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A large exhibition at the Vitrina Gallery at HIT presented projects made by students from the multi-disciplinary track.

Curation: Dr Sayfan G. Borghini ;

Scientific Advisor: Dr Nava Shaked
Graphic Design: Michal Kastiel ;

Space Design: Anat Lidsky

The Exhibition “Intersection” aimed to bring a panorama into new areas of studies and innovation which cannot be defined within the traditional Silos of academic disciplines, but demand knowledge exchanges across disciplines.



Each new area is represented by a few works which are the result of multidisciplinary collaborations. Design, Engineering, Computer sciences, Mathematics, Biology, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence and Social Sciences are here intersecting and merging further to give rise to the new areas of: Wearable technology, Biomimicry, Social robots, Cyberspace, Dark-net, Symmetry and Fractal studies, Biometric technologies and more.


Intersection builds on projects realized within the Cluster of Multidisciplinary Studies, HIT, Israel.



The Program hosts Lecturers from all the faculties and is headed by Dr. Nava Shaked. The projects were created by students cooperating across disciplines and reflect the synergies at play between technology, science and design.
Eluding the deliberate separation from nature of the ‘sciences of the artificial’ (Simon, 1969), technology is progressively merging with the physiological and the natural and comes to ever more dominate the social.


Evolution proceeds via our cultural systems and modifies humans’ immediate intersection with the real to produce new and somehow foreign environments. The works presented show how the transforming nature of innovation requires new types of academic and cognitive approaches that can integrate multiple domains of knowledge, while inviting us to rethink the questions emerging with the ever fuzzier lines of distinctions.



Published: 24.6.18