Samary Baranov, Prof., Ph.D., and Doct. Sc. has more than thirty years of experience in the electronics industry. He is a former professor at the University of Precise Mechanics and Optics (ITMO) in St. Petersburg (Russia), the University of Beer-Sheva (Israel), Bar Ilan University (Israel), and Holon Institute of Technology (HIT) in Israel. At the same time, he worked as a consultant for several high-tech companies in Israel. Hundreds of his students, including more than 80 students with Master degrees (MD) and 20 with Ph.D. degrees, work successfully in Canada, Germany, Israel, Russia, and the USA for such IT companies as Amazon, AMD, Apple, Google, IBM, Intel, National Semiconductors, Motorola, Xilinx, and more.
In February 2001, he founded the North American Institute of Computer Systems (NAICS) in Toronto – the first training center in Canada to offer an advanced and intensive 250 post-graduate curriculum, "Electronic Hardware Design". More than 250 students (bachelors, masters, and PhDs) successfully finished this course from 2001 - 2004. Nowadays, he is the president and CEO of Synthezza Corp. –
He has developed a design methodology for High Level Synthesis of digital systems and created the EDA tool Synthagate supporting this design methodology and implementing full automatic High Level (HLS) and Register Transfer Level (RTL) Synthesis of digital systems.
Synthagate is the first true 4th generation HLS tool, which shortens time-to-market for complex SoC designs by at least three times. It allows the designer to quickly implement, check, and estimate many possible design versions, to find an optimized decision of the design problems, and to simplify the verification problems for digital systems. Logic synthesis of Synthagate reduces the circuit area of FSMs and combinational circuits by as much as 20% to 30%, compared to the results of the best USA industrial tools from Synopsys, Xilinx, Altera, and Mentor Graphics.
Prof. Baranov is the author of fifteen books in English, French, and Russian, and more than 80 papers.