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Dr. Vladimir Nodelman

Faculty of Sciences | Senior Teacher
Tel: 03-502-6572
Building 8,3rd floor ,Room 302

I enjoy painting, drawing and sculpture (especially wood carving and marquetry)

Period of Study
(dates) |
Name and University
(including city and country if not Israel) |
Subject |
Degree or
Professional Licence |
Date of Award |
1966-1974 |
Belorussian State University, Minsk, USSR |
Mathematics |
M. Sc. |
1974 |
1975-1979 |
Institute of School Equipment and Educational Aids, Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the USSR, Moscow |
Pedagogy of Mathematics |
Ph.D. |
1979 |
Title of Master's Thesis: Pseudo stability of differential equations
Name of Supervisors: Prof. Y.S. Bogdanov
Title of Doctoral Dissertation: A system of educational means for students' logical thinking developing in mathematics
Names of Supervisors: Prof. G.G. Levitas
Research Interests

Mathematical education
Computer as Educational Mean
Educational Software
Information Visualization
Awards & Honors

1993 World ORT, London, England
International prize for software
2009 14th Asian Technology Conference, Beijing, China
Winner of Dynamic Geometry Software Competition

Current Teaching:
Computer Graphics
Teaching History:
Higher Algebra
Mathematics Instruction
System Programming
Programming Languages
Academic and professional experience

Name of Institution (city, country)
Secondary and high schools, USSR
Institutes for teachers advance
Moscow, Kuibyshev, Dnepropetrovsk, Minsk, USSR
Pedagogical Institutes, Kuibyshev, Krivoi Rog, USSR |
Mathematics & Physics Faculty
Senior Lecturer
State Pedagogical Institute,
Kuybyshev, US
Mathematics & Physics Faculty
Deputy Dean; Senior Lecturer
Institute of School Equipment and Educational Aids, Moscow, USSR
Laboratory of Educational aids for Mathematics
Institute for Methods and Contents of Instruction, Moscow, USSR
Laboratory of Mathematics Teaching
State Pedagogical Institute, Krivoi Rog, USSR |
Mathematics & Physics Faculty
Department Head; Senior Lecturer
Institute for Pedagogy, Minsk, USSR |
Laboratory of Educational Software
Senior Scientist
Institute for Informatics, Novosibirsk, USSR
Laboratory of Educational Software
"Ort” College, Netanya, Israel |
The Moshinsky Pedagogical
Center for Research and Development, "Ort”, Tel-Aviv, Israel
Educational Software
Researcher and Developer
Academic College, Netanya, Israel
MATACH – Institute for Educational Technology, Tel-Aviv, Israel
Holon Institute of Technology, Israel
Computer Science
Developer in the project: "Visual tools for teaching the course Automata and Formal Languages" (joint project with the Open University)
Holon Institute of Technology, Israel (formerly Holon Academic Institute of Technology) |
Computer Science |
Part-time Lecturer; Consultant for Software projects
1/3/2001-31/3/2001 Visiting Senior Teacher 1/4/2001-1/10/06 Senior Teacher 1/10/06-present Senior Teacher with tenure |
Active participation in scientific meetings

