Electricity Markets:
A series of papers on the optimal capacity mix in the competitive electricity market. They examine the effects of uncertainty (a) demand uncertainty; (b) uncertainty in capacity availability (i.e., some of the installed capacity, such as weather-dependent PV technology, is available only intermittently); and (c) fuel cost uncertainty, different market structures and CO2 taxes on the industry's optimal capacity, capacity mix and profits, consumer surplus and social welfare.
Fuel cost uncertainty, capacity investment and price in a competitive electricity market, Energy Economics, 61, 2017 (233-240) (jointly with Gal, Tishler and Woo);
Can price volatility enhance market power? The case of renewable technologies in competitive electricity markets; Resource and Energy Economics, 41, 215 (70-90) (jointly with Tisler);
The inevitability of capacity underinvestment in competitive electricity markets, Energy Economics, 34, 2012 (62-77) (jointly with Tishler);
Intermittently renewable energy, optimal capacity mix and prices in a deregulated electricity market, Energy Policy, 39, 2011 (3922-3927) (jointly with Tishler);
Capacity commitment and price volatility in a competitive electricity market, Energy Economics, 30, 2008 (1625-1647) (jointly with Tishler and Woo).)
Data Mining and Big Data:
Two papers examine the sensitivity of ordinal data mining models to the noise in datasets. The first paper presents an algorithm for generating artificial ordinal datasets which contain both an arbitrary monotone pattern as well as user-specified levels of non-monotone noise (Generating noisy monotone ordinal datasets, Artificial Intelligence Research, 3(1), 2014 (30-37) (jointly with Ben-David and Potharst)) and the second paper describes the results of the experiment which compares for the first time the accuracy of several known ordinal and non-ordinal models in presence of varying levels of non-monotone noise (About the sensitivity of ordinal classifiers to non-monotone noise, Intelligence Research, 4(2), 2015 (83-92) (jointly with Ben-David and Potharst).
R&D and Product Market Competition:
Research predicts a U-shaped relationship between competition intensity and innovation in oligopoly markets, resulting from the impact of two opposing effects on the industry's R&D efforts. Another research examines the effect of product compatibility on firms' incentives to invest in innovation to improve the quality of differentiated products in markets characterized by network externalities. (R&D wars and the effects of innovation on the success and survivability of firms in oligopoly markets, International. J. of Industrial Organization, 27, 2009 (519-531) (jointly with Tishler).)
RFP and Proposal Analysis:
Request for Proposals (RFP) and proposal analysis are significant milestones in Information Technology (IT) projects, regardless of the management and development approaches that is implemented. The study proposes a new method for objective multi-alternative proposal analysis, enabling the evaluation of multi-alternative proposals and the rankings of the suppliers. (Supplier ranking by multi-alternative proposal analysis for agile projects, International. J. of Project Management, 30 (6), 2012 (723-730) (jointly with Ben-David and Gelbard).
Definition of the Productivity of ICT:
The goals of this research are conducting a comprehensive literature survey of the existing definition and attributes of ICT Productivity, creating a data depository on ICT and Productivity, analyze the findings and identify the missing concepts in the traditional definition of ICT Productivity, and generating revised theoretical concepts, models and a framework that will serve as a foundation for the conduct of empirical research (Research grant of the Institute for Information, Innovation and Productivity IIIP USA).