Paper written by two students from the Faculty of Engineering published in Applied Sciences magazine
The students, Alex Liebenson and Mark Rayhshtat, guided by Dr. Dror Malka, based their paper on their Final Project and it deals with improving the efficiency of the diagnosis of MS using MRI scans.
Building upon the success of the first edition (2007), Wireless Transceiver Design 2nd Edition, new book by Prof. Motti Haridim JIT's vice president for academic development and Ariel Luzzatto, former Chief Scientist of Motorola Israel.
Dr. Balberg, senior lecturer at the Faculty of engineering at HIT , has received a 144,000 $ (4 years) grant from the bi-national Israel-USA fund- BSF- with Prof. Sergio Fantini, from Tufts University in Massachusetts.
At the 10th INTEND 2016 the new "Paperless Lab" instruction system was introduced for the first time.
Thanks to the professional knowledge he demonstrated in his interview, Natanel impressed them and was hired.
Many systems such as communication, inspections & control, medical devices, and electro-optic, which exist in an electromagnetic environment, affect this environment and are affected by it.
"Nanotechnology: from academy to industry" was the title of conference that took place at HIT hosted by the Engineering and Science Faculties.
The 'Academia Project' graduate who wants to contribute back to the program which made it all possible for him
A new integrated track of study: Renewable Energy and Power Systems
Leading industry experts lectured in this year's conference about process technologies, speech and language, human- machine interfaces and interaction technologies in the field of accessibility.

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