9th Conf. on Computers in Teaching,
Ramat Gan, Israel, 1992
2nd Jerusalem Int'l. Science & Technology Education Conf.,
Jerusalem, Israel, 1996
13th Conf. on Computers in Education,
Jerusalem, Israel, 1996
26th Israeli Conf. for Mechanical Engineers,
Haifa, Israel, 1996
13th Int'l. Conf. on Technology and Education,
New Orleans, USA, 1996
14th Conf. on Computers in Education,
Tel-Aviv, Israel, 1997
Materials of Annual Conf. "Computers in Instruction”,
Tel-Aviv, Israel, 1997
15th Int'l. Conf. on Technology and Education,
Santa Fe, USA, 1998
16th Int'l. Conf. on Technology and Education,
Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, 1999
5th Int'l. Conf. on Technology in Mathematics Teaching,
Klagenfurt, Austria, 2001
Presentation: Parametric Nature of Mathematics' Objects and Computer Environment
1st Annual Meital Conference "Teleprocessing in Academic Instruction", Technion,
Haifa, Israel, 2002
1. Visualization AND/OR Activization?
2. VisuMatica and Calculus
33rd Annual International Conference Simulation and Gaming Association,
Interactive Learning through Gaming and Simulations, ISAGA/SAGSET 2002,
Edinburgh, Scotland, 26-30 August, 2002
1. Teaching Mathematics Concepts by Simulation-Based Activities and High-Quality Dynamic Visualizations
2.Simulations in Physics teaching: Alive and Kicking Idealized Theory.
The Link between Research on Learning and the Instructional Design of Simulations (with M. Ronen)
8th Annual SIGCSE Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education,
Thessaloniki, Greece, 30 June-2 July, 2003
Presentation: Learning Computer Graphs by Programming: Linking Theory and Practice Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education
34th Annual International Conference Simulation and Gaming Association, Social Contributions and Responsibilities of Simulations and Gaming, ISAGA 2003, Chiba
Greater Tokyo, Japan, 25-29 August, 2003
Presentation:Discovering New Relationships and Generalization in Studied Mathematical Materials with the Help of Computer Simulations (with G. Katz)
9th Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education (ITiCSE 2004),
Leeds, UK, 28-30 June, 2004
Poster:OOP via C++, C#...?
10th Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education (ITiCSE 2005),
Monte de Caparica, Portugal, 27-29 June, 2005
Presentation:Complex Analysis in Computer Graphics Course
7th International Conference on Technology in Mathematics Teaching,
Bristol, UK, 2005
The 2006 World Congress in Computer Science Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing (MSV '06) – The 2006 International Conference on Modeling, Simulation and Visualization Methods,
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 26-29 June, 2006
1. Multiple Views in Educational Software for Mathematics
2. Software Support to Studying Mathematics Visually
3rd International Conference on the Teaching of Mathematics,
Istanbul, Turkey, 30 June-5 July, 2006
1. To See the Matrix
2. 3D Computer Geometry – First Attempts Analysis
The 11th Asian Technology Conference in Mathematics (ATCM 2006),
Hong Kong, 12-16 December 2006
Presentation: Unified Software for Unified Mathematics Teaching
First Central and Eastern European Conference on Computer Algebra and Dynamic Geometry Systems in Mathematics Education,
Pecs, Hungary, 20-23 June 2007
Presentation: Common Software for Mathematics Education
The 12th Asian Technology Conference in Mathematics (ATCM 2007),
Taipei, Taiwan, 16-20 December 2007
Presentation: Visual Linear Algebra: Meaning and Realization
The 12th Asian Technology Conference in Mathematics (ATCM 2007),
Taipei, Taiwan, 16-20 December 2007
Presentation: Visualization of Mathematics against Misconceptions
in Computer Graphics Course
The International Congress on Mathematical Education (ICME 11),
Monterey, Mexico, 6-13 July 2008
Presentation: Requirements to the Software for Learning and Teaching of Mathematics
World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications (ED-MEDIA),
Honolulu, Hawaii, 22-26 June 2009
Presentation: Viewing and Interacting with Mathematical Contents
The 9th International Conference on Technology in Mathematics Teaching (ICTMT 9),
Metz, France, 6-9 July 2009
Presentation: An Interface for the Visualization of Roots
The 14th Asian Technology Conference in Mathematics (ATCM 2009),
Beijing, China 17-21 December 2009
Presentation: Educational Software in Compensation of Geometric Back-ground Insufficiency for Computer Graphics Studies
Computer Algebra and Dynamic Geometry Systems in Mathematics Education (CADGME 2010),
Hluboká nad Vitavou, Czech Republic, 29 June-1 July 2010
Presentation: Problems in Function Visualization
Computer Algebra and Dynamic Geometry Systems in Mathematics Education (CADGME 2010),
Hluboká nad Vitavou, Czech Republic, 29 June-1 July 2010
Presentation: Computer-Aided Explorations of Two-Parameter Modular Spaces: Giving Geometric Life to Routine Algebra
Technology and its Integration into Mathematics Education (TIME 2010),
Malaga, Spain, 6-10 July 2010
Presentation: Visualization and Interface in Exploration of Functions
World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications (EDMEDIA 2011),
Portugal, Lisbon, 27 June-1 July 2011
Presentation: Scalpel and Pincette in Mathematics Software
Asian Technology Conference in Mathematics (ATCM) Xi'an,
China, 3-6 August 2011
Plenary Lecture: Software Fitting to Construction and Exploration of Mathematical Models by Students
12th International Congress on Mathematical Education (ICME-12),
Seoul, Korea, 8-15 July 2012
Presentation: Software Tools for Visualizing Multi-Valued Functions
Asian Technology Conference in Mathematics (ATCM)
Bangkok, Thailand, 16-20 December 2012
Invited Lecture: Interconnectivity of Mathematics & the Educational Software Interface
International Conference on Education, Economics, Psychology and Society (ICEEPS)
Beijing, China,14-16 June 2013
Presentation: Psychology of Knowledge Assimilation & Educational Software
Asian Technology Conference in Mathematics (ATCM))
Mumbai, India, 7-11 December 2013
Invited Lecture: Let's Twist Again

