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 The International Conference on Complex Analysis and Operator Theory at HIT 

The International Conference on Complex Analysis and Operator Theory was held at HIT Holon Institute of Technology. The conference was organized by a committee headed by Prof. Anatoly Golberg, Head of the School of Mathematical Sciences, and Prof. Aviv Gibali, Head of the Department of Applied Mathematics at HIT together with Prof. Mikhail Sodin from Tel Aviv University.


 The International Conference on Complex Analysis and Operator Theory at HIT 



The conference was in honor of Prof. Daoud Bshouty (Technion), Prof. David Shoikhet (HIT) and Prof. Simeon Reich (Technion).

The opening remarks were followed by various lectures by experts in the field Lp(R)Lp(R). 
Prof. Nir Lev from Bar-Ilan University spoke about Schauder frames in the space

Prof. Alon Nishri from Tel Aviv University presented Integer-valued polynomials satisfying a growth constraint.
Prof. Mark Ellin from the Braude College of Engineering talked about Non-linear resolvents of holomorphically accretive mappings.

The conference was attended by some of the world's leading researchers and lecturers, including:

Prof. Fedor Pakovich, Ben Gurion University of the Negev who spoke about intersections of orbits of rational functions

Prof. Ami Viselter from the University of Haifa, who presented Rieffel deformations of locally compact quantum groups. 
Dr. Yohay Jerby from HIT, who presented the Edwards' speculation on the origin of the Riemann Hypothesis and higher-order 


Dmitri Karp from HIT who presented Generalization of Meijer's G-function by using Barnes' double gamma function Tho Hein Nguyen from the Julius-Maximilian University of Wurzburg who presented the Analytic closure of sets of univariate hyperbolic polynomials. 


This international conference provides a platform for sharing knowledge and research in the field of complex analysis and operator theory. It contributes to the deepening of knowledge and academic ties and puts HIT at the forefront of research in the field of complex analysis and operator theory.