamiltonian for Nanophotonic Waveguides, Phys. Rev. A 94, 053827 (2016).
- H. Zoubi and K. Hammerer, Nonlinear Quantum Optics in Optomechanical Nanoscale Waveguides, Physical Review Letters 119, 123602 (2017).
Hashem Zoubi, Phonon-Polaritons in Nanoscale Waveguides, Journal of Optics 20, 095001 (2018).
Hashem Zoubi, Squeezed States of Coupled Photons and Phonons in Nanoscale Waveguides, Journal of Optics 21, 065202 (2019).
Hashem Zoubi, Photon and Phonon Spectral-Functions for Continuum Quantum Optomechanics, Phys. Rev. A 101, 043803 (2020).
Comprehensive Review Paper: Book Chapter
- Hashem Zoubi, and Helmut Ritsch, Excitons and Cavity Polaritons for Optical Lattice Ultracold Atoms, Invited Review, (Ed. E. Arimondo) ADVANCES IN ATOMIC MOLECULAR OPTICAL PHYSICS, 62, 171 (2013).
Proceeding Articles (peer reviewed)
- Hashem Zoubi, and G. C. La Rocca, Frenkel-Exciton-Polaritons in Organic Microcavities, Brazilian J. of Physics 36, 455 (2006). The 12th Brazilian Workshop on Semiconductor Physics, April 2005, Sao Jose dos Campos-Sao Paulo-Brazil.
- Hashem Zoubi, and Helmut Ritsch, Excitons and polaritons in an optical lattice for cold-atoms within a cavity, Series on Advances in Quantum Many-Body Theory-vol. 11, p-346, (World Scientific, Singapore, 2008). Proceeding of the 14th International Conference: Recent progress in many-body theories, (RPMBT14), July 2007, Barcelona-Spain.
- Hashem Zoubi, and Helmut Ritsch, Excitons and Cavity Polaritons for Cold-Atoms in an Optical Lattice, (CLEO/QELS 2008) San Jose, CA-USA. IEEE Vols. 1-9, Pages: 3311-3312 (2008).
- Hashem Zoubi, and Helmut Ritsch, Coupling of Polaritons to Vibrational Modes of Ultracold Atoms in an Optical Lattice, Physica E 42, 416 (2010). Frontiers of Quantum and Mesoscopic Thermodynamics (Prague, Czech) (August 2008).
- MSc Thesis in Physics, Technion. Title: Time Development of Wigner function for one Mode of Electromagnetic field. Date: June 1998.
- PhD Thesis in Physics, Technion. Title: Dissipation in Coupled Quantum Systems. Date: April 2003.
- Habilitationsschrift. Title: Excitons and Cavity Polaritons in Organic Crystals and for Ultracold Atoms in Optical Lattices. Innsbruck University. May 2013.
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