V. Nodelman
Creation of educational software
Minsk, 1988 (117 pages)
V. Nodelman, G. Levitas, M. Volovich, E. Arutunjan, J. Glazkov
Self-made equipment on the mathematics lesson
V. Boltjansky (ed.)
Moscow, Prosveschenie, 1980 (64 pages)
- V. Nodelman, G. Katz
The Shape of Algebra in the Mirrors of Mathematics
A Visual, Computer-Aided Exploration of Elementary Algebra and Beyond
World Scientific Publishing Co. Har/Cdr edition, 2012, 632 pages
[ISBN-10: 9814313599; ISBN-13: 978-9814313599 (with CD-ROM)]
V. Nodelman
Mathematics with a spreadsheet
ORT Israel, 1, 1997 (138 pages) [in Hebrew]
- V. Nodelman
Mathematics with a spreadsheet
ORT Israel, 2, 2000 (240 pages) [in Hebrew]
V. Nodelman
Transformation of science information to a didactic one for increasing of its pressure
Ways of School Education Improvement, Moscow, 1978 (28-31)
V. Nodelman
A system of problem types for concepts learning
Creation and Application of Educational Equipment, Moscow, 1979 (125-131)
V. Nodelman
Apparatus in logic
Aids for Mathematics Teaching, Moscow, Prosveschenije, 1980 (22-29)
V. Nodelman
Apparatus "Pseudomovie”
Aids for Mathematics Teaching, Moscow, Prosveschenije, 1980 (15-17)
V. Nodelman
Influence of special work under developing students algorithmic
thinking on the level of their logical culture
Algorithms, Block-Schemes and their Application for Improving Studies
Kuibyshev, 1981 (46-50)
V. Nodelman
Problematical approach in teaching of mathematics instruction methods
as an aid to improving teachers methodical preparation
Improvement of Teachers Methodical Preparation in Pedagogical Institutes
Tashkent, 1982 (233-234)
V. Nodelman
Requirements to software
Problems of Education by Computers, Minsk, 1987 (35-39)
V. Nodelman
Application of educational means for individualizing of students activity
Students Independent Work in Process of Mathematical Studies
Moscow, Prosveschenije, 1988 (16-26)
V. Nodelman, V. Gurevich, A. Likchtarovich
Learning of topic "Computers Structure” in informatics 10th grade
Narodnaja asveta, N1, 1988 (55-62)
V. Nodelman, V. Gurevich
Learning of topic "Computers Structure” in informatics 10th grade processor
Narodnaja asveta, N2, 1988 (45-52)
V. Nodelman, V. Gurevich
Learning of topic "Computers Structure” in informatics 10th grade processor
Narodnaja asveta, N3, 1988 (53-62)
V. Nodelman
Problems System – Base of Educational Software
Narodnaja asveta, N10, 1988 (59-66)
V. Nodelman
Computer aided mathematics teaching
Computer Tools in Schools, N1, 2009 (4-13)
V. Nodelman
Computer aided mathematics teaching
Computer Tools in Schools, N2, 2009 (12-18)
V. Nodelman, G. Katz
Computer-aided explorations of modular spaces of real polynomials:
Giving geometric life to routine algebra
The Electronic J. of Mathematics and Technology
5(1) 2011 [ISSN: 1933-2823]
- V. Nodelman, G. Katz
Software Tools for Visualizing Multivalued Functions
Research Journal of Mathematics and Technology
Vol 2, Number 1 2013 [ISSN: 2163-0380] (42-55)
V. Nodelman
Transfer from educational software development in USSR to Israel
9th Annual Conf. on Computers in Education
Ramat Gan, Israel, 1992, (page 211) [in Hebrew]
V. Nodelman
Excel 5.0 – An environment for educational software development
JISTEC – 2nd Jerusalem Int'l. Science & Technology Education Conf.
Jerusalem, Israel, 1996 (PO51-PO52)
V. Nodelman, E. Sassoon, R. Nachmias, Y. Gell, M. Klartag, I. Zilberstein
