Faculty & staff

Tel: 03-5026630
Building 5, 3rd. floor, room 333

Plasmonics devices and Applications , Photovoltaics (Solar Cells) , Liquid Crystal and MQW Spatial Light Modulators, CMOS-Imagers, Smart Goggles, Low Vision devices, Optical Data & Signal Processing, Adaptive Optics and Digital Image Processing methods .

Presently teaching:
1. Advanced Solar Cells
2. Advanced Image Processing

1. U. Efron, H. Zafrir, I. Pelah, "Investigation of the High Temperature Phase Transition in RbH2PO4by Scattering of Cold Neutrons”, J. Chem. Phys., Vol.55, 3599, 1971.
2. M. Givon, U. Efron, I. Pelah, "Behavior of the Dielectric Constant of a Binary Liquid Mixture Near the Critical Point”, Phys. Lett., Vol.48a, 1, 1974.
3. U. Efron, M. Givon, I. Pelah, "The Determination of the Critical Concentration of a Binary Mixture
Containing a Polar Component by Dielectric Measurements” ,Chem. Phys. Lett., Vol.45, 316, 1977.
4. M. Givon, U. Efron, I. Pelah, "Mossbauer Effect Studies of the Plastic Phase Transition in Doped Neopentane” , Solid State Comm., Vol.23, 1, 1977.
5. U. Efron, J. Grinberg, "The Use of Photoinjection to Determine Minority Lifetime and Doping Levels of Low-doped MOS Structures”
Semiconductor Silicon 1981, H.R. Huff (ed.), The Electrochem. Society, 1981 (pp.792-810).
6. U. Efron, M.J. Little, N.W. Goodwin, P.O. Braatz, J. Grinberg, "CCD-driven Liquid Crystal Spatial Light Modulator” IEEE J. Quant. Elect., Vol.QE-17, 148, 1981.
7. U. Efron, J. Grinberg, "A Method of Determining Minority Carrier Lifetime and Doping Level Profiles of
Low-Doped Metal-Oxide Semiconductor Structures Using Pulsed Photoinjection” , J. Appl. Phys., Vol.52, 1981 (pp.5659-5564).
8. U. Efron, M.J. Little, P.O. Braatz, R.N. Schwartz, J. Grinberg, "The Silicon Liquid Crystal Light Valves: Status and Issues” , Opt. Eng., Vol.22, 682, 1983.
9. S.T. Wu, U. Efron, L.D. Hess, "Infra-red Birefringence of Liquid Crystals” ,Appl. Phys. Lett, Vol.44, 1033. 1984.
10. S.T. Wu, U. Efron, L.D. Hess, "Optical Rotatory Power of 90°_Twisted Nematic Liquid Crystals” , Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol.44, 842, 1984.
11.U. Efron, P.O. Braatz, "The Use of Transient Capacitance for Direct Determination of Minority Carrier Lifetimes” ,Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol.45, 1984 (pp.52-53).
12. S.T. Wu, U. Efron, L.D. Hess, "Birefringence Measurements of Liquid Crystals” ,Appl. Opt., Vol.23, 3911, 1984.
13.U. Efron, J. Grinberg, R.N. Schwartz, P.O. Braatz, P.G. Reif, M.J. Little
"The Silicon Liquid Crystal Light Valve” , J. Appl. Phys., Vol.57, 1985 (pp.1356-1368).
14. B.H. Soffer, E. Marom, U. Efron, "Pixel by Pixel Array Division by Optical Computing” , Opt. Lett., Vol.10, 1985 (pp.43-45).
15.U. Efron, L.D. Hess, S.T. Wu, J. Grinberg, "A Liquid Crystal Light Valve-Based Visible to IR Dynamic Image Converter (VIDIC)” , Opt. Eng., Vol.24, 1985 (pp.111-118).
16. S.T. Wu, U. Efron, "Optical Properties of Thin Nematic Liquid Crystals” , Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol.48, 1986 (pp.624-626).
17.U. Efron, S.T. Wu, "Nematic Liquid Crystal for Spatial Light Modulators: Recent Studies” , J. OSA, Vol.B3, 1986 (pp. 247-252) (Invited).
18.U. Efron "Liquid Crystals: Materials, Devices and Applications” , Handbook of Microwave and Optics
Wiley Interscience, Vol.4, 1991 (pp.357-470).
19.U. Efron, S.T. Wu, Y. Owechko, R.C. Lacoe, M.S. Welkowsky, T.D. Bates, J. Grinberg, "Liquid Crystal Light Valves: A Review of Recent Studies ” , Ferroelectric, Vol.73, 1987 (pp.315-328).
