Training “Green Ambassadors” in the community
In this course we engage with elementary schools, training their students to become “green ambassadors” in their own community. By experiential learning methods, HIT students teach the young kids about global warming, pollution, renewable energy, and other environmental topics. Each year the course reaches out to a different sector in Israeli society.
In the first half of the course HIT students learn about the foundations of ecology and environmental science, but also about community activity and Israeli society. In the second half they work with the kids in fun workshops where they get to experience and experiment in science and technology. At the end of the course, the young students are invited for a special ceremony at HIT, introducing them to higher education, where they receive the “Green Ambassador” diploma.
In 2020-21, responding to the challenge of Covid-19, we reached out to the periphery of Israel, working with two elementary schools in Dimona: “Ben Atar” (religious Jewish school) and “Yitzchak Sade” (secular Jewish school). We sent special experiment kits of lab equipment to the kids and held our meetings with them online, carrying out the experiments together in real time.
This course has been running successfully for five consecutive years. It has been recommended by Israel’s Council of Higher Education and received the support of the Ministry of Energy.
Watch more of our videoclips about previous classes in this course:
Al-Umariyya School (Arab school), Ramla, 2018
Yeshurun School (Jewish-religious), Holon, 2019
Students even became involved in academic writing. They published articles in academic journals and presented posters in international conferences!
Samples of academic articles published by our students:
- Renewable Energy, Ecology and Environment to Arabic Pupils Using a Creative, “Hands On” Approach, Environments 2018, 5(6), 66.
- Higher Education Learning How to Protect the Environment, Energies 2020, 13(20), 5450.

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