Community-Engaged Courses
We aspire to get out of our “ivory tower” and reach out to our community. This cluster aims to promote social awareness and academic projects based on collaboration with the community.
The work you will carry out in these courses is a “win-win” situation: on the one hand, a contribution and involvement in the community, and on the other hand, an enriching learning experience of the social world, which goes beyond theory and ideas. Community service courses give you a “hands-on” approach for expanding your knowledge about society, politics and culture. In some of them you will also be able to put into practice your skills in design, technology, or engineering for the mutual benefit of the community and yourself.
The learning process in these courses is based on students’ experience through working with people in the community, and is complemented by academic perspectives (discussions, papers, projects, etc.) to shed light on social issues, such as poverty, education, civil society and marginalization. These courses offer a unique experience that crosses the boundaries between academic theory and social practice.

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