Community Engagement in Israeli Society
In what ways has Israeli society changed over the decades? What is the human fabric Israeli society is made of? What are the major challenges it is facing today? In this course we explore the major transformations Israeli society has undergone and how they affect its various sectors. We learn about these big questions by combining in-class study with “hands-on” social engagement in the community – a great way to learn directly about key social questions! Community service will enhance our understanding of such issues as poverty, inequality, various and conflicting identities, excluded and disadvantaged groups, and more. We will discuss broad topics about the complex tapestry of Israeli society: Ashkenazi vs Mizrahi Jews, Arab vs Jewish citizens, recent immigrants from the EX-Soviet Union and Ethiopia, labor migrants and asylum seekers.
The course consists of weekly in-class sessions and community service in various organizations, according to the choice of each student. Community service will be done by each student independently, and outside the regular class schedule.
** This course is taken together with course 'Transformations in Israeli Society'
Students in previous years engaged in a broad range of community activities:
Assistance to labor migrants’ children in southern Tel Aviv
Instruction and empowerment for at-risk youth at a community center of a disadvantaged neighborhood in Rishon Leziyon
Instruction and support for senior citizens in the use of computers
Refurbishing homes of poor people in need
Key activities in which past students were involved:
Teaching assistance & empowerment to disadvantaged children at school
Activities and support for the blind
Creativity workshops for at-risk youth
Engagement and support for LGBTQ+ youth
Sports activities with disadvantaged populations
Teaching and support for children with autism spectrum disorder
Food provision to the homeless and to families in need
And many more…
From the course’s topics
What defines us in relation to the society we live in:
Political view, economic class, or ethnic-national identity?
Source: Tamar Herman (et al.) "The Israeli Democracy Index, 2020", IDI, 2020.
Why is there poverty in Israel? Who are the poor in our society?
Is poverty increasing or falling?

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