M.Sc. in Computer Science

M.Sc. in Computer Science
(with or without a thesis)

Prof. Udi Rotics, Head, M.Sc. program in Computer Science

The M.Sc. program offers a broad range of academic courses, alongside exposure to industry, and guest lectures by both leading researchers and top industry figures. 


The program aims to:
  • Combine theoretical knowledge with hands-on technological training to equip students with advanced and relevant tools 
  • Equip students with the diverse knowledge required to assume significant positions in industry
  • Foster familiarity with changing trends 
  • Involve students in research conducted by faculty


Students may choose one of two M.Sc. tracks:
  • M.Sc. with thesis (research track) – for students who see their future in innovation and R&D centers, or intend to pursue a PhD in the field
  • M.Sc. without thesis – for students who see their future in industry, and wish to acquire the knowledge and skills to lead complex technological projects

Areas of study include:

applied algorithms, robotics, networks, geometry, genetic algorithms, cryptography, computerized vision and image processing, big data and data analysis, machine learning, artificial intelligence, autonomic transport, natural language processing, quantum calculation, bio-informatics, financial mathematics, verification of complicated systems