20.U. Efron, P.S. Brody, J. Feinberg, A.M. Glass, R.W. Hellwarth, R.R. Neurgaonkar, G. Rakulik, G.C. Valley, C. Woods "Photorefractive and Liquid Crystal Materials” Appl. Opt., Vol.26, 1987 (pp.220-224).
21. E. Marom, U. Efron, "Phase Conjugation of Low Power Optical Beams Using Liquid Crystal Light Valves”
Opt. Letters, Vol.12, 1987 (pp.504-506).
22. W.Y. Wu, T.Y. Hsu, J.N. Schulman, U. Efron, "The Effect of Size-Nonuniformity of the Absorption Spectrum of a Semiconductor Quantum Dot System” , Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol.51, 1987 (pp.710-712).
23. Y.C. Chang, J.N. Schulman, U. Efron, "Electro-Optic Effects in Semiconductor Superlattices” , J. Appl. Phys., Vol.62, 1987 (pp.4533-4537).
24. E. Marom, U. Efron, B.H. Soffer, "Capacity of Outer Product Associative Memories” J. Opt. Soc. Am., Vol.A9, 131, 1987.
25. M. Welkowsky, W. Byles, N. Goodwin, U. Efron, "Status of the Hughes CCD-Addressed Liquid Crystal Light Valve” , Opt. Eng., Vol.26, 1987 (pp.414-417).
26. S.T. Wu, U. Efron, T.Y. Hsu, "Near IR to Visible Image Conversion Using a Si-LCLV” , Opt. Lett., Vol.13, 1988, pp.13-15.
27. T.Y. Hsu, U. Efron, W.Y. Wu, J.N. Schulman, I.N. D’Haenens, Y.C. Chang, "Multiple Quantum Well Spatial Light Modulators for Optical Processing Applications” , Opt. Eng., Vol.27, 1988 (pp.372-384).
28. S.T. Wu, A.M. Lackner, U. Efron, "Optimal Operation Temperature of Liquid Crystal Modulators” , Appl. Opt., Vol.26, 1987 (pp.3441-3445).
29. T.Y. Hsu, W.Y. Wu, U. Efron, "Amplitude and Phase Modulation in a 4-mm-thick GaAs/A1GaAs Multiple Quantum Well Modulator” ,Elect. Lett., Vol.24, 1988 (pp.603-604).
30. K. Sayyah, , C.S. Wu, S.T. Wu, U. Efron, "Anomalous Liquid Crystal Undershoot Effect Resulting in a Nematic LC-based SLM with 1mSec Response Time” ,Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol.61, 1992, pp. 883-5.
31. G. Zhang, A. Fazlollahi, B. Javidi, U. Efron, "Application of Wire-Grid-Mirror Liquid Crystal Light Valve in a Nonlinear Joint Transform Correlator” ,Applied Optics, Vol.33, 1994 (pp.2834-2841).
32. T. Pinkston, U. Efron, M. Campbell, "Applying Optical Interconnects to the 3-D Computer” , J. Parallel & Distributed Computing, Vol .30, 1995 (pp.23-27).
33. A. Au, C.S. Wu, S.T. Wu, U. Efron, "Ternary Phase-Amplitude Modulation using Twisted-Nematic Liquid Crystal Spatial Light Modulator” , Appl. Opt., Vol.34, 1995 (pp.281-284).
34. K. Sayyah, U. Efron, "Optically Addressed Spatial Light Modulator with High Photosensitivity and Intensity Adaptation Range” , Opt. Lett., Vol.21, 1996 (pp.1384-1386).
35. K. Sayyah, U. Efron, T. Yamazaki, A. Au, "Modulator with Thinned Crystalline Silicon Photosubstrate Structure”, Appl. Opt., Vol.35, 1996 (pp.5761-5764) .
36.P. Marchand, A. Krishnamoorthy, G. Yayla, S. Esener, U. Efron "Optically Augmented 3-D Computer: System Technology and Architecture” Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, Vol.41, 1997 (pp.20-35).
37.U. Arad, E. Redmard, M. Shamay, S. Levit, A. Averboukh and U. Efron "Development of a 2-D array of GaAs/AlGaAs Multiple Quantum Well modulator" Photonic Technology Letters, 15,pp.1531-34 (2003).
38. Boris Apter, Uzi Efron and Eldad Bahat-Treidel "On the Fringing Field Effect in LC Beam Steering Devices"
Appl. Opt. Vol. 43 No.1 ,pp.11-19 (2004).
39.U. Efron , I. David, V. Sinelnikov and B. Apter " A CMOS/ LCOS Image Transceiver Chip For Smart Goggle Applications" IEEE Trans. On Circuits and Systems for Video Technology Vol. 14 No.2 pp.269-273 (2004).
40.U.Efron,B.Apter and E.Bahat-Treidel ," Fringing-field effect in liquid-crystal beam-steering