100o – A computerized game environment for re-enforcing electricity concepts
JISTEC – 2nd Jerusalem Int'l. Science & Technology Education Conf.
Jerusalem, Israel, 1996 (PO57-PO58)
V. Nodelman
Mathematics studies with a spreadsheets in the secondary school
13th Annual Conf. on Computers in Education
Jerusalem, Israel, 1996, (page 19) [in Hebrew]
V. Nodelman, M. Kopeiykis
Computer modeling of elastoplastic vibrations
26th Israeli Conf. for Mechanical Engineers
Technion, Haifa, Israel, 1996 (599-600)
V. Nodelman
Spreadsheets as a tool for teaching mathematics
13th Int'l. Conf. on Technology and Education
New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, 1996, 2 (639-641)
V. Nodelman
Teaching mathematics with spreadsheets
14th Annual Conf. on Computers in Education
Tel Aviv, Israel, 1997, (page 115) [in Hebrew]
V. Nodelman
Learning Mathematics by means of spreadsheets
Materials of Annual Conf. "Computers in Education”
Tel Aviv, Israel, 1997, (page 46) [in Hebrew]
V. Nodelman
Mathematics classroom and educational technology
15th Int'l. Conf. on Technology and Education
Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, 1998 (63-65)
V. Nodelman, V.E. Levit, Y. Spigel
Interactive software support for teaching calculus
15th Int'l. Conf. on Technology and Education
Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, 1998, (417)
V. Nodelman
Mathematics with spreadsheets
Israeli Mathematics Teachers Journal
1998 (page 3) [in Hebrew]
V. Nodelman
Web mathematics textbook
16th Int'l. Conf. on Technology and Education
Edinburgh, Scotland, 1999 (622-624)
V.E. Levit, V. Nodelman, Ya. Spigel
Interactive software support for teaching calculus
Proc. of the 16th Int'l Conf. on Technology and Education (ICTE '99)
Edinburgh, Scotland, 1999 (102-104)
V. Nodelman
Parametric nature of mathematics' objects and computer environment.
Proc. 5th Int'l. Conf. on Technology in Mathematics Teaching
University of Klagenfurt, Austria, 6-9 Aug. 2001 (5 pages on CD rom)
V. Nodelman
Teaching mathematics concepts by simulation based activities
Proc. 33rd Annual Int'l. Conf. Simulation and Gaming Association
Interactive Learning through Gaming and Simulations, ISAGA/SAGSET 2002
The Int'l. Simulation and Gaming Yearbook
Edinburgh, Scotland, 11, 2002 (1-10)
V. Nodelman
Learning computer graphics by programming: Linking theory and practice
Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education (ITiCSE 2003)
Thessaloniki, Greece, 30 June-2 July 2003 (page 261)
V. Nodelman, G. Katz
Discovering new relationships and generalizations in studied mathematical material
with the help of computer simulations
Proc. 34th Annual Conf. Int'l. Simulation and Association (ISAGA2003)
Chiba, Greater Tokyo, Japan, 25-29 Aug. 2003 (191-199)
V. Nodelman, B. Haberman
Complex analysis in a computer graphics course
Proc. 10th Annual Conf. on Innovation and Technology in
Computer Science Education (ITiCSE 2005)
Monte da Caparica, Portugal, 27-29 June 2005 (page 381) [poster]
V. Nodelman
Interactive 3D geometry
Proc. 7th Int'l. Conf. on Technology in Mathematics Teaching
Bristol, UK, 26-29 July 2005, Vol.1 (page 218) [poster]
- V. Nodelman
Complex analysis – The problem of visualization
Proc. 7th Int'l. Conf. on Technology in Mathematics Teaching
Bristol, UK, 26-29 July 2005, Vol.2 (page 268) [poster]
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