Renewable Energy and Smart Grid Excellence Center
A new integrated track of study: Renewable Energy and Power Systems
The Energy field is thriving. This is due to several factors: the world energy crisis, political trends that create a rise in oil prices and other environmental topics. All of these have brought upon the emergence of new and fascinating fields dealing with Energy.
The introduction of renewable energy sources to the electricity network and the realization of the need to optimize the current network with modern tools, had all brought upon a new research field: The Smart Grid.
The entire world of Energy goes through a revival phase recently. It has to do with a few factors: the world energy crisis; political trends which create a huge rise in oil prices and other environmental issues, all these have contributed to the emergence of new and fascinating interest areas that have to do with Energy.
The introduction of alternative (renewable) energy sources to the electricity network and the realization that there's a need to improve and optimize the current network using modern tools, has brought upon a new research field, called The Smart Grid .

It creates a new interaction between various disciplines. The goal is to create an electricity network that is controlled by computers that are inter-connected via a cutting edged communication network. This is an entirely new technological and conceptual revolution.
Following the receipt of an award for research, funded by the Chief Science Officer of Israel, a research group and the Renewable Energy and Smart Grid Excellence Center were both founded in HIT in June 2011, with the purpose of encouraging research and creation in the field of energy.
In the heart of the center, the renewable energy and smart grid laboratory was established headed by Dr. Yuval Beck, Head of Power Engineering at the Faculty of Engineering.
The laboratory is equipped with state of the art equipment and experiments including: photovoltaic, water energy, wind energy, fuel cells and smart meters and smart grid equipment. The laboratory is a "paper free” laboratory supervised by computerized experiments.
The laboratory is equipped with state of the art equipment and experiments including: photovoltaic, water energy, wind energy, fuel cells and smart meters and smart grid equipment. The laboratory is a "paper free” laboratory supervised by computerized experiments.
The Renewable Energy Center's vision
Our Team's vision is to combine the vast knowledge of the institute's researches in this filed and to create national excellence and research center for the advanced energy fields.

This group is unique and includes HIT's researches and leading industry figures from various energy fields. Among them the founders of "Novel Power Systems Ltd., the founder of Lncon systems, Ltd, the Regulatory director of Better Place as well as Design researches, HIT's maintenance manager and students.
The Center's Objective is to create scientific collaborations that will lead to receiving prestigious grants, as well as to publishing joint essays. The goal is to promote the Renewable Energy and Smart Grid Excellence and Research center. Collaboration with the industry enables the establishment of joint ventures which will promote research and HIT in this field.

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