Academic entrepreneurship focuses on raising the value of the Holon Institute of Technology (H.I.T.) by means of organizational activities fostering creativity, innovation and innovativeness for its staff members and students.
These activities are the outcome of an efficient and effective interface existing between a large number of factors and interested parties inside and outside of H.I.T. Among the partners in these entrepreneurship processes, one can find members of the academic and administrative staffs, students, academic institutions in Israel and abroad, industrial firms, governmental agencies, social organizations, etc.
This academic entrepreneurship facilitates processes that build partnerships, enriching each of the partners and helping to achieve unique and meaningful research goals. It supports all the administrative and managerial processes required to secure the success of various projects and research.
Academic entrepreneurship projects enable staff members and students to cooperate with industry and to develop joint ventures, which then serve as the basis for commercial success, also providing the infrastructure for holding meetings and conferences on interesting topics at the forefront of technology, such as the development of more joint ventures and the promotion of investment projects.
As an academic institution, H.I.T. employs academic entrepreneurship to promote technological development, social development and practical and industrial innovativeness that fulfill the needs of both the environment and society.
Academic entrepreneurship contributes to advanced R&D and to the technological commercialization of ideas and methods from the very core of the institute's activity. H.I.T. leverages all this technological, social and practical development and industrial innovativeness into fulfilling the needs of both industry and society.

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