devices: an approximate analytical model", JOSA A, Vol. 21 No.10, pp.1996-2008 (2004).
41.E.Bahat Treidel, B.Apter and U.Efron, " A simple method for controlled variation of liquid crystal cell thickness", Opt. Eng. Vol. 43, pp.3021-3025 (2004) .
42. E.Bahat, B.Apter and U.Efron " Experimental study of a phase step broadening by fringing fields in a 3-electrode liquid crystal cell" Appl. Opt. Vol.44,pp.2989-2995 (2005).
43.E.Bahat, B.Apter and U.Efron, "Continuously Controllable, Wide-angle Liquid Crystal Beam Deflector Based on the Transversal Field in a Three-Electrode Cell", Opt. Eng. Vol.44 no.5 ,pp. 054001-7 (2005).
44.B. Apter and U.Efron," A Combined Blazed Grating/ Gires-Tournois Liquid Crystal-Based Beam Switching Structure " ,IEEE's Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol.24 no.2, pp.962-969 (2006).
45.P. Kogan ,B. Apter,I. Baal-zedaka and U. Efron , " Resolution improvement of surface plasmon-enhanced,
liquid crystal spatial light modulator: Simulation studies, Optics Communication, 281, 18, 4788-4792, (2008)
46.I. David ,U. Efron,” The Image Transceiver Device: Studies of Improved Physical Design”, Sensors, 8, 4350-4364 (2008) .
47.B.Apter,Y.David, I.zedaka and U.Efron, "Experimental study of an ultrasmall pixel,one-dimensional liquid-crystal device”, Appl.Opt. 47, 6315-6324 (2008).
48.O.Guilatt, B.Apter and U.Efron,” Light absorption enhancement in thin silicon film by embedded metallic nanoshells”, Optics Letters, Vol. 35,pp.1139-1141 (2010).
49.O. Guilatt, B. Apter, and U. Efron, "Light absorption enhancement in thin silicon film by embedded metallic nanoshells: erratum," Opt. Lett. 36, 1239 (2011).
50.B. Apter, O.Guilatt and U.Efron, "Ring-Type Plasmon Resonance in Metallic Nano-Shells”,Appl. Opt. 50, 5457-5464 (2011).
51.Y. Taff, B. Apter, E.A. Katz and U. Efron,” Modeling Plasmonic Efficiency Enhancement in Organic Photovoltaics”, Applied Optics 54, 7957-7961 (2015).
(b) Books
. "Spatial Light Modulators: Materials, Devices and Systems," ,U.Efron, M.Dekker, New York 1995.
2. SPIE Proceedings Vol. 465 "Spatial Light Modulators & Applications", U.Efron
(SPIE publication ,1984).
3. SPIE Proceedings Vol.825 "Spatial Light Modulators & Applications -II ", U.Efron
(SPIE publication ,1987).
4. SPIE Proceedings Vol.1150 "Spatial Light Modulators -III ", U.Efron (SPIE publication, 1989).
5. SPIE Proceedings Vol.1455"Liquid Crystal: Devices &Materials " U.Efron (SPIE publication ,1991).
6. SPIE Proceedings Vol.1665"Liquid Crystal: Devices, Materials & Applications " P.Drzaic,U.Efron (SPIE publication ,1992).
7. SPIE Proceedings Vol.1911"Liquid Crystal: Devices, Materials & Applications-II " M.Wand , U.Efron (SPIE publication,1992).
8. SPIE Proceedings Vol.2408 "Liquid Crystal Materials, Devices, and Displays" R. Shashidhar,U Efron (SPIE publication,1995).
9. SPIE Proceedings Vol.4457 "Spatial Light Modulators -IV", U.Efron (SPIE publication, 2001).
(c) Chapters in collective volumes
1. "Liquid Crystals: Materials, devices and applications", In Handbook of Microwave and Optical Components Vol. 4, K.Chang, editor, Wiley Interscience 1991.
2."Multiple Quantum Well Spatial Light Modulators: Materials Devices and Applications" (with G.Livescu) In "Spatial Light Modulators and applications" U.Efron ,Editor; M.Dekker, N.Y. 1995.
3. "Technology and Applications of Spatial Light Modulators ” in Handbook of Opto-Electronics, Ed. J Dakin, University of Southampton, UK; R Brown, University of Nottingham, UK ,Pub. Institute Of Physics(IOP), UK. ISBN: 0750306467, May 2006 .

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