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HIT - Holon Institute of Technology, through its tech transfer office -A.Y.Y.T, which is responsible for promoting innovation and entrepreneurship on behalf of HIT, and the Uzbek Mirzo Ulugbek Innovation Center signed a Memorandum of Understanding for academic and business collaboration.

Prof. Michaela (Miky) Ronen, beloved Dean of the Faculty of Instructional Technologies at HIT, passed away after a prolonged battle with cancer.

The article describes a joint research done by researchers from HIT together with a research team from the Sourasky Medical Center’s research laboratories, studied neural patterns of human gait.

Dr. Boris Gutkin, senior lecturer at the Faculty of Sciences, HIT, was awarded a personal 4 year grant by the prestigious ISF –Israel Science Foundation.

The purpose of the visit was to explore and study the ways in which HIT manages to incorporate innovation into its studies and integrates it into its ties with the industry.

An official delegation from Baku State University (BSU), Azerbaijan, visited HIT for the first time.

The annual Design Supporters event was held at the faculty of Design's Graduates' Exhibition, hosted by HIT's President Prof. Eduard Yakubov.

The article titled "Personalized Health Systems—Past, Present, and Future of Research Development and Implementation in Real-Life Environment" was published in the prestigious "Frontiers in Medicine" magazine.

Idan Herbet, 3rd year student from the industrial Design dept. at the Faculty of Design, HIT, won the Silver Design Award at The A'Design Award and Competition in Italy, for the design of a Portable Gas Stove.

The Mirzo Uglubek Innovation Center was established in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan for cardinal improvement of conditions for development of information technologies industry in the Republic and for the support of development and implementation of Information Technologies.