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A Weizmann Institute of Science delegation visited HIT 

The management of HIT Holon Institute of Technology hosted the management of the Weizmann Institute of Science on their first official visit. 


A Weizmann Institute of Science delegation visited HIT 


Chairman of the Board of Trustees Pinchas (Pini) Cohen, Chairman of the Executive Committee, Prof. Adir Pridor, President of the Institute Prof. Eduard Yakubov, HIT's CEO, Samuel Goldberg and Dr. Refael Barkan, Vice President for Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Internationalization, hosted a delegation from the Weizmann Institute of Science, headed by Mr. Shimshon Harel, Chairman of the Board of Directors and Chairman of the Association of Friends, and Prof. Alon Chen, President of the Weizmann Institute. 


 Prof. Yakubov opened the meeting and presented the Institute's activities and unique faculties, departments, and programs, such as the B.Sc. degree in Digital Medical Technologies and the Faculty of Instructional Technologies. The President also presented HIT's vision of excellence, innovation, industry experience, and societal involvement. 


"In the last decade, the Institute has made several far-reaching changes for the student's well-being and future. We try to ensure that every graduate finds a job in their field of expertise no later than six months from the day of graduation, and for this purpose, many resources are being used. In addition, HIT strives to make higher education accessible to unique populations, especially members of the Ethiopian community who study technological subjects and whose percentage among the Institute's students exceeds the regular percentage in the academy. This makes me very proud," said Pini Cohen, chairman of the board of trustees. 


"We at HIT adhere to a very high standard of admission to the Institute, which guarantees the quality of our graduates," said Prof. Adir Pridor, Chairman of the Executive Committee. 

"Today, our students graduate from the Institute and continue to pursue advanced doctoral studies at the Weizmann Institute of Science. We would be happy to expand and deepen the collaboration between both institutions," said Prof. Yakubov. 


The guests visited the LIVING LAB - a "smart home" laboratory with advanced technologies that allow research and development tools for monitoring, diagnosing, treating, and tracking people at home, including inpatients. The delegation went on to visit the MADE research and development laboratory, a multidisciplinary laboratory dealing with the development and design of assistive medical technologies, where a process of characterization, planning, research, and development takes place with clinical partners for creating technological solutions in medicine. These technologies allow the collection of information and research in different disciplines, turning them into recommendations for treatment while keeping all the information in a personal medical file. 


Mr. Shimshon Harel and Prof. Chen admired what was being done at the Institute. Prof. Chen noted that he could already see various areas where cooperation between the two institutions can be found, especially in light of establishing a medical school at Weizmann Institute that will emphasize the place of technology in the medical world. 


 In his visit to the Living Lab, Prof. Chen added that this is the first time he has been exposed to such a lab with excellent potential. He also noted the intelligent developments in the MADE laboratory. 

"I look at the data that emerges from the hard work you are doing, and it is clear that this is an institution with impressive and unique achievements, which has a promising future for progress in the higher education system in Israel," Prof. Chen concluded. 


Guests of the Weizmann Institute: 

Prof. Alon Chen - President of the Weizmann Institute of Science.

Mr. Shimshon Harel - Chairman of the Board of Directors and Chairman of the Friends Association 


Participants of the HIT : 

Mr. Pinchas (Pini) Cohen - Chairman of the Board of Trustees 

Prof. Adir Pridor - Chairman of the Executive Committee 

Prof. Eduard Yakubov - President of HIT 

Mr. Samuel Goldberg - CEO 

Dr. Refael Barkan - Vice President for Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Internationalization 

Mr. Gal Steinhart - Vice President of Computing and Information Systems 

Mr. Moti Mish'an - Head of the President's Office and Senior Advisor